View Full Version : And It Turned Into A Bar Room Blitz!

Zack Blaze
12-14-14, 12:10 AM
Zack Blaze sat at the bar, his wrists shackled together as he brought the cup of Alerar mead to his lips. The frothy foam of the drink tickled the youth’s upper lip, and as he set the mug down, he used the adamantine links of his handcuffs to wipe away the faux mustache created by the brew. Ever since the street fighter aided the dark elf forces by giving away the names of several big league members of the Crimson Hand, he was granted more liberties than your average run-of-the-mill political prisoner.

He looked towards the exit of the bar, and saw his two black suits at each end of the doorway. He sighed as he looked back towards the swirls made into his alcohol. The Misery Business representative had no intention of escape, so the added guards to his person was really unnecessary. In fact, the blonde found himself better protected in custody, as nobody from the Order would be stupid enough to make an attempt on his life. Zack ensured his safety when he framed the faun Philomel for his attempted murder upon the back of the dragon Stinky.

He rolled his shoulders to move his headphones around as he began to shift around to take another drink. The bar itself was really clean, the bar wiped down and the tables cleared within seconds of patrons taking their leave. The boy turned on his stool to look at the dozen or so tables that littered the speakeasy. The boy chewed on his lower lip as he watched a few serving wenches check on the two or three customers that were left.

“Wait a minute…” Zack whispered as his eyes narrowed on one particular barfly that seemed to be giving his waitress some overused lines she probably heard hundreds of time. The man let out a boisterous laugh as he looked at the maiden with icy blue eyes. The street fighter took one last drink of his mug and walked over to the table with the rather loud, short haired man. He smirked as he snuck up upon the flirting warrior and slapped him on the back in a friendly manner.

“Well if it isn’t Lil Leoric,” He threw his head to the side to move some of the blonde bangs from his face, “I really didn’t think I’d ever see you again pal. What, with me handing your ass to you last time we fought. I know –I’d- be embarrassed to show my face after that.”

12-16-14, 04:20 AM
Leoric had been having a pretty pleasant evening at this bar. He wouldn't say it was a great night, or that it was his favorite bar, but he was definitely enjoying himself. The bar itself had a welcome earthy feel to it, what with all the wood everywhere, and the Wenches were some of the finer looking ones he had seen around. He looked up at one with his ice blue eyes and gave one a wink as she walked past.

“What can I do for ya, handsome?” She inquired as her hips swayed from side to side.

“Well I can do for another one of these.” He commented as he chugged back the last of his ale. “And maybe you keeping me a little company for the evening.”

“Ooh. A little forward are we?” She grinned as she took his empty mug.

“What can I say, I don't like toying with anything. You either want to or you don't” He smirked as he put one arm up along the back of the booth he was in. “ Would you rather have me ask if you come here often? I am sure you here that one quite a bit.”

Just as the Wench was going to respond she noticed another man come over and quickly walked away. She was unsure what was going to happen, but definitely did not want to be in the crossfire.

“Well as I recall we tied that match up, blow for blow, and you one by inching me off the stage after making me agree to joining some sloppy group of yours. So in the end we tied. You didn't beat me. After all I would never loss to the likes of you.” He smirked as he stood up to look Zack square in the face. “Either sit down and join me for a round or I kick your ass for scaring away my companion for the night. The choice is yours”

Zack Blaze
12-22-14, 10:38 PM
Zack waved the threat of his rival off as though it were a fly in his face. The youth had bested the hardy brawler once before, and was more than confident enough that he could best him once more. He smiled as he walked around the table and took a seat across from the strong man. Zack admired Leoric’s strength, though he had little respect for the man himself, so the invitation to sit down and drink was a welcome one.

He angled his hands behind his head and scratched the back, the chain of the handcuffs an adequate head scratcher. His eyes kept focused on his makeshift drinking pal as he did this, and then angled his shackled wrists back in front of him. The young street fighter rolled his shoulders and rasped his fingers upon the redwood table, a smirk upon his features as he did so.

