View Full Version : Songs of Fire and Ice (Closed to LycorisX)

12-09-14, 01:22 PM
Round two; boy he was exciting. The word ecstatic came to mind, with the feeling of his blood pumping and heart racing. Salem had found his new form of crack so to speak. Walking down the stone make shift run way that lead to the high archway of the Citadel. There stood a man with a book. With a generous greeting he tipped his head with a smile,” My good man, I would like an arena if you please.” I need one with a large amount of old assortments. Maybe with something meant for a battle of elementals.” The elderly man smiled at him,” One moment sir."

And not even a five minutes later,"Right this way".

Salem's mind was fixed on taking up his next challenge in the arena. He didn't have grandeurs of delusion about who he was; he had a itch that needing scratching. He had spoken to his uncle to take time away from other task to resume training in combat. A little kid in a doughnut shop his uncle called it.

Al this passed though his head as he passed through maybe a hundred of different ideas as for what he hoped his new arena would be. Ultimately saying that is out of your control.Following him to the ever glowing bright green portal. The male stepped to the side,” This one should do very nicely.” With a brisk nod he took to the portal and stepped through. Man the room was in all a master piece to be trashed with flying objects fire balls and broken glass.

The floor was made of nothing but frosted glass. It looked odd yet exciting once there was blood flowing on it. In each or the four corner stood a stone fountain. Roughly three foot tall and shaped like a dragon’s head; with a thin yet steady stream of water being released from its jaws. Fire flicked and danced on its fixtures attached to pillars. In the center of every wall there was a pillar curved in the manner of a gargoyles. Each with their stomach hollowed out holding a fire place. The mouth of each beast holding. This room was marvelous; it truly was a site to see.

Caught up in the moment Salem walked over to the far end to the room as pulled a black cloth bag from his pocket. Yes, he thought this would be a perfect time to use this and creep someone out. Pulling the bag over his head he felt the magic took hold. His head was now literally invisible. Of course no one would see but his grin was a mile wide at this moment.

Making his way to far pillar and turning around he leaned against the white marble stone looking and waiting for the portal to shine bright like a diamond release some all-powerful beastie to take on. But in tell the point and time he pondered several methods of offensive ideas. His first being to play with his opponent mind because he had no head...

However; Salem was a decent fighter but he couldn't help but remember his last encounter not to long ago. He had used some dirty tricks to win. He wasn't against a good dirty deed being done but felt that he wanted just one clear win that he could hey I got that "W" fair and square. Salem laughed at himself there is no such thing as a fair fight you fool..

Laughing like an evil boy genius in your standard horror film he was enjoying this way to much.

12-09-14, 02:33 PM
Vindlyn entered a new arena of the citadel, steeling herself for her next challenge. This arena looked like a proper place for a duel at least, large pillars carved in the shape of gargoyles holding up the roof with fires in their hollowed out bellies. Better yet, I etch corner was a fountain shaped like a dragons head with a small stream of water running out. A small among true, but if she could get close to them it could perhaps prove enough to booster her ice magic.

It was truly a magnificent arena, but what astounded her were her opponent. A heedless man, standing in front of her. It was a bizarre sight, probably some kind of illusion, but for what purpose?
Warily of any mind tricks, she ought to be prepared for them if anyone was; she drew her sword and prepared herself for the fight.

12-09-14, 03:43 PM
Laughing as he watched her drew her sword. He watched as a ready stance was prepared. Walking forward he announced, “You may want to watch your back.” Pull his arm and hand in. Mimicking a manipulation like it was happening. Through his true sight ability he learned that an illusion is all about belief. Seeing is believing no matter how odd or dumb it may seem. Grinning as he still walked forward edge closer to battle his opponent.

There is no fire coming from behind his opponent but from her left side. That is true. Oddly enough this still just a game. IN his mind he was piecing together a board game of tic tac toe. As he neared his opponent in the last five feet away he placed his hands behind his back and sway side to side. Leaning side to side, bobbing about. He pulled on his magic, feeling it on the tips of his fingertips.

