View Full Version : How will you retire your character?

Cyrus the virus
10-05-06, 07:25 AM
This is a simple question for the people of Althanas. How will you end your writing of a character?

No matter how much we love our little virtual buddies, they all get written out eventually. So what will you do when all the stories have been told?

10-05-06, 07:29 AM
Kai will go on forever!!!

but if i were to write him off, it would be something very dramatic and sacraficial ... that or his insane daughter will kill him

10-05-06, 07:54 AM
I plan on keeping Witchy around for a long while, but eventually the crazy broad is going to get bored of life. She's not going to die, but she is going to use a spell to turn herself to stone so that if I ever want her back she can be revived, though she might not be too happy about it when she wakes up.

As for Ira... I cannot reveal that kind of information. :p

10-05-06, 08:02 AM
I don't let Krugor get killed in the end. Since, well, he's already dead? Instead, I'll let Krugor live. Yes, it's crazy! His journey will only end when he has refound the will to live. And eventually the skeleton will probably buy some flesh at the bazaar and walk away alive :)

Ayithe Solete
10-05-06, 09:05 AM
I can never kill my characters off, i'm too soft on them. But if i decided i didn't want to use them anymore, i suppose i would just stop, that or make a quest in which they decide to stop.

Like i said, too soft...

Cyrus the virus
10-05-06, 09:09 AM
For me, I've pretty much decided on letting someone kill Luc to benefit their character's storyline. Nobody in mind so far, and Luc won't die anytime soon, but that's the plan.

10-05-06, 09:20 AM
I'll just stop writing them. If I ever want to Retire a character I'm probably not in the mood to do 1 more thread and they rarely ever fit with each other plot wise to use as an NPC.

Bearded Gnome
10-05-06, 10:25 AM
If I were to end my character's writing....I'd kill them off. As a symbol of my done writing them, I'd have them be surrounded by an army, tired, hungry, and slowly bleeding to death. Then the army charges in, and he fights to the last breath. What can I say? I'm a sucker for heroic deaths.

Either that or go the happy way and they become an NPC. That'd be Anenfel's. The former would be Rathmar's.

10-05-06, 12:58 PM
Great thing about an extraterrestrial character; Ter-Thok can just go home.

That, or brutally colonize the entirety of Althanas, but I doubt that would work.

10-05-06, 02:02 PM
I simply stopped writing with my last character after reaching high levels.

Why? Because if I ever feel inspired by him again, I can just go back without having to create an over-done reincarnation or back-from-hell/heaven thread for him.

10-05-06, 03:16 PM
I'll ony kill Shenjara in some cataclysmic event.....and maybe the occasional battle in which she nearly gets killed and becomes an astral projection...but those battles would be planned and against another player. Other than that, Shen is a magic-wielding Houdini.

10-05-06, 03:33 PM
I'll either let another PC kill my character (Storm Veritas would be a good choice because of the rivaly our characters have) or I might have my character commit suicide when I finally retire him. Of course if there's one thing Yari Rafanas taught us, its that death isn't really permanent on Althanas.

Falcon Darkflight
10-05-06, 04:30 PM
TV game show, odd one out, dressed as an arab. That's Canen's chosen way.

10-06-06, 12:13 AM
definitly have a trusty villian kill her off, like if valentina snow was around or witchblade or Damion shargath

10-06-06, 02:25 AM
Seth is too stubborn to remain dead. I'll NPC him before I actually leave him dead.

10-06-06, 08:47 AM
definitly have a trusty villian kill her off, like if valentina snow was around or witchblade or Damion shargath

Woo yeah!

I love killing off characters!

10-06-06, 09:21 PM
I would probably retire Banda by making him settle down after a few quests following a solo. THEN I would use him as an NPC in some of my new character quests.

10-07-06, 11:18 PM
The Girls would probably end up as NPCs once they get tired of me writing for them. As for the kitty, well, he would just go back to his ship in space.

...If someone up there finds him...

10-08-06, 02:02 AM
I killed off Leir by having him die then his spirit get torn asunder by all the people he has murdered while Lorenor watched.

It was tasty!

10-08-06, 06:53 PM
If I ever retire Jasmine, it'll be for her to return to her home and live her life in quiet peace, only occasionaly bringing her in as an NPC

Cassy will possibly die some day...not sure about her yet. I find it very hard to actually kill off one of my characters.