“Before you ask, there was a war in some Podunk little nation,” Zack pursed his lips and nonchalantly waved once more, “I basically turned an entire kingdom against itself, made a point to get myself arrested to avoid those that would seek to kill me, and now the governments and I have a certain agreement. I keep giving them names to this organization that helped me raze Eiskalt and they don’t sentence me to death, and give me certain liberties.”

The waitress came by again, though her pace was much faster as she set Zack’s ale down upon the table, as well as a fresh refill for Leoric. Zack’s eyebrow perked up as he looked at his fellow melee combatant. Leoric had the smell of a hard day’s work about him; sweat, body odor, and breath that could have used a mint or two. It was a stark contrast to the elegant smell of peaches that seemed to permeate off the younger brawler.

“Now, I know you’re a part of the Crimson Hand,” Zack said as he took a quick sip of his drink, the chain clanking against glass, “but I’m also not stupid. The Misery Business members who are also in the Order will not be named, so you’re safe. You have my word on that. Anyways, what’s been going on with you, Loseric?” Zack grinned his trademark smirk that usually ended with people taking a swing at him.

01-19-15, 01:23 PM
Leoric smirked as he looked across the unusually quite tavern. Everyone was wondering what he was going to do next. Someone has walked in and called him out, quite flagrantly, any other man would of got a fist to the face by now. The bar brawler sighed as he stood up and stood in the open clearing of the now silent bar.

“If you want to challenge someone to a fight do it properly” Leoric took a swig of his ale and swished it around his mouth before promptly spitting it at Zack's face. “Now, get your ass up and lets do this properly”

Gasping sighs could be heard around the bar as everyone was now looking at Zack, save one individual. He had tried to sneak up behind Leoric and get a hit in. as payback for a previous night. However, Leoric had no intention of giving this man a chance. Within the matter of a few seconds his right arm twitched and then rose up and met with the poor individuals face. He had stumbled back a few steps and collapsed into a chair as a few people laughed at his misfortune.

The real fight was about to begin and no one in the Tavern knew exactly what was going to happen.

“Just as a friendly word of caution to everyone here, Leave or be caught in the crossfire.” Leoric barked as his piercing gaze never left his Opponent.

Zack Blaze
01-20-15, 09:27 AM
Zack shook his head, a smile upon his face as Leoric tried to tell him to challenge proper. He shrugged his shoulders as the man turned around and decked some imbecile who tried to get the upper hand on the barfly. “Hey, obviously my jeering worked, so obviously I did something right.”

He rolled his shoulders as the drunkard turned around, but by the time Leoric had found Zack’s form, the youth disappeared from the man’s sight. The teleportation stone in the prisoner’s pocket once again proved itself useful, though Zack had to be careful on how often he used the enchanted item. If either of his guards saw that the bauble could transport the fiery street fighter so easily, they might opt to take the item away. Even though he had no plans of escape from custody, Blaze knew he could not take the chance of his most valued enchantment being confiscated.

Zack appeared at the other end of the thirty square foot bar, the crowd filing out in a hurried manner after Leoric’s little display of might. The teen jumped into the air and landed on the shoulders of one of the unsuspecting innocents. He leapt off of the random citizen and heard him or her slam into the ground as his body started to fly towards Leoric at a ridiculous speed. His leg was extended outwards towards the man. This was Zack’s Dynamic Entry kick, a blow so powerful it could easily send a normal man through the wall of the bar and straight into the next two buildings.

On someone like Leoric, Zack would be glad to just send him into the wall.

“Sorry pal, but once a loser, always a loser.”

01-30-15, 11:07 PM
Leoric smirked as the Hot shot ran his mouth again. Using the chaos of the patrons leaving the bar to his advantage. Zack Blaze had come rocketing through the air towards Leoric and their was only one thing Leoric could think of doing. In the ensuing chaos of everyone leaving the tavern chairs had been pushed around and strewn across the room. Normally this would bother Leoric as they could get in the way, this time however. He really didn't mind them as they were just a bigger hazard to his opponent. Leoric grasped the chair and stared at his opponent.

