View Full Version : Life hit me, not laziness I swear!

12-21-14, 12:10 AM
Hey, I was going to post this in the mod forum only but figured I'd put it up here too so it's known why I'm going slower.

Currently I'm working two full time jobs, switching schools to work on my B.A. in Accounting, and trying to sleep somewhere in there as well. So, when I have the time to ignore sleep I'll be judging and hopefully writing with some of you lovely people.

I apologize now for my slow responses to judgments.

Alydia Ettermire
12-21-14, 01:00 AM
Yeesh, man. Don't kill yourself working.

12-21-14, 04:46 AM
Ranger, in terms of Judgements - its fine. Just take your time and if there are things you cannot do, let me know.

01-07-15, 11:17 AM
So. Here's what's up for anyone curious...

I worked 30-40 hours at each job for all of last month; as well as had Bronchitis and what felt like the flu on top of that from at least the 20th till the 1st. Jobs have since then slowed back to normal part-time at one but the other is still 35+.

Also I have been accepted at Colorado State University to start my B.A. in Accounting, which started on the 5th. Still piecing all that together, but already in 8 week classes. The transition has been extremely time consuming on its own as well.

I am going to be back on Althanas judging and (hopefully) writing by the weekend but before Saturday I will still be absent. Thank you for your understanding and hope everyone had a great holiday season and the new year is treating you well.


01-07-15, 11:20 AM

Thanks for keeping us in the loop. We have two new judges in training right now, which has just started though it would be fine for you to just do what you can. In general, is the judgements you have okay or shall I give them to another person until you have time to take them again? You currently have two in your queue.

Congratulations for beign accepted into University! Its really good and I hope you have a great time!


01-07-15, 02:37 PM
The two are fine. Right now my previous school is holding my disbursements for my financial aid, but saying they aren't, just to be vindictive because I left and it's a small school. Sooooo... I may have to wait till the first week of February now to start at the University. Which means I'll have plenty of time this month starting Saturday to knock out judgments and get back into the groove of being the moderator I should be for Althanas.

Thanks again for understanding.