Poison...she'll die one day when she tries to take on some assassination job that was too big for her or was a trap or something...

Beauty...she won't die for a long while yet, so I don't know about her.

10-08-06, 07:08 PM
Izvilvin will become an NPC when I eventually decide to stop writing with him, though I'll likely take control of him a few times for certain purposes, or to help one of his old friends out and such.

Never know when Fallien will need his help ;)

10-08-06, 10:28 PM
I have two possibilities;

1. Eoin finally screws up very badly with one of his experiments and kills himself or turns himself into a toad.

2. He returns to his home and decides that a life of adventure isn't suited for him.

10-12-06, 05:09 AM
1--Once Lorenor has reached the max level (After I bring him back that is hahaha) I always envisioned him dying one of two ways. I'd either have an epic battle with some other talented player I enjoy rping with and do some illmatic story where his (Or hers) character kills Lorenor off OR, I would simply let Lorenor die of old age and have him chilling in the boondocks as the legend that he should be.

2--Alberdyne. He definitely dies at the hand of some other PC after I've reached level whatever is the max with him too.

10-12-06, 10:14 PM
If I ever get a character above level 1, I will never retire him (or her.) I will become the Ash Ketchum of Althanas, contiously churning out the same crap if only to inflate my ego.

10-13-06, 08:04 AM
For Dakkon I was actually planning on doing a two part story sort of idea for retiring him. More or less once I'm 'done' with Dakkon he'll be restricted to joining other peoples quests and others of mine if he applies. Basicly once he gets to a certain point I'll switch to a second yet undecided character who I will play up until the same point. At which I'll run a quest invovling both characters getting invovled with one another and meeting their fates. The exact ending is still undecided.

10-13-06, 10:12 PM
I am a pretty big fan of the idea of letting a character "ride off into the sunset" for their penultimate resolution. I've given up on previous characters, but if it ever works out with Traveler...

Well, there's two solutions, I've figured. Either he finally finishes his travels on Althanas and leaves for other worlds once more, or...

You know, since I've just started this character, that would really all hinge on what I write using him, huh? There's still plenty that could happen.

10-23-06, 07:02 PM
Depends on how far I get with my character. If I don't make it far, I'll just stop writing; if I end up playing for awhile, I may have him ascend.

Gawain the Wise
11-01-06, 09:12 AM
Kill the Wise One! NEVER!!!!!
Seriously, one day when I need a rest from him I will have him go off into the void, to return at a later date.
But that day is a looooooooooooooooonnnnng way off.

11-01-06, 04:31 PM
in the end, Xale, who's mission in life is to find his parents, will find them (EXTREMLY IMPROTANT PLOT POINT WITHHELD!), then return home to his insagnificant town, then vannish with MR. Ramen to (ANOTHER PLOT POINT WITHHELD!)

11-01-06, 09:13 PM
hehe I'm currently retiring Kit and Inari in a way, I'm having them magically fuse together to form a new being with traits of both^^

Christina Bredith
11-10-06, 02:33 PM
Elrundir will probably just go off to some other plane of reality or something and become a hermit until he feels like popping around again. He's done that before.

Christina... eh, I dunno. Die in battle, probably. Either that or she'll settle down with someone way in the future and get all boring and then I won't want her anymore. :P

11-10-06, 08:08 PM
I think i would.....hmmm get caught stealing and go to jail for life or get the death penalty or something. cuz...when he can't steal successfully, he doesn't deserve to live. :p

11-10-06, 08:33 PM
I have to admit that, to a certain extent, I'm afraid to think about the end of Letho's story. I've lived and breathed that character for so long, made him alive in my head, made numerous story that revolved around him, so I can't imagine not having him around. I think, in a way, Letho will always exist in one way or the other, whether as a forgotten PC or an NPC. He is the character for me, and I don't think I will ever truly abandon him.

I think much of the same could be same about my other characters, though I have to admit that it would be easier to do something drastic with them. I think that's one of my biggest flaws as a writer; I get so attached that I hate to see something extremely bad happening to my characters. Maybe it's time for some drastic measures. O_o

11-10-06, 09:03 PM
Maybe it's time for some drastic measures. O_o

Well if you ever need somebody to kill Letho and take some of his equipment, you can always turn to me. ;)

11-10-06, 10:43 PM
Well if you ever need somebody to kill Letho and take some of his equipment, you can always turn to me. ;)

That would require someone strong though. ;)

Still, soon enough I will probably never truly kill off Leon. I just like him too damn much. Though, I also doubt he'll ever become a straight up NPC. If he ever ends, it'll be after killing a god or something equelly epic and awesome. Or just an average guy. Leon doesn't seem to be able to a win a fight without a sword entering him somehow...