“Once a big mouth, Always a big mouth” Leoric retorted as he quickly swung the chair as hard as he could, it connected with the protruding leg, it splintered on impact with the leg. Sending an array of wood splinters and dust everywhere. It caused Zack to hit the ground, while Leoric used the momentum to his advantage and quickly side stepped while he aimed a quaking palm strike for the top of the skull.

Something occurred to Leoric though, if Zack was a prisoner of war, why wasn't his guards trying to stop the fight? Even if they had no love for him they still wouldn't want their prisoner to die. Leoric shook the thoughts from his head, he couldn't afford the risk of getting distracted not against Zack.

Zack Blaze
01-30-15, 11:28 PM
Zack fell to the ground and recovered with a quickl roll across the dirty floor of the bar. He could smell the mud, beer, and chipped cedar scents that all seemed to permeate from the hardwood. His leg throbbed and now contained several splinters that had torn through his pants and into his flesh. Guy always was quick on his feet.

The youth smirked and looked up just in time to see Leoric’s hand come straight towards his pretty boy features. The fighter smiled and disappeared instantly once again, the Quaking Palm never finding its mark.

Zack had experienced that technique in their last battle, a move that could hit the opponent without ever touching them. It was an impressive feat, and it took the street fighter off of his usual routine back then. But Leoric was gone for months, Zack had faced no-names and nobles alike. He had accomplished tournament runs under his belt. There was no way the youth was going to allow this encounter to end in some desperate last ditch maneuver.

He had to prove himself Leoric’s better.

The fighter appeared behind his foe as he recovered from the Quaking Palm. The blonde grabbed the chains to his handcuffs and sent them over his foe’s head. With a quick pull, Zack saw to strangle the bar brawler with the chains of his own shackles. The irony of both of them being detained by the same pair of handcuffs was not lost on Blaze.

“Just like the good old days? Right pal? Say uncle!” Zack snickered as he tried to pull the bindings backwards and send the taller man over his hips with a flip. “At least show me something new!”

01-30-15, 11:49 PM
Leoric started to smirk just as his opponent disappeared in front of him. The bar brawler was confused for only mere seconds before chains were squeezing his neck. Leoric's hands quickly went up to grab the chain to try and pull it away, but to no avail. His eyes felt like they were beginning to bulge from his head and the world began to spin. Leoric would not let Zack win or even tie them again. He had to come up with something new, Zack knew about his Quaking palm.

“Uncle?” Leoric stammered “Not on your life”

Leoric smirked as he quickly brought both elbows back, and swung his head straight back, connecting with the chained up street fighter. Leoric quickly dropped to the ground and rolled away staring at his opponent. He knew what he must do but he had no idea how to accomplish it.

“Something new? The only new thing you are going to see is me beating you down.”

Leoric began focusing his energy into his left foot, something he had seen his old master do several times. The goal of this was to produce a Quaking strike, a kick that mimicked the quaking palm. However, In Leoric's daze from being choked by Zack he had a hard time focusing properly. The smell of the of the Tavern met his nostrils in an offensive way, stomach bile, vomit, stale beer, it all mixed and mingled adding to his dazed state.

Zack finally recovered and looked at Leoric, Both brawlers had entered a stare down contest. Leoric was fine to be the loser of this contest if it meant winning the fight. He quickly kicked off with his left foot and performed a round house kick. He exuded all the energy that he had collected into his left foot as it arced by Zack's face.

((OOC: Leoric just learned how to do a Quaking arc kick, It leaves only small cat like scratches that sting like hell.))

Zack Blaze
01-31-15, 07:00 AM
Leoric’s elbows slammed into the youth’s chest, and the taller man’s head completely missed its mark as it was flung backwards. Zack’s eyebrow rose as he loosened the grip on his makeshift noose, and allowed Leoric to stumble forward and try to stare him down. The scrapper’s features seemed to be getting redder, more frustrated as it were by Zack’s one upmanship. The youth cracked his knuckles as he returned the stare, though the street fighter’s gaze was less focused on the defeat of his foe now and more focused on juvenile insults.

