View Full Version : Noisy Missile Weapon

Hard Rock
12-24-14, 02:48 PM

I would like to order an oak whistle please! The oak whistle is enchanted so if it's blown into, it releases a sound wave that can affect anyone within ten feet with the damage of a thrown, iron needle. It would only cause one, light cut.

Thank you!
~ Ashla

Aurelianus Drak'shal
12-28-14, 06:24 PM
Alrighty, cutter, I just have to say that giving you the equivalent of unlimited throwing needles is simply too powerful.

But, for six shots a day/thread, I can give you said whistle for 94 GP.

Hard Rock
12-28-14, 06:32 PM
Six shots sounds good. Take my money!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
12-28-14, 06:33 PM
Transaction Completed.

94 GP to be deducted from Hard Rock's account.

Ashla, you know the drill by now, cutter - link this thread where appropriate.

12-29-14, 12:32 AM
Money deducted.