View Full Version : On a MISSION

12-08-14, 11:03 PM
Whelp, I have just ended my first thread and even with others still active. I"M BORED. I forgot how much I love to spar. So yea I'm fired up about this.

So yea, I would like to put together a series of sparring matches together. I would prefer not fight anything high than a level 3. I'm willing to take on anyone up to four matches at a time. Anyone is welcome to have matches with my character. As for arena setting this will change of course with every match. Anyone with a cool idea for a deadly arena let me know. Why not add more into the mix right?

Right after this I will be posting two open threads into The Citadel as OPEN statues so feel free to post if you would like to be in one of those matches. There is no need to ask, jump right in. Hope too meet some people ready throw down in a battle of the noobs. XD

12-08-14, 11:59 PM
I could throw another character of mine into this.

- Julius controls fire and has some illusions. Used to be his own worst enemy, but is now (almost) over that stage of his life. All in alll, quite, a bit of a jerk by his old nature, but easily a good guy. Level one.
- Kaida has advanced strength, speed, agility, and endurance + small bits of telekinesis. Crazy, hyper, overconfident, but has a heart of gold. Level two!
- Zeva is simply strength and endurance. (I wouldn't suggest fighting her cause her persona, she lacks backbone...) Level one.
- Smight is my only evil character. Strength, telekinesis, and an aura of fear are on her side. Fear the scythe-bow! Level one.

If you do feel like sparring with Ashla (I think it would be neat to see these two characters clash) there's her too! :)

12-09-14, 02:05 AM
Kaida and smight sound awesome to take on. I wouldn't mind sparring Ashla either. But you have to give me a rematch once my character gets a level or two under his belt. XD

12-09-14, 04:26 AM
I would be interested and my character is still level 1

12-09-14, 05:37 AM
LycorisX, your on. If there are any fun ideas for an arena setting you like let me know. I have a few things to take care things morning but ill have one up sometime this afternoon.

12-09-14, 06:35 AM
Hmm… A gloomy fortress made out of ice and snow? A cavern with pools of water filled with glowing fish? I don’t really have any specific preference but somewhere with a source of water/ice would be nice

12-09-14, 07:05 AM
Alrighty! Which of my characters do you want to fight first?

Rematch with Ashla once higher level is hit accepted!

12-09-14, 01:26 PM
LycorisX, our match is up and awaiting your post.

Blueghostofseaside; I would like to take on Kaida if that's okay. And like you said we can just go down the list if ya want.

AS to anyone else there are still two spots open for combat. Come have a bout or two with the new guy.

12-09-14, 01:42 PM
Kaida it is! :cool:

12-09-14, 01:45 PM
Alright. Sweet, Ill have a thread up fr us later on in the next few hours. I'm trying think of another cool arena.

12-09-14, 01:52 PM
I know you said level 3 and under here, but if you want a solid chunk of EXP for battling a higher-leveled character either way, I can have Maddy ready for a fistfight. I can simply not have her use any of her big disease, acid, vine, whatever abilities and keep it straight punching things up to make it more fair. She's not obscenely fast or anything, either. Just really good at brawling.

You game?

12-09-14, 02:12 PM
If you want, we can make it a 2 v. 1 and jump Maddy (BlackAndBlueEyes) together.

I'll tank, you DPS.

12-10-14, 07:59 AM
I would be fine with a 2v1 with you teaming up with Pez Dispenser.

12-10-14, 11:20 AM
Alright cool yea I just been battles for the fun lol I guess it's time to start look for more exp XD I'm up for whatever

12-10-14, 11:21 AM

I can have an opener written tonight.

12-11-14, 11:34 AM
Here you go, Salem and Pes. Let's have some fun. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28407-A-Grand-Day-Out-(closed-to-Salem-and-Pes)&p=240254#post240254)

12-12-14, 10:28 PM
Salem, do you want to post first in that or should I? I can have something up by tomorrow, or Sunday at the latest.

I really want to beat Maddy up, but only with like, one or two other guys who have my back.

12-13-14, 04:28 PM
Yea go ahead. I have been forcing on my solo anyway. That caused me to have all my thread end up with my turn to post XD. So I'll go a head post to them ad once you got something up. I should be caught up as well.

12-13-14, 05:27 PM
You can pick:

Leaf: Philomel's half-brother. A farmer/truffle hunter who has three pigs as his abilities and companions.

Void (aka Yakob): A halfling void elf (like a drow) who hates everyone and has a crossbow built into his artificial arm.

Thran Iavas: My elk prince nomad who is like a paladin with twisted morals.

Still to go through RoG: Blodwen: A satyr-faun minstrel who has a pistol and is super strong etc.

12-14-14, 06:49 PM

12-15-14, 08:45 PM
Whenever you're ready, Salem. PM me if you need me to add any more.

12-23-14, 10:27 PM
Sorry for the absence. I will have a post up tonight or tomorrow. RL has kept me busy and I finally got to take leave and come home etc etc... Anyway, I'll get post up I have a one other before this one. I got to finish going down the list making my post.

01-10-15, 07:04 PM
Hey Salem I'm always willing to quest with you mate. Also, I can choose any number of my alts for this too. Let me know what you think.

01-11-15, 08:44 PM
Awesome. I don't have any current ideas for moment, you have any role play themes you want to use?

01-12-15, 10:40 AM
I like questing a lot and am willing to travel where ever for said quests. Elthas pretty much is a nice guy (Usually heheh) and likes to do heroic sorts of stuff. So we can plan something along those lines.

01-12-15, 11:56 PM
Alright what about a monster or treasure hunt type of quest?

01-13-15, 08:55 AM
A monster hunt can work out pretty good! Do you want to start the thread or should I and what region do you wanna do it in?

01-13-15, 08:00 PM
Salvar-The Kalev Highlands: I'll start it tomorrow. I have to go get my glasses fixed in the morning. I have to zoom in my screen like crazy just to read this lmao so yea typing a detailed intro would kill me.

01-19-15, 10:34 AM
Yeah link me once you're ready brother Salem!

01-19-15, 04:57 PM
Will do. I can finally see again. XD. So yea I should have something up tonight; sorry it took so long.

01-19-15, 07:51 PM
Well I have a different idea for a place hope you think its cool. Its taking place in Alerar-Kachuck.
As for the monster how about this:

Spinx : Spinx are animal based species with a similar body structure such as gorillas and elven colored features. Spinx have long silvery hair and short matted fur being black and turning grey with age. With cunning intellect and barbaric manners these beast collect any and all related objects to elves hair, skin, tools or you name it they’ll kill for it. Anyone can tell if a spinx has been there; they smell terrible also leaving fur they shed quite a bit. Males are dangerous but do believe most say the females are worse. Female Spinx are very territorial also they breed very irregularly. Where ever they find themselves in labor they will push on in tell they deem the surround fit for their young or they make it fit by killing any and all creatures they find harmful towards their hatchlings.

01-19-15, 10:11 PM

Also how would you feel making this thread open? I would like to have other Dark elf like characters join in if they wish.

01-19-15, 11:33 PM
Kinda wanna keep it between you and I if that's okay :D . I know its hard to manage big groups. So I would prefer a smaller shin dig. Anyway mate I am gonna post up tomorrow I'm tired and I wanna get some good sleep. Keep an eye out for my post once I am up and about some point tomorrow :) .

01-20-15, 12:20 AM
Fair enough.

01-25-15, 10:45 AM
Okay brother Salem expect my post later today! (1/25/2015)