View Full Version : Testing the Frail and Faint-hearted (Open)

Taste of Treason
12-22-14, 06:18 PM
I cannot say with certainty how I came to this decision. The massive room seems to swallow me whole as I stand so far unopposed. My heart beats like a drum as I look around me. There are four walls freshly painted an off shade of white, nothing of note.

Thump, thump, thump.

The floor is marble, streaks of grave weave a pattern far to complex for me to see wholly from my height.

Thump, thu-thu-thump.

The door I entered through sits menacingly in the distance, its bright mahogany wood the one splash of color in the otherwise pristine room.

Thuthump, thuthump, thump.

I consider bolting for a long moment. I let a curse enter my mind. I am afraid. Why did I listen to Leona...again?

Thump, thump, thudududu, thump.

She has done little but confuse me in the short time we've known each other. Her promises that I will be one of those who will keep the entire planet in tact as the battle of good an evil rages on is more a fairy tail than something I truly believe.

So why do I keep letting her talk me into things?

I suppose this isn't the first time in my life I've needed a fairy tale to get me through each day.

Thududump, thudududu, thump, thududu.

I let my hand fall to my waist. I feel the cool handle of a sword I've barely touched there. This will be the only chance I have of escaping vast amounts of pain. That is, if I can remember how to use it.

Thump, Thump, Thump. Creeeeaaak.

I jump at the sound. I know I should be prepared. I've studied the Citadel at length. Of course there will be another. One who only wishes to see me fall.

Thudududmp, thududumph.

I can only pray the beat of my hearts drum doesn't give away all my thoughts. I tighten my grip on the blade and watch as the door slowly opens.