View Full Version : Announcement Regarding The Grand MAster Position!

Zack Blaze
12-07-14, 07:26 PM
I hate to do this guys, but we need to keep the HQ active in order to, well, keep it.

As such, if I don't have a post (from any of you three, don't care about order.) in the Grandmaster thread within 24 hours, I throw in a 4th man.

If the thread slacks again, a 5th will be added.

So on and so forth til I get a dang Grand Master.

Thank You.

12-07-14, 07:53 PM
I will respectfully withdraw my entry into this battle. Someone can go ahead and bunny Madison out of there.

12-08-14, 09:45 AM
I'm still around!

Zack Blaze
02-24-15, 09:58 PM
Due to lack of recent activity from both Warpath and Aurelianus, and BlackAndBlueEyes requesting to be dropped, your new Three Stock Grand Master is Tobias stalt ladies and gentlemen!

Toby will accept all comers who get past the Masters from henceforth until he is dethroned!

02-25-15, 01:47 PM