11-11-06, 01:11 AM
I haven't had any characters RPing on Althanas yet, but in some of my previous RP experience I'd either stop writing with a character, or send them on some kind of quest/mission which would remove them from the world in which the forum was based. Basically, I prefer doing this to killing them off (though I wouldn't rule that out as a possibility, depends on the character and the situation) because it allows me to give them cameos in later RPs, as NPCs or possibly even as an active character. For instance, on of my foremost characters was an intergalactic traveler-- that was his job. So eventually, he'd get a new assignment, and would have to leave to another planet for a while. But if I wanted to use him again, he'd simply come back for whatever reason I could come up with at the time. I like to keep my options open, so to kill off a character- especially one I've dedicated a lot of time and energy developing- I have to be dang sure I don't plan to use them anymore.

Skie and Avery
11-29-06, 01:51 AM
So far I've had two characters die. Natamrael was killed by Redrick, and Ghauntyrr'Stra Do'afin was killed by an NPC, but she's sort of coming back so I don't think that that counts.

Anywho. I really enjoyed dying by someone else's hand. It was lots o' fun, and I will probably do it more in the future.

11-29-06, 12:30 PM
Koran would find his ship and return home. From there, possibly world or galactical domination or simply the complete and total destruction of his manufacturer.

12-04-06, 03:09 PM
My characters goal is to not exsist. Which is one of his skills...

12-04-06, 03:16 PM
He will retire as the Great Master of the Seventh Horachi'Lykn Clan. Or unite all Twelve clans and become the Greater Great Master of them. Idk, I haven't figured it all out yet.

Rajani Aishwara
12-05-06, 02:09 PM
Although I'm certain many things will bring Rajani back home, I think he'll retire there as well.

I wouldn't mind allowing him to become an NPC, but has anyone ever done that before?

Cyrus the virus
12-05-06, 02:11 PM
I think so, but I'm not sure who. I promise you it's possible, though.

12-06-06, 09:31 PM
MetalDrago will die by the hand of Terramat, as his student did those many years ago... Then I will be using a new main character with this account, or I may make a new character and use them both in the same threads... I'm not sure yet

Ravenok Kinnes
12-07-06, 08:32 PM
I have to admit that, to a certain extent, I'm afraid to think about the end of Letho's story. I've lived and breathed that character for so long, made him alive in my head, made numerous story that revolved around him, so I can't imagine not having him around. I think, in a way, Letho will always exist in one way or the other, whether as a forgotten PC or an NPC. He is the character for me, and I don't think I will ever truly abandon him.

I think much of the same could be same about my other characters, though I have to admit that it would be easier to do something drastic with them. I think that's one of my biggest flaws as a writer; I get so attached that I hate to see something extremely bad happening to my characters. Maybe it's time for some drastic measures. O_o

Letho, I totally know what you mean, and agree fully with every word in it. Ravenok isn't just a character that I use to role play with, he is alive in my head, in ways that I cannot explain. I have no thoughts of how Ravenok's story will end and probably won't even do so. He still has a LONG time to live, and I am willing to have him living life at it's fullest the whole way. He's almost like my little childish imaginary friend, I like to think that he is actually real.

That said, I didn't even come up with Ravenok on the spot when I came to Althanas. I had thought of him years ago, and used him in many, many, many role plays. He's been through a lot(not here on Althanas, mind you) and I just don't know what i'd do if I couldn't use him anymore.

Lady Blackwell
12-08-06, 10:21 PM
i would use a npc but man is that going to be alot of them i want him to die in a huge epic battle him trying to save this one althanas contenant he has an army behind him and an army infront of him with an army supporting him so he fights to the death. of cource he will take out a bunch seeing as their just simple soldiers :p

12-08-06, 10:29 PM
I can't imagine retiring Sanoë. She's turned into my favorite character I've come up with out of all my writing, not just RPing. That's the problem with characters you're fond of - they start to really develop and pretty soon you're not writing what you think they should do and say - you're thinking as the character, letting the character come to life.

