View Full Version : [Ixian Knights] The Empire's Regime Falls.

12-14-14, 04:03 PM
(Closed to Play Back)

Constable Lorenor paced back and forth. He was normally a patient man, but something didn't sit well with him. The recent order that came down the pipeline called for a VERY specific mission. The Ixian Knights were in the process of hunting down the last remaining components of the old empirical regime. Lorenor was growing impatient. He stood in one of the training centers for the paladins of the Ixian Knights, located on the castle grounds. It was well decorated with stain glassed windows featuring famous Althanas heroes and memorable aspects of history. Lorenor was staring at a statue depiction of Lady Y'edda. All the Thayne were present. Even a loose depiction of what they thought N'Jal looked like. Sei and the Ixian Knights respected ALL of the Thaynehood. Lorenor looked at Yeshua, his handler and sighed. Yeshua was also tapping his foot, and it was not like him to show a lack of patience.

"How soon?" Lorenor had to break the silence. There was a sermon present in the cathedral like training center. "This waiting when we could be hunting is getting on me. It is not like Sei Orlouge to keep us waiting."

"Especially with a matter of such importance." Yeshua commented. Yeshua was a ranking member of the Ixian Knight's paladin order. It was a subsidiary group, but on the payroll of the IK none the less. "I'm not going to lie Lorenor, I tried to ask Sei to convince someone else for this job."

"I know." Lorenor said calmly. "I know what is implied by the job's description, regardless, it must get done. As long as there is someone around with ties to the old regime, it can be reborn. I cannot allow that." Lorenor said calmly. "Funny...not too long ago N'Jal wanted the same thing and I was helping her do it." He sighed. A paladin...me...? War doesn't change but the weapons do. Lorenor shook his head. The down time, and the waiting was getting to everybody present. There was a pipe line and the missions had to go through the right sources, the connections. It had been approximately a year and a half since his reformation was completed.

"You understand why he chose you?" Yeshua asked.

"Cause I will get it done. Also I am not necessarily directly tied to the Ixian Knights. Getting this done will require outside help." Lorenor said. He was a sharp minded individual, and he knew how military factions worked. After all, he'd been leader of a cult of the undead for a long time.

"You're technically still with Reformation Team." Yeshua stated. "You haven't officially been placed anywhere within the ranks of the IK."

Lorenor folded his arms across his chest. "I am aware." He nodded grimly. "I am prepared to do what is necessary for Sei Orlouge." Lorenor spoke like a fanatic, in many ways, he was. He owed Sei his life.

"Just make sure your mind is clear in this matter." Yeshua said. "I cannot afford to loose you, you're too valuable because of your insight into the enemy." The enemy being N'Jal.

"If Sei needs it, I will break the pillars of Heaven." Lorenor said boldly. "It's not even a matter of loyalty. He spared me during a moment he could have killed me. I owe him more than you understand." Lorenor said. "I would die for Sei Orlouge."

Yeshua nodded. "I understand my friend, all I am saying is not to be so eager to throw your life away. You are too important."

A presence entered the training hall. Lorenor turned to acknowledge the courier. He nodded respectfully towards the courier. "Greetings." Lorenor said.

Yeshua also nodded towards the courier.

"Sir Lorenor." The courier began. "Sei brings word. You have your first mission."

"I am aware." Lorenor said calmly. "Please brief me on the mission."


Sometime later, Lorenor sat in an office further in the cathedral preparing his gear for the mission. Yeshua also stood in the chamber with him.

"You're going to go through with this?" Yeshua asked.

"Sei has called, and I MUST answer." Lorenor said simply. "Even if I go to my death, it will be for a cause I believe in. I will die on my own feet." Lorenor said calmly. He looked at Yeshua. "It has been a privilege working with you Lord Yeshua. I hope to return and complete the training you have started with me."

"You are always welcome in the brotherhood." Yeshua said in response. "Sei will help you accomplish great things."

"He'll have many watching him..." Lorenor said calmly. "According to the briefing he's holed up in Radasanth, they can't get to him. They need the outside support."

"Don't die, Lorenor. You're far too important." Yeshua said.

"I'm not easy to kill." Lorenor said in response.


Lorenor was waiting at the rendezvous point. He was to meet the back up that was going to assist him. Sei had outside help planned, it was going to be a job that could not be tied to the Ixian Knights directly. Lorenor waited for his assistant to arrive. He sat on the horse back at the particular spot, his eyes narrowed. He wore complete black, as he was instructed, with no noticeable IK marks. Lorenor cracked his knuckles as he waited, the entire ordeal was getting ready to begin and that was where his mind needed to be. He couldn't allow his own fanatical devotion to Sei Orlouge be his own downfall. He had to make certain that he was the right man for the job. Lorenor rubbed the neck of his black horse.

