View Full Version : The End of Blissful Ignorance (Solo)

12-05-14, 10:44 PM
Closed To Salem

A tinkering warlock is the truth of Salem’s life. Being wrapped up a in blissful ignorance that magic concur all. During Salem’s brief and enlightened quest and travels away from home. He had come to fact a the unescapable fact that he is not as good at combat nor does he have a real understanding about a multitude of subjects concerning survival and its many sub parts.

He sat at his table with ale in hand. Taking a long drought as he contemplated the truths of his far for ideal standing. He knew it was time for a change sadly however, he would have to go to the one person that he remember like yesterday disregarding said person like trash found in an ally.

Reaching his verdict that would have to suck this one up and plead with a old friend to grant him with the tutelage of which he so much desired and need to survival his quest so to come. Salem dreams of the head as the head of his family. As it is now there are four and yet become is the main of course. His family is divided by class of warlock in their particular gift and direct line of blood to the main house as well. Being the son of a head family member much was expected yet he would have a long way to go.

“Smack”, his head bounced off the table and he was gone for the time being.

Laughing as he awoke in a much more so sober state of mind. With mind showing a person that is clearly hung over. He stood up with a wobbling body taking quite the amount of needed to attempt standing up right. “Man I may have over did it”, with a lopsided grin he backed away from his table knocking the chair over behind him and making way to a man’s house known as Asita Zay Astraga.

With a bang upon the door three times over. He banged on the door with his head held low as he knew he had no right to ask such a favor that he was about to ask; but with a chance in trade of a favor in return he could possibly sway the mind of Asita.

12-06-14, 12:04 AM
He stood in the opening of a large dark colored marble archway. This building way past its prime yet showed a past of riches. Standing there as he doubted the large stained oak with redwood trimming double doors would open up for the likes of him. After a few minutes turning he heard the beating of footsteps on a wooden floor. The echo steps grew closer and closer; his heart begun to race as he knew he was about to be turned away.

“Creeeek”, the sound was long and drawn out.

“I’ve been excepting you. Come in we have much to discuss.”, the dark elf spoke.

Looking like a whither elder. High up in age, oddly enough most elven beings look young in appearance. Asita has been alive for hundreds of years maybe even nearing a thousand or so. Salem would never ask. As rumor had before Asita was Salem’s teacher as a child up tell being that of a young adult. Learning nonstop about magical theory and the science along with the chemistry that of course followed on with making various concoctions.

Salem followed the elf into his home as he was told. Being led to a room in the center of the house big enough to be a smaller sized mansion than normal still yet; a very large house. Grabbing chair as he sat there wide eyed a bit confused. Something was not right with how easy this encounter as of yet. But he would not count his chickens tell they hatched so to speak.

He sat there with his fingers inner-laced awaiting as his old teacher took a seat and speak his mind.

“I know why you have come but know this”, his voice sounding mysterious and such. And yet; Salem knew he was drawing out whatever the male knew that he didn’t on purpose.

“You will not ever step out of line if you wish to receive tutelage within this manner”. With a nod and nothing more Salem gave a physical acknowledgement of agreement. “Once you are in the position to reinstate myself to proper title with in the Astraga Family blood line.”With gulp he nodded once more as quick blur of motion sprung across the table grasping his hand with Asita’s own hand. “You will swear by this with your life.” Taking his point finger nail and cutting a straight line from Salem’s hand to his own it actually hurt a fair bit. The elf would make a trail of blood. Drawing many swirls that shaped a pentagram unlike he had seen before that was woven cross both hands. Out of no were a bright line shined and the deal was done.

Salem being completely useless at this point. As he felt as if he could pass out and never awaken; he had just caught on to the fact that his own spiritual essence was used for this spell of sorts. His last thought as he was taken to a near couch for rest was I had just signed a deal with the devil.

12-07-14, 02:38 AM
“Man this is exhausting”, he bellowed. He had been training all morning. Practicing to fully master his most basic manipulation of wizard’s fire. Throwing fire balls at practice targets. Learning to stream fire into deadly accurate precision along with a much hotter flame. All this being possible by the two amulets Asita give him for his training duration while under Asita’s tutelage. One of stamina and one for enhanced control of his magic.

After learning to hold a stream of fire for nearly two minutes straight multiple times a day he moved on releasing fire from every limb of the body making this particular manipulation act as if it was a direct limb of himself. Body and mind boggling; his training never stopped. He had been working on this particular practice every day for the last three weeks.

Every day he practiced under his master; never feeling truly accomplished. Knowing that yes he had made outstanding progress in growth he was brought back two the reality that he had only successful hit a mid-level manipulation nearing on advanced after a one month total.

Just as he thought about how long he had been going at this…

“Well done, it is time to turn toward more physical aspect of training”, Asita told him in a matter of fact kind of tone.