Anyhow, I don't think I'll ever retire Sanoë. She's still very new and I have a lot planned for her. Maybe I'll let her sit in cyberspace every once in a while, but I can't see ever really going away completely, like Letho said. She'd never let me hear the end of it. :)

As for Hana and Rabhya...they're still babies when it comes to development.

I think I have a problem with attachment.

12-09-06, 11:36 PM
If I ever did officially stop using Solomon, I'd probably have him wander off to a far off land or something. So long as everything is going alright in his life. There are a few times in his more recent stories where he's having trouble keeping his head on his shoulders, and if these were to continue until I retire him, I could see him fighting furiously with some enemy.... in a rain storm... with some fricken cool dialogue. They'd pull a tradtitional kill each other, or he'd kill Solomon because of his rage. If it keeps going the way it has been, Solomon might even take his own life if it came time to retire him.

Quite a different way from his original direction, but hey! Whatever works

12-10-06, 12:19 AM
If I ever stop writing with Zerith, I don't know how I'll exactly retire him. What I know so far is that he'll probably become a noble, trading in the title of mercenary for lord. If he gets some land, he'll eventually build a fortress to reside in or something like that. Until now, I never thought of how I'd retire him. Guess I should come up with something eventually.

Lavinian Pride
12-13-06, 03:36 PM
Letho, I totally know what you mean, and agree fully with every word in it. Ravenok isn't just a character that I use to role play with, he is alive in my head, in ways that I cannot explain. I have no thoughts of how Ravenok's story will end and probably won't even do so. He still has a LONG time to live, and I am willing to have him living life at it's fullest the whole way. He's almost like my little childish imaginary friend, I like to think that he is actually real.

The unfortunate truth is that Seth has had far too violent a life to simply go peacefully. When he does go, it will be brutal, violent, and bloody. I'm not sure what I'll do that night when I hit post on the submission, but I know one thing, that night I will have to think long and hard about him. He's grown so much from the thief that was, the snide arrogant jerk. He's still arrogant, but he's gotten so muted, so introspective. There was a point that I realized that he's become real. He started out so bombastic, and here he is cowering and afraid to do anything.

When I do hit post, I just know one thing I'll probably not write anything else that night. I'm not sure if I could keep writing that night. I would still write, but that night I think I'd have to stop. I wouldn't be surprised if I teared up, but I know one thing, It will be worth it. He will finally have purpose in his random life.

Teutonic Knight
12-13-06, 03:55 PM
This old man has to go sometime eh....The thing is im not really sure he will probaly die in battle but i hope to ressurect him as a more powerful person which wont be in a while. Kinda like a Gandalf the grey to a Gandalf the white thing.

12-13-06, 11:46 PM
Not to worry, Seth and Antioch will forever continue its legacy as long as Murakama is still deeply in love with the sensationally bitter Lavinian Ale. :)

Corvus MacCallum
06-05-07, 12:25 PM
Theres no real chance of Cor being retired, from the simple fact hes not only the kind of bloke that grows old very ungracefully, but hes not the only one. Theres a whole bloody archetype of these guys in all my various projects, each unique in their own way but many common ties between them.

For Althanas Corvus the closest he'd have to a quiet life is merely taking hold of his same slammer sword and then walking off one night from a family that only needs memories of him and take a long walk into the snow wastes. But then that does leave his family with lots of potentially hot-blooded, warm smirked, tail wagging Highlanders raised with stories of daring doings.

As for The Mime, hes not really a character that has an end, he dosen't age, nor rot and his mentality plus path in life makes it very difficult to imagine he will get tired of existing or come to harm. Plus without my Mime and the many other Mimes I'd have nothing to doodle when bored so he'll always be about.

Goji Tuskan, started off dead in an odd fashion, idea for a time travelling element to a mech RP, lost his life in a super robot by smashing through a gigantic machination of evil and rupturing its power core, he saved the world but only twenty percent of it remained in any kind of livable state afterwards. "Bit of a bugger" was the thought of many.

06-05-07, 12:29 PM
Once I feel that Elijah has done all that he can possibly do (or when I tire of writing his character--which is basically me with a dagger), I'll have him do some big quest, and at the end, when everything seems to be going as planned, somebody kills him.

My characters lead tragic lives...

06-05-07, 02:37 PM
I think I envision Skylar going deep into despair and locked in a cycle of killing because of overzealous beliefs. A good guy will strike him down, maybe even a character.