"War is coming." Lorenor said to nobody in particular. "I am glad that I will not face it alone." Lorenor said. All he could do was wait. The meeting point was just beyond Radasanth. Radasanth was still a shit-hole ravaged by the war with the empirical regime. Lorenor liked those odds, it would create enough cover for him and a partner to slip through the cracks...

Play Back
12-22-14, 11:45 PM
Sei Orlouge had saved me on so many levels.

I rode down the beaten trade route road while I stared intently at the twin sais in my hand and thought about Sei Orlouge. When I first met the Mystic, I helped save his life alongside the Chibimon trainer Hsa during their separate adventures in Lavinya. I was born and raised in the country of the undead, so I knew my way around the place when we and one other went along on a mission to assassinate one of the Vampire Lords who reigned over my district. Sei Orlouge had saved my city, albeit with some minor help from me, and even offered me a job within the ranks of the Ixian Knights.

Further down the road, during the Magus Cup, I engaged in a training session against Hsa, and found myself with a brand new power. Apparently, in situations of extreme duress, I could convert my allies into weapons and use them. This ability seemed to stay with me even if the ally did now, as apparent by the ‘Silence Sais’ that were currently in my hands. They possessed the ability to fill an area with light when they were swung, a reflection of Sei’s own innate light abilities. Hsa had gone crazy during the sparring session and almost killed myself and my Ixian leader, and it was only due to Sei’s presence that I was able to best the child.

I spun the sais around between my fingers and though I knew that even with the sharp points they were glorified garden tools, they still seemed right to me. The carriage soon stopped, as did my body bouncing upon the bumpy route, and I quickly sheathed my weapons and walked out of my ride. I was greeted with the man I was told to assist, the former N’Jal servant turned paladin, Lorenor.

I looked at the man through my black mask and nodded that I was indeed his contact. This mission was of great importance, which was why I made sure to wear my outfit that had no visible signs of the Ixian insignia. I was a lesser-known within the hierarchy of the Knights, so even if there was some witnesses, without the banner of the IK on our forms. I stood up straight and gave a bow to Lorenor.

“My Lord,” I spoke softly so any passerbys would not here, “Are we ready to embark on out mission?”

12-23-14, 06:49 PM
Lorenor saw the carriage pull up with a halt.

A single fellow emerged, and Lorenor also bowed to his companion.

The carriage was an extremely decorated one, Lorenor noticed the Corone design for the carriage. It wasn't gaudy and it was likely commissioned by Sei Orlouge for the mission. Just as his own horse was. Lorenor did not like to think about eventualities and what if's too often, he simply got the job done. Lorenor let the question linger for a few moments and turned to look in the general direction of Radasanth proper. Then, he pointed towards Radasanth. "Out there. Our target is holed up within a specific church." As fate would have it, Lorenor had the creeping sensation that he'd been in that church once a long time ago. "Just a local Thayne cathedral more than likely." Lorenor was making assumptions to be certain, but the Thayne was the representing religion of the land. There were many other pagan religions every where, but Lorenor, and many like he, only acknowledged the Thayne pantheon. "It will have high security." Lorenor explained as he looked at Play Back. "The scout reports state that the target is holed up deep in the cathedral itself. It's one of those big buildings, pre the Demon War's era." Lorenor handed Play Back a parcel. "From Sei. It contains information about the mission. Including our target. I don't feel right just saying the fellow's name out in the open like that." Lorenor said.

He was a calm, pious man. Though his chosen attire was all black, it made him look more like an executioner than some kind of a holy man. Lorenor oft dressed for practicality and function of purpose. Once Play Back took the document, he nodded towards his companion. "Read the information therein. It contains your instructions. I was told by my Handler that once we get into the cathedral we will have separate objectives that coincide with the target." Lorenor watched Play Back for a moment with his own glowing blue eyes. "That carriage is too obvious of our ranking and standing. We should probably leave it here, take one of your horses instead." Lorenor had natural leadership qualities and his role of a leader came second nature to him. He'd been through it and fought through many wars to get where he was at now. He understood that his war against the priority target was just one of many wars he would continue to fight for the rest of eternity. It was true what they said: time flowed different for immortal kind. As he waited for Play Back to get situated, he sat on his horse quietly and pondered.

Play Back
01-20-15, 08:54 AM
Lord Lorenor was right, the carriage I used to meet my supervisor was not only overly intricate but also emblazoned upon it was the familiar ‘IX’ that was the symbol of the Ixian Knights. Anybody who knew anything about Corone would see that the vessel stuck out like a sore thumb. One glance from an imperial loyalist and all our planning would have been for naught. It had taken three years of planning from Sei and Andrew Octane for the strategy to get this far, and I nearly blew it with something as simple as a convenient ride.

