View Full Version : Trinket price check

12-09-14, 02:25 AM
I'm wondering how much it would cost to have cheap item like a glove or what you in to be enchanted to act as a shield for lesser elemental attacks or a single type. No more than two to four uses a thread.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
12-10-14, 03:41 PM
That, for a single element, would cost you 94 GP, cutter.

12-10-14, 07:38 PM
Alright, I would like to purchase a single leather glove or bracelet whatever is cheaper; crafted to resist up to four lesser ice manipulations per thread. I guess I would be paying abit more for theglove as well but that is okay.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
12-11-14, 11:18 AM
No no, cutter, that's 94 GP all told - glove included. I twigged that was what you were going for.

So, anything else I can do you for, sir?

12-11-14, 08:29 PM
Boom, its a deal then.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
12-12-14, 10:42 AM
Transaction Completed

94 GP to be deducted from Salem's account.

Salem, please link this thread in future (level up updates, etc) to show where you purchased it.

Max Dirks
12-16-14, 12:30 PM
Transaction Complete.

94 GP removed from Salem!