06-19-07, 01:30 AM
I don't really kill my characters off. I'm not adamantly opposed to killing off Fia, but it would have to suit her character. She's not especially violent or scandalous, so her death would be more quiet and tragic. Think Ophelia or the Lady of Shallot as opposed to Dido or Joan of Arc.

For the most part, I just let her continue as she always has ;) . Maybe she has a family or goes back to her village or immersed in some dryad forest. I don't mind a happy ending.

06-22-07, 11:19 PM
Nadia's a relatively new character, so it's undecided, but most of my characters fit into a sort of Deus ex Machina type deal, so a character used in an old Star Fox rp when I was 14 went on to lead an expiditon, get caught in a planar rift, and wind up starting a weapons company and give a new character a Railgun-style rifle... Really, Nadia's fate depends on how the RP's with her go, either she'll just die or she'll leave and do something else.

06-22-07, 11:23 PM
I was gonna have Sara die of illness. Might still, depending.

Now it's undecided. We'll see how things turn out.

All I know for any of my characters is that Karu will eventually die of old age.

06-25-07, 10:30 PM
The wonderful thing about Saxon and Fibonacchi is that I could have an end, and still be able to pop up and write given the gaps in his timeline and the perspective of how its being told. I don't really intend to retire Saxon offically, cause' he seems like a decent character for novel-writing, but I guarentee you if I had to make that decision, Saxon wouldn't be leaving Althanas or the living world peacefully. ;)

06-25-07, 11:10 PM
Never thought about it. Not seriously, anyway. Then again, I'm not really the type of person who believes that a character is ever "finished," so I may never truly retire either of my characters. Lord knows Elrundir has survived for nearly a decade now in various incarnations. But Althanas-wise... who knows. At least in the background, they'll probably always be around. Elrundir's too stubborn to die and I couldn't bear to see Christina go. ^^

06-26-07, 09:44 PM
I don't plan on ever retiring Lorenor ever again. I've never reached the full point of awesomeness with the Character I felt that he always deserved but never got. So I'm going to really work at heavily developing him this time around. Plus--if Lorenor ever was retired on Althanas he'll live on with my Lorenor graphic novels I have planned for sometime in the near future.

Falcon Darkflight
06-27-07, 03:12 AM
I can't remember what I said about how I was killing off Canen, but, uh, he's dead. He just randomly burst into flames.

06-29-07, 06:02 AM

Kai is banned from retireing ... too much time was spent trying to get that character into what he is now


... ohh umm Falcy kinda dragged me back from another absence ... now that i am done with college for this term i should be back for a bit

Falcon Darkflight
06-29-07, 06:55 AM
Hey, hey, I didn't drag you back. It was more just a little bit of gentle nudging.

Glad to see you back on.

06-29-07, 07:07 AM
gentle nudging my armourd core!

you would not shut up until i said ok, it was like listening to a screaming banshee strangeling a cat with a techno beat!

... hi

06-29-07, 02:10 PM
I will Kill my guy off by having him go back to hell and get killed by satan but his diary will bring him back as a ghost.

thorn aldsmith
06-29-07, 09:44 PM
Thorn will simply go home , possibly to descove his parents dead but ne'th'less he'll be home!

07-15-07, 04:28 PM
Aiko's going to get torn to shreds by hundreds of dolls she crafted herself as they revolt against her control and form their own little town. I'm going to call it Tiny Town.

Xos will leave Althanas as a part of stopping the darkness from coming to Althanas. The rest of the ending, you'll just have to see.

Laurea Aeglos
07-15-07, 05:23 PM
I plan on pointless but noble deaths for my chars. Usually involving other members and items of torture. One day I hope to see Elena defenestrated, I wonder if she would survive?

10-23-07, 09:52 AM
I'll just have her go home.

Call me J
11-25-07, 03:08 PM
As someone who has recently retired a character, I'm happy with the way I did it. How did I do it? You'll just have to read Time Enough to find out.

11-26-07, 11:51 PM
Mathias will retire by becoming Mayor of Aiko's Tiny Town. Yeah.

That's how.

11-27-07, 12:18 AM
Ashiakin will succumb to an overdose of the Chinese-made Aqua Dots. They turn into a date rape drug when you eat them, you know.

11-27-07, 12:25 AM
I will do the raping.

