View Full Version : [P.A.L.E. - Timothy Gold Initiation] Blades Glimmer Gold

12-08-14, 07:10 PM
Closed to Gold.

"M'lady!" A man holding a baby called behind a cloaked woman, "This is your first initiation since Hanuh came along!"

Right in front of an oak door, the cloaked figure stopped. She lifted her hand to the door, "You've got Hanuh, right, Daisuke?"

The man, Daisuke, who was properly fitted in a tuxedo, spoke, "Y-Yes, m'lady. But ar-e you ready for-for this?"

The woman, a brunette turned her head towards him with a grin, "This isn't a battle, Daisuke! This is an initiation..."

The man chuckled nervously,"O-f course, but Ashla-"

"-Good then. See 'ya!"

Before he could object anymore, Ashla Rose Icebreaker entered the room


A young woman stood in a lone, large arena. It had marvelous, massive marble walls and a sandy floor.

The Icebreaker scuffed her black, leather boots in the sand, some of the abrasive particles getting under her steel greaves. The woman lifted her arm, covered by a fingerless, leather gauntlet with delyn plates, and pulled down her hood. There was no wind to rustle her black hair, but the air was ominous and cold. Ashla sighed and smoothed her black shirt and skirt out from her quick jog to the Citadel. She grumbled when she saw that her black leggings already had sand sprayed against them.

Ashla almost jumped when she heard another door open. Her eyes darted in front of her where the new initiate for her group P.A.L.E. would be.

P.A.L.E. was a group dedicated to dealing with crime and bringing peace and justice to the whole of Althanas. It was a while since new members signed up, so she was thrilled to rush on over to the Citadel. And now, here P.A.L.E.'s possible newest member stood...

12-13-14, 10:05 PM
Timothy had not expected to become an assassin. Then again, what better way to use his abilities then to bring peace and order to the world? Even if it meant that he had to do so under the table. So it was with this in mind, that Timothy chose to try to “assassinate” the leader of P.A.L.E. for his initiation. First was the distraction. He opened the door just a bit, enough to catch the young lady’s attention. Then he backed up enough so that he could create his portal without interruptions. It only took a second for both sides of the portal to appear.

The Portal was solid purple, the gas that made the portal made it impossible to see. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had complete control of the final destination of the portal, he wouldn’t even have known where it went to. However, since he had control of the portal, Timothy knew exactly where it was and snuck on through, right behind the girl who would lead them into the new age. The punch to the gut that he felt every time he walked through any of his portals didn’t slow him down any more, so when he exited the portal, he just shook off the “Portal Punch” before he commanded the portal to close.

The yellow portal, that he had just left, closed up as he brought his hand back, rapier in hand, ready to skewer young lass and show how good an assassin he could be. Especially since none could track him, at least not easily.

12-18-14, 02:39 AM
In an instant, he vanished. Only did Ashla lightly jump from the surprise, but she knew that if someone wasn't attacking from the front...

... They were attacking from the back.

Ashla turned around to see her new recruit racing towards her. The blond boy only appeared to be her age, and interesting thing to a long cold individual. It didn't take much for the Icebreaker to simply step aside and let him race past her, causing the sand below them to kick up.

Ashla drew her damascus sword and looked towards him as he skidded to a halt, "Hey, there." Ashla smirked, remaining casual in both posture and voice, "Interesting strategy..."

Then she remembered, That's right, he's applying for assassin. But was this man all good to go for that? He seemed to be much more of a swordsman than an assassin already... "You have experience with the sword, I see?" Ashla half asked, half commented.

04-22-15, 10:15 PM
Timothy was shocked, no one had ever figured out his tactics before. Then again, he has never had to use it in combat. He shook off the shock and smiled.

"Well my dear," Timothy said with a smile as he brushed a loose strand of golden hair to the side of his head, "it seems that you are more intelligent than seventy-five percent of the people out there. Most would of just shrugged that off to their imaginations. Then again, you knew I was coming. And as for the swordsmanship, I know more than that. Let's see if you will find out." He then lunged the blade forward with the fabulous speed that the needlelike sword excelled at. Probably why it was called the rapier. It could enter you in seconds then be pulled back out only to enter you in another second. Easy way to make multiple holes in your opponents, as long as there not armored.

06-13-15, 03:42 PM
Ashla rarely used her full speed in combat, only using enough speed to dodge her opponents. The rapier this man stabbed at her with drew out a sudden burst of speedy dodges. Ashla pulled down her pine buckler and blocked the blade head on with it. Her hand in a half sword would not be good for blocking or parrying this skinny blade.

Ashla used her acrobatics in a sudden dodge, swerving behind the initiate and aiming the flat side of her sword at his back. She wasn't here to harm her initiates, which was why she used the flat part. She was luckily a speedy fighter, but she understood this boy could hold other techniques. The Icebreaker smirked, a resourceful person like him was very needed. However, if he kept using the obvious battle choices, he may not be exactly the best assassin. A warrior though? ...