“Like…do you even understand how height works, man?” Zack questioned as he patted the top of his head and then moved his hand several inches above it. “If someone is almost half a foot shorter than you, you’re –probably- gonna miss em with a reverse head-butt.” He snickered as Leoric seemed to bite down on his own teeth. No doubt the fool was grinding his molars by this point.

“But hey, nice little chest hits there, Loseric,” Zack rolled his shoulders and patted his chest as though he were a proud chieftain warrior, “But it’s still not good enough.” His chest seemed to beat louder than normal, the adrenaline now coursed through his entire body. His legs began to shake, ready for the next counter or attack. He smiled as Leoric swung his foot towards the teenage street fighter, and Jack merely weaved himself backwards from the blow.

“Too fa—“ Zack began to speak just before his face lit up with pain. His features felt as though somebody had placed an angry cat on his right cheek, and the manipulator let out a half-growl, half grunt as he stumbled backwards from the technique. His form nearly collapsed upon a table, right hand over his face while his left held onto the small round table for leverage. His jawline throbbed at the pain of being mauled by the invisible force, though the youth’s mind secretly applauded his rival for thinking up something on the fly.

“Looks like I bring out the best in you, Leo,” Zack spoke through grit teeth, “I got just the place for a person of your talents if you’re interested…” as Zack finished he grabbed the table with his right hand as well, and swung the furniture towards his foe. He followed the thrown decoration quickly, two steps behind it and much lower. If Leo had to contend with the chair, Zack would come through with a massive Scene Stealing Uppercut to seize the day.

One surprise move doth not a snuffed Blaze make.

02-26-15, 07:53 PM
The next few moments seem to happen in slow motion for Leoric, His opponent stated he had an interesting offer for him all while tossing a table in his direction. Leoric had but a mere fraction to figure out how to dodge this oncoming table. Should he throw his own table back at it? No, not enough time to properly deflect it. Should he unsheathe his sword finally and attempt to cut the table in half? No, He just wouldn't be able to impart enough strength to realistically cut through the solid oak.

Leoric didn't have time to think anymore the table was so close that he had to go off of instinct. He immediately bent his knees and leaned back, His back hit the floor, as his knees gave out. Dust running away from him as it flew into the air. Within seconds the table roared past his face, Shortly followed by the sound of a missed punch. His instincts quickly took over as he pushed off the ground and kicked at his opponent.

“Did you really expect me to still stay standing where a table was thrown at me?” Leoric said as he flew towards his opponent feet first. "But, Continue, I may be interested in this deal of yours"

Zack Blaze
03-11-15, 08:22 AM
Zack's eyebrow perked up as his hay maker completely missed its mark. How he could miss a target that was lying down was a mystery far beyond what the youth could comprehend, but the brawler had little time to reflect on such things as somehow Leoric proved he was more flexible than a circus carny with a kick that defied the laws of physics. Zack threw his hands downwards towards his foe's foot, and used the chain of his cuffs to force the leg of his opponent down.

"Words are hard, eh Leo? Maybe you should take some Tradespeak classes." Zack spun his body around to get some distance between the two of the, various pirouettes and hops until the street fighter was on top of a table a few feet away. He laced his fingers together once more and cracked his knuckles, his shoulders also popping in the motion. "Feels good to get the kinks out before I actually have to start trying. Getting tired yet, old chum?"

Zack unlaced his fingers and sent two flames across the floor towards Leoric before the brawler could answer. In an instant, the youth teleported a few feet behind the man and threw two more shark like fires in his direction. Zack looked towards the entrance of the bar and saw his guards as they looked back at him with scowls upon their elven features. They wanted to stop the altercation badly, but were also concerned with rubberneckers attempting to infiltrate the speakeasy while such heavy combat was going on. The fighter kept his keepers at bay and still got to do what he wanted.

Like everything in his life, everyone danced to Zack Blaze's tune.