I unfolded the brown paper wrapping that hid the contents of the mission briefing and looked over it. Most of the intel were things I was already aware of; we were to infiltrate one of the largest churches in Radasanth in order to get close to and eventually assassinate the Viceroy known as Athenry Sergio, a man of the cloth who claimed to be pious but really only cared about himself. The people toiled and suffered in the name of this man, as well as his cohorts. If at all possible we were to gain information about Athenry’s fellow Viceroy, Sivien Arundiel and his location as well. Sei told me he had personally taken care of Emien Harthworth himself.

One down, two to go I guess.

I turned to the driver of the carriage and explained the situation to him. He was a young guy, probably mid-twenties, with blonde hair and brown eyes. He seemed strangely okay with the idea that we were taking the only way he had of getting back to the castle. I guess maybe he thought such a situation may occur. That makes the carriage driver smarter than me, apparently. I watched as he dropped from the front of the vehicle and walked over to each horse to untether them. Dust particles fell off of his tanned pants as he made any little motion and I could smell the cologne he used to try and mask the body odor that wafted off of him.

As the horses were unstrapped from their reigns, the driver went towards the cab of the carriage and reached in to take two saddles, which he then used upon the steeds. He turned to me with a smile that made me uncomfortable under his eyes. “Here you are, Lord Play Back. I made sure that we got two of the strongest mares in the castle for this mission. I hope they treat the two of you as well as they treated me. Do you need assistance being lifted up to the saddle, sir?”

An unintentional joke about my height. The driver was a good two feet taller than myself, so I guess he could make such jests, even if it was not on purpose. I gave him a glance from beyond my mask as I grumbled and walked towards the animal. I leapt up and fell with my stomach straight across the back of the beast. I could hear the driver try to stifle a snicker as I scrambled across the saddle and got my legs around the mare. I turned to Lord Lorenor and nodded.

“Are we ready, my Lord?”

01-20-15, 11:35 AM
Atop his steed, Lorenor looked upon the scene ahead.

This is not the city of Heroes, it has become something ugly and scared of it's own current state of being... "Yes, we may depart." Lorenor stated and he saluted the carriage driver as a courtesy as well as the two departed. Lorenor guided his horse through the outer wall of the city. The city gates. There was a guard outpost stationed just ahead, and they were heavily armed. First obstacle of the day. Lorenor thought back to the briefing with Sei Orlouge and his other superior officers. His mind cleared and he recalled the methods and tactics that they were supposed to use to take their enemy down. Lorenor black horse was massive, and the muscle and sinew rippled with each movement the horse took. Lorenor felt a certain atmosphere in Radasanth that he did not like, despair. Oppression oft lead to despair, and turned nations into ugly monsters. Lorenor observed the cobblestone streets, guards were almost everywhere. He had to guess they were NOT loyal to the Ixian Knight's cause. For the duration of the mission, I am no longer a Knight. I am a mercenary, that is my undercover identity. Lorenor thought to himself. He largely sat in silence as they moved forward, focusing on the job.

I wonder why Sei has chosen Play Back as well. He seems like a good enough kid, quite skilled. Lorenor's thoughts cascaded into themselves. He chose us cause he knew we could get the job done. The early evening air touched his well clothed body, he could feel just the hint of winter upon it. The air had a slight crispiness to it. However, there was also a warmth from a campfire up ahead which signaled to him that they were rapidly approaching the guards, and he needed to have his a-game ready. The documentation in his possession would check out, if Sei's contacts all did their job. Lorenor's cover identity was not only that of a mercenary, but it was also that of a religious holy man, sent in to assist with the morale of the target's forces. Lorenor heard the commanding "Halt." And he immediately stopped his horse, assuming that Play Back would stop as well. He looked down towards the Guard Captain, an unfamiliar man with tightly cropped brown hair and the decorated armor of a seasoned veteran. Further, he was not loyal to the IK as Lorenor had suspected. These guards were loyal to the dying regime and would likely fight to defend that cause. His eyes had a cold stare, and were green. Lorenor noticed the grizzly beard.

The man's armor was not clean polished, such concerns were the worries of a rookie.

Real men, got dirty.

"State your business." The guard captain said coldly.

"I have identification papers if you wish to see them. Here for employ." Lorenor said.

Lorenor handed the guard captain his forged papers.

"Gonna work at the cathedral huh?" The guard captain asked. "He Sam! We got us a holy man here."

Another burly guard walked towards Lorenor. "A holy man, huh? Surprised you guys still around with the state of things." The second guard narrowed his eyes. "Not like any holy man I ever seen."

"Papers check out though." The guard captain said. The guard captain held the papers in his hand, and spoke with his companion. "What do you think?"

"Bad luck to gut one of those holy men. Especially if they follow The Thayne Codex." The second soldier said. "I seen what happens to folks who go bat shit crazy when they assault a follower." The second man looked up at Lorenor. "I see the glow in his eyes. He's the real deal."

