View Full Version : Blue Blurs and Buzzing

The Muri
12-21-14, 08:34 PM

A blurred image of a hallway came into your view. It was a metal hallway. Footsteps boomed loud enough to make you go deaf. Sights casted solely onto the carpeted floor, a pair of slick, leather boots marked the fact that wherever you were, you were racing. Images cutty, you look up to a thick, metal door with an odd, mystical light on it. The light flashes on and off, you burst through a door that opened automatically. Now narrowly able to catch that you're on a balcony, you lower a sniper rifle. You look into the sniperscope...

And wake up.


I gasped. One second ago, I looked into the scope lenses of a gun, second I open my eyes. I was in my room, home at the Ixian Castle. The first thing I noticed in my dark chambers was the plasma ball on my shelf. I dare not touch it. Ever. It was so cold, so intense, so beautiful... and it casted a brightness like lightning. Soon enough, my eyes adjusted and I was able to note everything else too. My weapons rack, my book shelf, my box of new curtains I left in the corner yesterday. I was sitting up in my bed, but now I fall onto the pillow again. What was that odd dream?

The Muri
12-21-14, 09:03 PM
I closed my eyes for a moment. It was only a second, but I opened them again to see shafts of radiant sunlight bursting into my room from the window. I yawned and pushed myself up, rubbing my groggy eyes. I proceeded to stretch. I had to stretch into some impressive lengths, my body simply required it. After opening my eyes again from my yawning, I crawled out of bed.

I wasn't having one of those early worm days. It was on days I dragged like this though that I could trail on over to my cold water bucket and quickly wash myself down. Well, I was up now. As long as my hair was all good, I stuck a front side of my blond hair into the preparations for dying it. After that was settled, I finally changed into a long, black shirt and grey leggings. I tossed my leather boots on to go - then..


My boots!

I didn't have my steel plates over them, so it was clear to see. My dream, I was looking down on those exact same boots.

I bit my lip, that strange, almost pixelated dream still haunting me, as I rushed out of my door and to the mess hall.

The Muri
12-21-14, 09:10 PM
In the mess hall, I pondered. My breakfast was simple. I had yogurt, a pear, and a chocolate muffin (with chocolate chunks and chocolate chips! Yum!) I tapped my finger against my glass of milk, reflecting my dream. The weapon that I myself apparently carried in it, a long but skinny gun, was unlike anything I'd seen across the face of Althanas before... and yet, it was so familiar.

As the sound of my nail against glass was distracting, I diverted my attention to my yogurt instead... I only found myself playing with it for several moments, but I at last dug my spoon into it and ate up. The entire time, I eyed my muffin was my dreams flashing between the two.

What is that feeling I've got about my dream? How on earth am I able to relate to it?

The Muri
12-21-14, 09:19 PM
After I'd eaten my yogurt, I'd rushed back to my room to finish the only partially completed task of dying my hair. I had my pear in one hand, my muffin in the other. I had my mouth shamelessly gorged halfway into the chocolate muffin of goodness as I entered the room. I could hear crumbs tumble onto the floor, but I didn't care. I could pick those up and finish them once I'd clipped my katana onto my loose belt, hanging off on my waist. I finished the muffin just after I'd gotten my sword equipped with telekinesis. I had to pause though, at several brief images that flashed before my eyes when I used it. They went by so fast, I couldn't tell what they were... yet they felt, once again, familiar.

I sighed as I snapped myself out of it, completing the job of getting my hair dyed. Today it was colored blue, like that scheme in my dream...

The Muri
12-23-14, 10:45 PM
I was just finishing my pare and holding a cup of coffee when I walked out of the messhall (from getting coffee), when...

"OOOHHHHH!" *Crash!*

I instantly froze in my tracks, rolling my eyes. I skidadled back to the kitchen, knowing what I'd find... one of the cooks, Martha Melt, must have found another spider. And indeed, the red headed woman was standing on the chair like she'd seen a mouse. I took a final bite of my pare, threw it away, then walked over to her, "Where is it?"

She stammered in fear, "B-b-bi-big one! Wa-as cr-eeeeeepn' acro- floor."

I sighed, she considered those tiny, red spiders "huge." The sad story went that she had a bad experience with the local spider mages and was phobic over anything with more than six legs... Once again, I thought it would be no biggie. "Martha, I'm sure it is nothing to be scared of. Just tell me what color it is and I'll squish it into- HOLY FREAKING ORLOUGE!!"

It. Was. Huge. It was something like a tarantula! And it was just crawling across the floor... my instincts kicked in, I threw the one object in my hand at it... my coffee. Poor coffee, just being wasted like that... well, not wasted. I did hit it! I only had to pull out one of my serrated throwing knives to finish the job.

And now that creepy thing lie dead, a throwing knife skewered into it, with spilled coffee and a broken cup around it.

Maybe I didn't need coffee now...