“Okay… This wasn’t physical”, he laughed like a kid thing right.

“Warlocks don’t do push ups…”, he breathed as his arms screamed at him to stop this mind bending madness that felt like punishment for wrong doing and less like being taught how to be a wizard. Actually he could barely do fifty in a single set. However; the main part of his training revolved around running and then muscle training after several miles a day.

With his second part of the day learning to channel earth or other metals and minerals into his body. Failing at sadly enough for endlessly to perform a true body like transformation of awesomeness. Every time he does the spell crafting he ends up turning his hands and feet into an iron like substance which way off course. He didn’t like looking at his skin turning or being dark grey. Nor looking like a messed up gnome.

However; he did start to think it was cool in an odd sort of way. He would recite quotes from his dad saying, “HULK SMASH”. Having no clue where the saying came from but it was most awesome and exciting part of his day.

Just like his wizards fire training this begun to hit a dead end rather quickly after a month or so. Up to the point that it grow rather annoying to the point he finally just stopped yelling,” I’m GETTING NO WHERE WITH THIS CRAP”.

And in the most you’re an idiot tone of voice from his teacher,” Learning new tricks does not make you a better warlock.”

12-07-14, 02:40 AM
Dumb struck thinking no of course not. Yet, he had no idea where to go from this point. It was watching a dollar bill being ripped in half and then again. What once felt like a ladder to mastery and reaching the heavens feeling like haha the joke is on you.

“Being an expert in magic is not just in a book or physical training nor a fancy and colorful spell.”

“A master of their craft trains in every aspect not just one or two”, He paused allow the effect to hit Salem’s think skull.

“I will not spell it out for you boy. As I teach you; you don’t listen boy.”

“You will have exactly one more month with me. Learning to do and be great is by striving to finish your craft and not leaving a single stone un-turned.” His master walked away after those last words. Knowing he had crushed Salem. Yet, even though Salem had no idea of his master grin at the time. He felt like a failure.

He had sat down just like every night eating soup with meat and potatoes. A piece of bread on the side with a cup of mead to wash it down. He had grown sick of this sight. He looked up from his resting place at the towering shelves of books around the room. He got up and walked over. Holding out his hand he light a fire the size of a baseball in his right hand lighting the area. As took every step reading the titles of novels as he passed.

It was not in tell he noticed random carving of word or so he thought was random. Here is my pillar of knowledge. Learning a single craft has taken decades but learning multiple arts has prevailed in my knowledge to be a jack of all trades.

It hit like a animal caught in a bright on coming light. His ideal belief of hey I will master this art and being like no other. His brain was fixed on the ending. The jack of all trades, being complete is not sitting one’s self to one teacher or one book; not even a single art.

Salem finished his food with and went to sleep with his body roaring to life in a manner of speaking. He was ready to look at learning in much different light. He fell a sleep with the term on his tongue, “Jack of All Trades”.

12-11-14, 09:55 PM
Salem rose up from the bed at before the sun would even dare appearing for hours. Reading through countless books. Learning a multitude of facts about dozens of subjects all tying to the body. He needed to learn to find a better center within himself. In his discovery. Salem wasn’t happy with who he was. Which in turn took its effect on his abilities as a warlock. It makes no sense in some ways. Salem hated who his family is and what they stood for being known for make beings something they were not.

In the end his new goal was still his old goal just a bit different in the outcome to change the history of his family. “HAHA”, he thought to himself. Such genius and novice warlock here to take over the world folks. Yea that sounded dumb no matter what tone he used as he said it to himself.

Of course he had no idea how to do this. But he did recalled a passage about channeling once inner spiritual essence. He would try this later on. As it was a form of meditation. But as he finally decided to leave his room after what seemed like centuries. He walked over to speak to Asita,” What can you tell me about Blood cleansing?”

“What… THAT IS YOUR ANSWER? To discard your past and future; that is not the answer.”

“Sit down boy”. He waited with a blank face. Salem guessed that he knew what he was thinking. To get rid of his other half.

“Do you know anything about your ancestors other than the fact your family hold a small amount of dark elven blood?” Asita Questioned.

Looking at Asita in his most duh face he could manage. Oddly enough he only knew of the monsters that he read about in books.

So it was decided that after hours of conversation and discovery on his part. The elves were not monsters it was his family that distorted so many stories.

Farther more; the legend of his ability to mix the blood of beings with others. Came from something much different. That would be explored later on.

It was becoming very noticeable that Salem was lost. Once he thought he found he found the answer was a idiot and when he thought himself to be a idiot to be congratulated. He was lost in his lack of experience. He would go along for the ride in tell he saw fit to turn away. Asita had been very up front with him so far so he would follow in tell he proved other wise.