"What do we do then?" The guard captain asked. More soldiers suddenly walked up towards the pair as if aroused by the scent of blood.

After a long moment, the pair's fate was decided. "Can't be helped, his papers check out. You may enter citizen, but be advised, Radasanth is still a turf war, ain't safe for nobody. Especially not followers of the Thayne, even if you two are priesthood."

Lorenor nodded. "I thank you for your advice." Lorenor said.

"Move along, nothing to see here." The guard captain said, and gestured for Lorenor and Play Back to be on their ways.

And with that, Lorenor knew the score. He hadn't realized he was holding his breath until about five minutes later when he finally sighed in relief. "That was too fucking close." He turned to look at Play Back. "We got a contact here, should meet up with them soon and figure out our next move."

Play Back
02-07-15, 06:26 AM
I had taken my mask off by the time we arrived at the front gates to Radasanth. My blonde hair flowed in the breeze as I watched Lord Lorenor speak with the silver tongue of a merchant to the guard.The other guards eyed me with raised eyebrows. A person with pure white eyes was rare on Althanas, even more so when the person in question was not blind. I would have to stop by the bazaar and get contacts if I wanted our mission to go on smoothly. My mask was tucked deep into my pocket and I could feel a few errant beads of sweat as they trailed down my face.

Lord Lorenor passed by the gate no problem, but as I tried to pass, I was stopped by the two quiet guardsmen. I raised a single eyebrow at them as if to ask them what this was about without actually vocalizing it. I could feel more sweat start to form at the top of my head; had I been exposed so soon into our assignment? Was I that unique?

"Now hold on there," one of the soldiers said, his voice a bit higher than that of a normal man, "we let him through because his story seems to check out, but aren't you a little young to be in the priesthood?"

"He's my war--" one of the guards turned around and shook his head at Lorenor and raised his hand.

"The boy can answer for himself," the secondary soldier seemed to have a higher voice as though he growled each syllable, "Unless you wanna be locked up for interfering with an investigation 'Father'."

"I....uh..." I stammered, it was so odd that I was in the hot seat after years of putting the Ixian Knights through this exact same scenario. In my training, I had to interrogate some of the less trust worthy members, using everything from kindness to cruelty with them to get the answers I desired. I knew what kind of intimidation game these guys were attempting to pull on me, and I knew I shouldn't have been falling for it, but here I was, looking for an answer in the crowd beyond as if it would spring up at me.

"I'm ....in the choir?" The words were meant to be a statement but came out as a question. The two warriors gave each other a stoic glance as if they were ready to take me off of my ride and beat me senseless. When they finally turned their attention back to me, they nodded.

"Very well then boy, I guess we'll see you at the next church gathering," the growl-voice said as they both stepped aside and allowed by mount to carry on. I waited until both Lord Lorenor and myself were far beyond earshot and well into the town before I whispered to him.

"...We have a problem now. I can't sing."

04-07-15, 09:28 AM
"Don't worry about it this is just for our cover identities anyway." Lorenor said as they walked through the war-torn Radasanth.

It was weird for Lorenor seeing the current state of things in the big city. It had become an ugly, broken thing still attempting to survive on it's last legs. Lorenor couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at how bad things have gotten. Buildings were in disrepair. The once vibrant community was in total conflict with itself and was in desperate need of spiritual leadership. Lorenor would fill in the gaps. That would come later...for now they needed to focus on the mission at hand. Frontal assault would likely not work...too many numbers. As they walked Lorenor paused briefly and turned towards Play Back.

"I want to thank you for joining me on this job. Radasanth is in a lot of trouble now and needs Heroes now more than ever." Lorenor reached towards Play Back in an attempt to place his hand on the boy's shoulder as a source of comfort. "We face incredible odds, but we can do it. Sei Orlouge has put complete faith in us." For Lorenor that was all that mattered. He'd always been a devoted religious follower, and he doubted it would ever change. Lorenor adjusted himself and looked at Play Back for a moment longer. Then he turned towards the direction of their contact.

Misery was etched on the faces of the populace, there were poor and hungry begging for alms.

Lorenor felt an immediate impulse to help the poor and suffering, but that would wait until after they were inducted into the cathedral's fold. Though the enemy was using the cathedral as a front, that didn't mean that ALL of the cathedral's followers were bad. The only way it would become a full fledged battle...was if they were all secretly following the Dark Lady; N'Jal. Lorenor considered that and up ahead spotted the cathedral in question. It was one of the few structures that was relatively intact. Lots of people were gathered around and in the building waiting for sermons, cathedral rites, and other matters. The paladin paused once more to look at his companion.

"No need to be nervous. The Thayne are guiding us. All will work out according to the divine plan. We shall proceed to the Priest's office when you feel ready to." Lorenor said calmly. He was trying to ease his companions fears and anxieties, despite the fact that Lorenor himself was scared as well.