View Full Version : Secret Althana-Santa!

12-20-14, 11:52 PM
Come one come all to the first ever "Secret Althana-Santa!" Here you will have fun exchanging gifts, sharing laughs, and listening to some classic music performed by the one and only Matthew Rramón!!

Now where is this super special even located? Well in a small tavern located within Raiaera, known as Dead Man's Drink!

What time you ask? Well we will be assigning who gives to who very shortly, so be sure to make it to the registration booth within the next three days!

What should you bring? Now this is where it gets tricky! You can bring any item you wish, so long as you have the gold to buy it! This could be anything as simple as a knife, to as intricate as an ice mold arrow enchanted to return to normal once used! But remember, if you don't have the gold, you can't bring it! If you need help with prices, you can always ask a merchant of the bazaar!

Now doesn't this sound like fun? Of coarse it is!! So come on down to Dead Man's Drink and let us have a party!

Rules of this event:

1) you MUST have enough gold for the item you give. If you are unsure, then ask a bazaar mod over PM.
2) at the end of the thread time I will submit this thread for judgement, under spoils will be listed the items given, gold will be deducted to pay for the item
3) to avoid any hurt feelings, all items will be unable to be sold on the bazaar or to other players

1) from the moment I post this thread until Noon EST you will be able to register, only 2 accounts per person at the most.
2) after Noon I will draw names to find out who must give to who. I will PM each person who they have
3) I will open the IC thread at Midnight (Christmas eve - Christmas night) and let it run until Saturday at Midnight.
4) at Midnight the thread will closed and submitted for judgement.

Please register here ICly! Hope this goes well and turns out to be fun! :-)

12-21-14, 12:03 AM
I would like to register Gavner and Matthew for this Christmas party- IC post pending

12-21-14, 06:38 AM
I would like to enter Invetisto and Timothy Gold to this list.

12-21-14, 09:24 AM
Ill be registering both Ioder and Lloyd for the festivities!

Silence Sei
12-21-14, 03:38 PM
Question, are we going to say this gift giving spree is for 'Christmas', or are we going to make up a holiday for the occasion to correlate with the real thing? Just asking.

Tobias Stalt
12-21-14, 04:43 PM
The entire concept of Christmas is derived from a Pagan holiday anyway, so I don't see why we couldn't just be like "lol, Yule! Everyone get wasted and bring presents!"

black shadow
12-21-14, 04:57 PM
My character, Tyler, and Matt's character, Matthew, are bringing the idea of Christmas to Althanas (as they are from earth). So we will be calling it Christmas, though everyone is most likely unfamiliar to it.

12-21-14, 05:27 PM
Yeah. We will call it a Christmas party but we won't really tell people what it means until the end to avoid people storming out. After we tell people what Christmas is feel free to have your character leave, but no fighting will be tolerated in the thread as Christmas isn't about that

Tobias Stalt
12-21-14, 05:59 PM
Why not just keep it a holiday celebration without religious stigma attached to it?

12-21-14, 06:11 PM
I think most Althanasians will be confused by the thought of a mono-theistic religion ...

But anyway. Yuletide is fun. Winter festivals are fun. Christmas is fun. Turn it into a snowball fight and all my fauns are in!

black shadow
12-21-14, 07:01 PM
Sign up list:

1) Black Shadow
2) Tyler Hoyt
3) Matthew Ramon
4) Gavner Nahs
5) Invetisto
6) Timothy Gold
7) Ioder
8) Lloyd
9) Philomel
10) Mordelain

Silence Sei
12-22-14, 02:41 AM
I think most Althanasians will be confused by the thought of a mono-theistic religion ...

Actually, Mystics celebrate a holiday that falls around the same line as Christmas known as The Night Of Glass, which is the day Mystics were given their Mystic Protection ability, with very similar customs as Christmas; there's a feast, celebration, gifts are given (usually gifts made of glass, mind), the true purists of the holiday even have a trees they decorate, etc etc. That was the whole reason I asked my Christmas question, to know whether or not I should bring any of my 3 Mystic characters into the mix.

12-22-14, 03:02 AM
The Rodden Festival in Scars Brae is kinda like Harvest festival in winter. Christmasish. Mords in.

12-22-14, 07:33 AM
I think that with so many holidays that Althanas can have it should be a day that everyone is there to celebrate their own gift giving holiday. They can call it what they want but ultimately they are all giving gifts.

black shadow
12-22-14, 08:00 AM
what hoytti said. call it what you want! :-) just a time to come together and give gifts!

anyone else want to jump in? tomorrow at noon the registration closes.

12-24-14, 12:38 PM
Registration closed! Final list is:

1) Black Shadow
2) Tyler Hoyt
3) Matthew Ramon
4) Gavner Nahs
5) Invetisto
6) Timothy Gold
7) Ioder
8) Lloyd
9) Philomel
10) Mordelain

To everybody participating:
There will be food, drinks, games, and a chance for everybody to meet new characters and make allies-- or enemies. Be warned though, this party is strictly peaceful. Fighting is absolutely prohibited, all who violate will be thrown out in the snow! Be sure to think of your gift that you are bringing. We do have several issues to be addressed here.

There will be a decked out Christmas tree here, but if your character is coming to celebrate a unique gift-giving holiday feel free to comment any decorations special to the holiday that you would like here! We will take all suggestions into consideration.

There will be a large feast for all who come. If your character has a special dish for his or her culture that is always incorporated into the holiday, comment here and it will be at the feast.

We would like suggestions for things to do at the party! A snowball fight is definately on the list, Matthew and Tyler can teach people the ways of snowboarding and sledding if there is interest. A monk from the citadel will be making a special guest appearance to accommodate this area in case anybody loses a few teeth to high-impact snowballs but he can also create different arenas and settings for friendly competitions. Open to all suggestions; go wild!

By posting in this thread, you give your full permission for your character to be bunnied. Make sure not to bunny somebody's character to do something that they normally would not do.

Posting order:
There will be no posting order in this thread. You can post 5 times in a row or once in the whole thread; it's your choice.

Thank you guys! Shadow and I would love to hear your suggestions, don't be afraid to highlight things that you like or call out anything you don't like! We want everybody to have fun so just let is know :)

12-24-14, 01:42 PM
Fauns have a winter festival around the Winter Solstice...

BTW I would like to have Leaf and Blodwen in the secret santa too

12-24-14, 04:26 PM
So phi would you like Matthew and Tyler to make a bunch of paper snowflakes and white paper chains to hang them from the ceiling because it's winter solstice?