View Full Version : A minor suggestion.

12-18-14, 07:01 PM
It has come to my attention that we don't have what I'm about to suggest.

The WIKI character pages are merely one option.

But here's what I am about to suggest. For registered, completed characters we should have a SEPARATE ROG forum where we can ammend in character information to our sheet. Now I'm not talking about powers and such like that, that's ROG job when we level. What I'm talking about is where we can amend stuff like completed threads, history, OOC gibberish. I think that would be a neat new feature. I don't know why someone hasn't thought of this yet. The WIKI is a good start, but I think there should be a dedicated SOMEWHERE where people can update character info on the fly, with a single or (Maybe) two mod's looking over the forum from time to time to make sure nobody is cheating. It's just a minor idea I just had, but it could add to more accessible characters and stuff like that. Just a suggestion, feel free to discuss guys.

Zook Murnig
12-19-14, 11:14 AM
The wiki pages can be updated on the fly. There's no need for a redundant subforum to serve that purpose.

12-19-14, 11:23 AM
I can see it from both points of view; it can be difficult to find wiki pages and putting a subforum for only character wikis would be a lot easier for accessibility when you're looking for information on a character but I can also see how putting a mod on that would be a waste because it just subjects them to pointless reading and more potential for burnout.

I guess it's just all on how you look at it

12-19-14, 11:26 AM
Just stick a link to your character's wiki page in your signature.

Problem solved.

12-19-14, 07:49 PM
All good guys was just offering a suggestion :D . But yeah I suppose I can easily put together a WIKI page. Thanks for the input guys I was just wondering about that.