Call me J
11-27-07, 12:51 AM
Ashiakin will succumb to an overdose of the Chinese-made Aqua Dots. They turn into a date rape drug when you eat them, you know.

This could never happen! Chinese-made Aqua Dots would succumb to Ashiakin!

Leaf on the Wind
11-27-07, 09:35 AM
I'll film it in poor quality and sell the video on e-bay.

11-27-07, 10:20 AM
Ah, Ifrit'll eventually become a NPC. His story, in reality, isn't all that epic. A very traditional adventure of how one demon went and changed, fought, then changed again, all to go defeat his father.

Its not a defenite, but thats my plan for now.

11-27-07, 09:30 PM
Kelyia would go back to rule her tribe in her mothers stead. I am to sentimental to kill off my characters, they are like realy people to me, LOL. Plus that way if I ever wanted her to come back, she could.

11-30-07, 03:12 PM
When Lorenor reaches level 30. And even then I'll keep rping as him probably.

12-02-07, 12:31 PM
Retiring is for saps, and no single person deserves the honor (read: shame) of killing ol' 'Snaff. No, he'll go out in a grand, spectacular blaze of glory for quite a bang (emphasis on the "bang"). Why, I have it so etched out it's almost as tho' I wrote it five months ago...

Vampiric Angel
12-05-07, 09:51 PM
Anenfel would become an NPC, keeping the peace in whatever place I'll leave him.

Braden will (once his story is fleshed out for all) enter the Shadow Realm, to bring war to those that caused the deaths of his loved ones, never to be seen again, till his task is done.

Rathmar...will be surrounded by an army of evil nasties, and will die fighting side by side with his small band of dwarven brothers.

01-09-08, 02:50 PM
Dehkan, like all of my characters, is based off of a DnD creation. He's the most in-depth PC I've made. I'll never stop using him.

01-14-08, 10:09 AM
I don't plan on retiering Karyna any time soon since I just started writing with her, so I havn't even considered how.

The Writing Writer
01-15-08, 09:19 AM
I've been toying with the idea of turning TWW into an undead.

01-15-08, 09:56 AM
Change of plans. Elijah will continue to live, but I'm planning something unbearably tragic happening to him (as it stands, he falls deeply in love and Nadia gets jealous to the point where she takes over and kills the poor girl), at which point he gives up on life and allows Nadia to become his dominant personality until I feel like bringing him back.

Madison will either commit suicide or die at the hands of her brothers.

01-27-08, 06:18 PM
When Lorenor reached the max level, I MIGHT think about retiring him.

Albel Rofasi
01-31-08, 05:54 PM
I created this character rather recently, so I don't intend on actually retiring her any time soon, and plans may change with her. Nevertheless, early prognosis: if retirement is in her future, she'll most likely return to her own universe and take up the job of rescuing the rest of her crew, assuming she deals with the crew following her now.

01-31-08, 08:19 PM
since I'm new, I don't know how yet. All i know is that it'll be very theatrical

02-10-08, 03:02 AM
R K O.

Edward Judorne
02-21-08, 01:38 AM
R K O.

Why not the tombsttone piledrver off the empire state building? That would be an AWESOME way to die.

Lavinian Ambition
02-21-08, 03:10 AM
Why not the tombsttone piledrver off the empire state building? That would be an AWESOME way to die.

You don't understand. RKO was an ability someone had that allowed them to steal a skill while killing a legend. Andy Rorton shall be missed, oh where did Sei go to...

Edward Judorne
02-21-08, 08:29 AM
You don't understand. RKO was an ability someone had that allowed them to steal a skill while killing a legend. Andy Rorton shall be missed, oh where did Sei go to...

Wow. Really? Easy misconception of course.

*Walks away knowing that Andy Rorton is obviously a Ripoff of Wrestler, Randy Orton, who uses a wrestling move called the RKO.*

02-21-08, 08:46 AM
You don't understand. RKO was an ability someone had that allowed them to steal a skill while killing a legend. Andy Rorton shall be missed, oh where did Sei go to...

No, that character was gay and Sei is gay. I mean the real one.

Edward Judorne
02-21-08, 01:56 PM
You mean I was right? Ok....

So why an RKO instead of something extravagant like a tombstone piledriver off the top of the empire state building?

I KNOW you like complex things. (Does Sinatra suplexing a cougar through a table ring any bells?)