He was ready to let magic fly; pun intended. His eyes leveled her, even though she was unaware because his entire head was invisible; Salem awaits itching for the moment to attack for real. He would use his left hand to release the spell known as reflect behind his back. This force field would attack as a chance to save his bacon if she tried to attack as he was playing under using the same dirty trick. However; why lose to your own ideas right. THis force field is see through and unknown of its where about in tell someone or something makes contract with it physically. Also, it is only a stopper. It can only take on a single attack so its not scam in his mind because if it was up to him he would walk around in a telekinetic bubble and laugh at people but sadly he is not capable of that yet.

12-09-14, 03:59 PM
“You may want to watch your back” her headless opponent spoke, somehow. The sound seemed to be coming from where his head should have been, something that suggested a simple illusion rather than some bizarre headless creature. Something like that would probably have spooked directly into her mind instead.

With an effort of will she did not turn around, rather she briefly closed her eyes, focusing on feeling rather than sight. The heat of fire was not coming from behind her but from her left side.
She circled to the right, keeping her eyes fixed to her opponent. He had not drawn a weapon yet, a magic user like her then. Excellent.

“Nice trick that” she remarked to him in a conversational tone and threw an illusionary fireball towards him to test his reflects.

It disintegrated right in front of him, some sort of magic barrier? This was going to be an interesting fight indeed.

She prepared a real ice spike in her left hand and watched her opponent closely to see what he would do.

12-10-14, 09:51 PM
Still swaying side to side as he smiled under his mask. Still holding his hands behind his back. Would watched her features to catch her off guard. Just as went to his right her right side. And out of now where; he fling out his hand holding a fire ball and aiming it at her mid-section. Choosing to use his right and her left side where she held the ice spike may or may not make harder to block it would be fun to see.

However; he would quickly shift to his left just as he threw if giving his fireball a high rate or speed of fireball he wanted to connect with the first hit of this make. He would shift back once more with a clinched fist and try for a quick jab to his opponents face.

This he hoped would open up a window of use for later on shortly after his opponent’s defense. The trick finding a hole but first he hand to find it or open one but either/or he didn’t care which happened first. As he went back to shifting his weight and body side to side keeping on the balls of his feet to remain at a height level of speed being ready to react at a moment’s notice.

12-11-14, 12:05 PM
Her opponent was shifting weight from one foot to the other, probably gearing up for fighting but wanting to watch her closely for hole in her defense.
That’s my trick you bastard, she thought surly but kept her face as always blank.
He was hard to read, what with the invisible head that was for sure. A rather ingenious trice really, probably easier to manager than a full body invisibility spell and more likely to creep out your opponents too. Not she of course but it did leave her with the question of what to do about it all. They could hardly spend their entire fight staring at each other.
What to do, what to do…
He flung something at her, a fire ball that she barely dodged. Was it an illusion or real? No matter, she threw her prepared ice spike directly at him and stepped back as he lunged forward to try punching her. Quickly she then threw up her own, full body and not just head, invisibility spell.
Let’s see if you are able to look through my illusions, she thought grimly and sent an illusion of herself running up towards his right side while she herself invisible moved to the left of him, sword and magic ready.

12-13-14, 06:36 PM
Grinning as the events played out. He stepped back a few steps. And then; out of nowhere he watched his opponent go completely invisible and then reappear… This did not set well with him. Because then right after that she ran to his right side.

Invoking true sight, he now seen what was taking place. However he did not give this away. He stepped to his right side to make it look as if to defend himself. Hiding his right hand from the sight of his true purpose and real attacker that was playing hiding go seek; invisible catch me if you can games. He laughed as he turned his laugh to a grin like a guy ready for battle. Then out of nowhere would step out of his “Fake” attacker’s path. Bringing to life a fire ball, and without a moment’s notice he turned and launched a fire ball.

Laughing once more as he faced his opponent as he flung another with opponent’s hand. He took on a defensive stance once again. He had used his one and only chance of true sight but his opponent didn’t know that. And he knew the cast of using whole body magic spell like that can take its toll. Or by his knowledge he at least assumed with a knowledgeable guess that it would begin to show what this chick’s limitations where soon enough.