12-11-14, 11:26 PM
It turned out to be a short ride. He knew new of teleportation spells that worked so well. However; now Salem went from standing in the living room of his teacher’s home to the wilderness of Raiaera. As he come to find there was more than the story books had to offer.

Being told of countless battles within elven houses for power and struggles of war. The name Astraga was apparently one of the houses the predated back in time as one of the original houses of Dark Elves. However; they were the reason for their own end. Not knowing when to fight or when to hold ground. The power with power was believing oneself unstoppable.

As he learned more as he strolled along the wilds. Asita took him to a hidden parts within the depths of forest. Hidden by magic. He would meet a clan forgotten by time and tells of history to learn the truth of his family’s magic.

Doing countless bows of respect and actually making friends with some and evil more likely with more.

It wasn’t in tell the end of the day when he the stomach to finally ask what this was a about.

“ To rejoin your family whole as it was meant”, Asita spoke.

Laughably,” You mean as a pure elf?”

“You know that is not possible”, He retorted.

“Oh but it is, and this is why I trained you”, and” This is why I chose to give one more month because you will be effected by time itself”, Asita spoke. "But if you make this decision it can never be undone; further more you be younger.”

“The craft works by using the power of time that it pulls the magic from your bloodline of a vessel.”

“Let it be done”, Salem finally agreed. He had no idea what was about to happen. He had never heard of such even from the most famous of warlocks.

A new chapter would open up in his life.



12-24-14, 04:59 PM
His spine arched and joints popped. I ground my teeth together first ripple of pain lapped his physical stature. And then nothing like the first tidal wave had just calmed down like a still lake on a quiet day. His hair had turned white and skinned darkened with color. His eyes remaining the same bright yellow. But on the inside his body had down a shift of physical enhancement and change of structure on a scale like one could not believe without seeing. His body had grew to be six foot two inches. The feeling of your bones stretching and your muscles reforming through growth along with change in their original placement. His teeth shifted in his mouth as they grew. His organs had even changed their places if only by mere centimeters or inches.

The best way to describe this was like being skinned as ones bones broke and were misplaced. Talk about wanting a capsule of Tylenol. This slow process happening over three days and leaving him bed ridden for two. Like having a rubber band pulled back just behind breaking and then easing off by millimeter. His body was rode hard and put of soggy.

The biological processes alone took a hold over him as many came and left to see the sight off what he was and use to be. He looked out with a different state of mind yet receiving the same results. He felt like a foreigner in his own skin yet at peace if such had even existed at this moment and time.

All said and done; he finally begun to move after a full week and begun walking on his own two feet after nearly two weeks. You see it’s not like transformation like a wolf or shifter because it was natural for them this was forever.

After all this time he had yet to see Asita tell now. And so; with a deeply carved smile of gratitude Asita said I thought you wouldn’t make it. Salem laughed. Everything would be different not because he didn’t feel excepted but just from the looks he got now it would not even come close to the ones from home.

However; so much more had change in the next two minutes after just one question but really statement.

“I hope that you understand you will not be leaving this place for no less than one year” Asita spoke with a voice of sorrow and compassion.”

“You are now as if you was just birthed as a young infant in need of milk and care”

Salem SCREAMED in agony.


12-26-14, 09:08 AM
In his mind what took the longest to understand was the drastic change in his life. To understand has a different being entirely. IT wasn’t like teaching a child or a dog new tricks. IT was like teaching someone to be something they’re not. And yet, in retrospect he was in fact what he use to not be which is a dark elf. It wasn’t for a short time or blink in his life where an experiment had gone wrong and all he needed was a cure. He would forever be an elven.

As such he was school in basic practices and understand of law, government, religion, history and trade craft. Spending weeks about on a single subject but before he got to all this his first chore was biology of himself. To many it was very odd. Teaching someone about their body was a given understanding however no that was no longer true because of the fact that he was not born elf. Learning the limits of his physical capabilities. Yes he felt stronger and faster but he wasn’t born with such gifts so it wasn’t a magical change either. It was more like unlocking a gift that would have to be honed.

The law of the lands he was fairly understood because he grew up in Alerar; but his people were not modern as far as most. There was no hollow-graphic screens or fancy couches and yes he hated it. It felt like med evil times with modern medical practices. His religious instruction was a waste for the most part because as a warlock or wizard one came to point of understand of magic. And believed in a power on the people from earth. Not from a god that so many worshipped to have a faith of blindness.

