View Full Version : Price Check for Something I Can't Afford

The Muri
12-09-14, 07:38 PM
Just so I know how much I need to save up...

Six bullet revolver. It has to be crocked between each shot. Pink, oak handle. Iron everything else. Out of six uses, it could be jammed up to four times.

That's all. Thank you! :)
~ Ashla

EDIT: I reluctantly change from revolver to flintlock revolver... new price?

Max Dirks
12-14-14, 10:28 AM
The flintlock you've asked for is unavailable. Steel is the minimum tier strength necessary to make it and the price would be 500 GP. Iron bullets cost 150 GP for 10 shots.

12-14-14, 10:40 AM
I guess I'm saving up for 500 GP (steel flintlock). I still get the oak, pink handle, right?

I don't need ten shots, only six. So that would make the bullets 60 GP? If it's only available in ten bullets, I can still get that.

Max Dirks
12-14-14, 12:20 PM
Iron bullets are 5 GP each, but the gun powder is 100 GP, which gets you 10 shots. If you just want 6 shots, it'll be 130 GP with some left over gunpowder.

12-14-14, 12:48 PM
Alrighty, I'll do that. Just wait for me to get 630+GP on my Muri account xD

You can lock this for now. Thank you! :)