View Full Version : A scholarly lunch!

Cards of Fate
12-08-14, 12:30 PM
Galonan was once the home to the resistance to the forces of Xem'Zund during the Corpse war. Now years after his death, the lack of damage and fame has caused the town to grow in considerable size and serves as one of the main Cities of Raiaera. Now in the shadow of a devastating war a young man under the name of Vincent Cain is looking for answers about the mighty Xem'zund and his power. A series of cryptic letters written in code have been circulated to some of the best and brightest of Althanas. Upon first look it appears to be total nonsense, but anyone who would sit long enough to translate it will find an invitation to Lunch.

Pretty simple stuff folks, Vincent wants to learn from people with firsthand experience about the Corpse war. Anyone with knowledge is free to join in, I would like to keep it myself and two other people max at a time, but I may or may not have multiple Lunch dates depending on how many people I can get. Also similar lunches may or may not be held over the Tap, The Forgotten, and other miscellaneous lore stuff.

For this lunch be prepared to talk about the Corpse war, Xem'Zund and his powers, the horde, the damage, and just generally post big chunks of text. I also plan on taking a lot of the raw data from this and making a dedicated Corpse war wiki page as well.

12-08-14, 12:41 PM
Riddle me intrigued ser.

12-08-14, 01:31 PM
Ashla Icebreaker wishes to gather details on her mother's country's downfall. Unable to come firsthand, she has assigned a member of her group P.A.L.E. to study it instead.

I'm in! :)

EDIT: Zeva has no foreign script knowledge, however can keep any order needed (peace keeper basically.) She also has intelligence enough to at least suggest stuff.

Cards of Fate
12-08-14, 01:59 PM
Note that this also may lead to an extended group of scholars and such and even if you aren't currently knowledgeable in one topic you might be later on down the road.