View Full Version : (Solo) Fresh from the past...

12-10-14, 08:13 AM
Vindlyn couldn’t wait to get on with her new job. True, glorified security guard wasn’t what she had been aiming for in coming to the continent but the important part was that she was going to be present on an archeological excavation of the newly discovered ruins in Donnalaich. Who knew what secrets and treasure was to be found within? The extra gold was nice as well.

She had just barley arrived in Dheathain when she had seen the notice on the bounty board and of course she had jumped at the chance. Cheerfully she set out to meet her new employee at the agreed upon meeting place out in Donnalaich.

The walk to Donnalaich had been short but exhausting; even with her ice magic the jungle did not make for a pleasant place to travel through. It hadn’t help that it seemed to be no proper roads leading to the legendary fae capital; it had only been thanks to extensive use of small forest tracks(overrun by all manner of nasty critters that she had to fight of course) and detailed travel instructions attached to the bounty notice that she had even manager to find the city at all. When she found it however, it completely stole her breath away.

12-10-14, 08:22 AM
Donnalaich were a city build upon the ruins of another, and its current inhabitants took every care in restoring it not just to functionality but also beauty. It was an enormous city, the most populous in the area but large parts of it were uninhabited and in ruins.

Those parts if it that were inhabited however she walked through and they were splendid, filled with massive stone buildings decorated with meticulous carved arches and pillars. For several hours she ended up walking throughout the city, observing the glittering crystal statues decorating the streets with their brilliant light, being awed at their beauty even as a part of her mind were wondering about how it was all made.

Still, she knew she couldn’t waste too much time; her job her awaited her and she would have good time to play tourist in the inhabitant parts of the city as soon as the excavation was done. Perhaps she could find a clue as to how those statues was built in the ruins? She set out to find the archeological dig site. This was definitively worth the long trek through the jungle.

12-10-14, 10:29 AM
She made her way towards the archeologists at the eastern end of the city. They were actually rather close to the center of the city itself as it turned out, but it was at the eastern end of the restored and inhabited part of it.

As she neared the excavation site she saw more and more of the buildings that were closed off. Some at first with simple makeshift blockades and signs but others, as she moved more and more away from the central inhabited parts of the city out, with actually magic barriers and guards.

Her reading into the city had mention how many of the ruins were seen as unsafe due to the antique magic still there and the things still inhabiting them, it was the reason she was hired on as an guard on the expedition, again it seemed her reading had proven correct. She just hoped it wouldn’t turn out that they had actually downplayed the dangers that were to be found, she had run into that problem before and it was always rather troublesome.