History was in fact his most enjoyed subject. Because of his family’s birth line his ancestors were elven. Only after hundreds of year with mating outside of their own people and with humans that his line had become deluded with that fact that they had lost all physical features of a elf other than their yellow eyes. During such he learned that his family line was one of the original mage families. Ranging from alchemist, to sorcerers, teachers of arcane arts and a long line of arch mages. This all well and good but only to end such a tell of power with the fall of their own doings. A war long ago had broken out dividing the family into two separate group killing each other off for years to follow. With the very few that remained dying off in the start of the demon war of

Trade craft was the last piece of study he was required to understand which of course would be his easiest schooling or it at least started out the way. Yes he could use magic and he even though he knew all there was to know of how it worked. Up in tell he got laughed at. The elven way is to be smart and Salem would have beat his life that was how he wielded magic beforehand. Then he was shown the hard facts and truth that he only substituted his abilities for items to hide behind them. Yes, he could be tricky with his mask and throw a golem at his opponent but it just wasn’t enough.

In a short duel of best two out of three with Asita he lost every time. It brought him to a understanding that he had told before he was uncomplete.

Through this amount of time which was what felt like a life time being only months. He felt like battle raged in himself as he sought understand as a elf and not a human he felt he was at war within himself who he was trying to be and who he was when in fact after hr had already changed. He would never be as others of his skin but he would never be a human again either. His only hope was to continue this road. He thought all he needed was the classes and he would understand his people when in fact it left him with so many different questions. Being unsatisfied about his current understanding that he tried to gain. Hitting a final point that know on can teach him about himself. That is something he would struggle with a on a mental and physical level that no one could help him with.

At the end of several months he now knew he would continue his practices in a different way. He would fashion himself to a student of his art. He was shown that that even though he had true nac for magical prowess he lacked true understanding. He would train outside of just Asita’s teaching. A long way to go was a understatement.

12-26-14, 10:39 AM
It was no longer about what use to be or even what was after a while so much had changed for Salem. After nearly eight months of teaching there was no more that could be taught without beating a the horse to death so to speak. Salem had begun his life in the most normal way possible he took brawling more so than before as his hobby. Oddly enough he begun to enjoy a lot as well. He turned out to be a fair mage and took up alchemy as his trade and while under the tutelage of Asita yet for a while longer once again. This time learning about the several areas of magic from necromancy, arcane arts, divine, and so many more not that he could use them as of yet but he wanted a complete understanding.

Yet even that would take years. Being stuck in this cycle he could now see happening over and over. He couldn’t help but now become sick of. Becoming different was not a reason to be locked away.

He had a choice to make so he would. Later he may have regretted it but as of now he felt like wanting dictionary being compiled with facts that would never use. It was time to move on and perhaps make a different life for himself. He grabbed a single blade of iron that was a short knife as he hid it into his robes and stood out. Picking up a single vile of gas that would a being be in deep sleep in seconds.

12-26-14, 11:07 AM
There he sat in a light sleep. Salem could no longer deal with himself or this happy home picture. Taking the purple vile and casting it out he muttered to himself thanks for making me your lab rat. He would cover his mouth as he threw the vile out and in nearly a minute his teacher out cold.

“Time to leave this joint”, oddly enough no matter how long he tried to change. He had just not the way so many had wanted. Leaving out past the gate he stunk up to the guard and planted the blade through the third and fourth rib killing him in nearly an instant. He left to never look back. Salem was now a dark elf with nowhere to go and had just made his own choice. His long white like silver hair and bright yellow eyes. He would no longer be like he was before man did he still love his music and chocolate ice cream.

Heading out he would open up his palm and strike a flame. It was a dark purple, he they say the flame is a direct representation of the soul and his inner self would no longer be the same. He laughed as he disappeared into the darkness. Feeling like he had finally found a place to call home.

Three years later…

Salem heard the words of the couple talk of a man with yellows wanted by dead or alive. He grinned to himself as he drink his brew. A table of men spoke about a cross that had just been stolen that could raise the dead. His mouth watered he couldn’t help himself. He stood up walking over to the group. “You know it’s not polite to spread gossip that is how nasty rumors spread.” He walk to the door way running his hand over the wooden fixture releasing a deadly spell of dark magic. His fire would consume all that walked the halls of the tavern this night.

No one would speak of him again with being afraid for life and he preferred it that way. There were plenty of dark nasties so to speak. And he felt like if his name was reaching even the fair folk of this small town it was time go on a hunting spree.

Nothing turns out the way one may expect it

12-28-14, 04:22 AM
Name of Thread: The End of Blissful Ignorance (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28364-The-End-of-Blissful-Ignorance-%28Solo%29).
Judgement type: No Judgement
Participants: Salem (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17567-Salem)

Salem receives:
735 EXP!
110 GP!

In light of this thread and the spoils request, Salem is able to make a mid-level update, highlighting the changes. Please make a new character sheet explaining your changes and submit it to RoG, as that will have to be approved (re-approved). You will be able to change your abilities, but not gain any more than your current character.

Please link this thread as proof of being able to make such an update.

01-07-15, 06:15 PM
GP and EXP Added.