02-25-08, 02:57 PM
I've chosen Other because I don't know whether I want to kill him using an NPC or just stop writing. I do know that if I kill him it will be with enemies he made in his first quest, which I haven't written yet. If he doesn't make any enemies in the first quest I'm just going to stop writing with him and create another character.

04-08-08, 07:55 PM
Azza doesn't want to die or bleed. Blood make Azza's dress all red and yucky...

-coughs- Ah, mmm I chose other in that I would probably kill off characters, not always necessarily in a heroic fashion. Those kinda deaths only happen in grossly exaggerated stories of the bards!! But I am a believer in the recycling of souls! Kinda like... Buddhism? You are reborn again, and again.... and again. Mmm would suck if someone camped your spawning point ne?

04-08-08, 09:26 PM
Raelyse will never kick the bucket, unfortunate to say for all females that look between 16-35 on Althanas. The way he is, the way he lives, the way his powers are... He's a greedy bastard so he'd never be satisfied with what he got. He would keep thirsting for more and more. His drive and motivation will never be satisfied, which is why he will never be retired. As long as there is a medium for him, he will keep going.

As for Kade, I have totally fallen back in love with him. He was created back in '01 or '02 when my writing was piss poor, but he has evolved so much. With the new Valentine Bleeder saga, it will be so much fun to write with him when he loses his tie to Hromagh and has to deal with what he has done. I could see Kade killing himself or sacrificing himself to help someone else, but that's definitely a long way off because lately I've been having so much fun with him.

Canen Darkflight
04-10-08, 02:54 AM
I am proud to say that after many years of deliberation, Canen is now finally gone. I needed something new to play with, it was all good for the Khaians for a while, but once the material ran dry it was only going to head one way. You can only have so many Castigar Wars.

Hence, Syrion. Breath of fresh air for me.

Cyrus the virus
04-10-08, 10:07 PM
But it's not like you retired. You just gave up like a pussy.

Canen Darkflight
04-11-08, 07:33 AM

05-13-08, 02:04 PM
I can imagine him taking his own life along with the enemy that he is fighting at the time. Not going to happen anytime soon tho

Canen Darkflight
05-15-08, 01:45 PM
He'll probably turn back into Canen for the hell of it.

Slayer of the Rot
05-15-08, 01:54 PM
Dan will be killed by his children.

Azazel Relizic
05-15-08, 09:30 PM
ill probably let one of the people in the thread we are getting ready to start kill him

05-15-08, 10:07 PM
She'll become a housewife in Radasanth and start a business selling pies.

I enjoy irony.

05-16-08, 11:00 AM
She will end up going crazy and become mentally unstable...

Wait, never mind, that would make her even more worth playing.

05-16-08, 09:50 PM
All of my characters will perish in the most violent, dramatic, and likely self inficted manner possible. Everything nearby will die similarly. Probably from massive blood loss from the eyes, or blunt force trauma.

05-21-08, 03:43 PM
Most of my characters die either through a random accident (laziness), or I have them kill themselves. Depending on the level of seriousness within a roleplay, I will sometimes have my characters wander off in an LSD induced daze.

05-22-08, 07:30 PM
I've historically always killed my characters in rps... I've more recently realized that it can be a bad idea to just pick them off, though. I'll probably just stop writing, in case I may want to use them as NPCs... or even PCs in later threads. Usually, I regret killing off characters, once I start getting to that "A couple RPs later" point.

06-04-08, 09:23 PM
At this point, I have no freakin' clue.
Because I don't even know what I want for the psycho in the first place.
Most likely he'll end up dying trying to kill #1 of the world, or kill #1 and become #1, then get assassinated by #2. But that may change too.
The thing is, I like the fact that even though he's extremely tough and may not seem so at times, Vincent is human. And I don't want him to really anything otherwise, unless my mind snags at something. So, in my head, humanity < beasts, but I still want him to be badass. Well, I'll come up with something, eventually.

10-25-08, 12:42 PM
Well, my character's history involves her wanting to hunt down some nosy old lady who cheated her of money and attempted to kill her. So, I'll have "Huntress" track the lady down, kill her, but suffer some grievous wound from which she can't recover and will leave her crippled fo rlife... Of course, that won't happen for a LONG while. After all, She's yet to find the nosy old lady.

Although there's always the option of desperate suicide by poison...