View Full Version : price check

12-24-14, 11:16 PM
I havve a list of items I want prices for

Enchanted harp- this harp is enchanted to change the enviroment depending on the song played. If the song song sounds like you're in an enhanted foret then the land contorts into an enchanted forest for however long you play the song. If it sounds like you are in a volcano then it contorts into a volcano. Ect. Ect.

War fans - these iron fans have the ability to make a gust of wind that is as powerful as tropical storm winds. (60 - 70 mph winds)

Attack spiders - little mechanical spiders that will swarm the enemy in groups of five.

12-28-14, 10:59 PM
Enchanted harp- this harp is enchanted to change the enviroment depending on the song played. If the song song sounds like you're in an enhanted foret then the land contorts into an enchanted forest for however long you play the song. If it sounds like you are in a volcano then it contorts into a volcano. Ect. Ect.

Is this an illusion or actually in a volcano and associated magma goodness? If it is able to create an ocean around people, or put them in an acutal volcano and it might be too strong to buy.

War fans - these iron fans have the ability to make a gust of wind that is as powerful as tropical storm winds. (60 - 70 mph winds)

So, if they can do gusts of wind at that speed, say three times a day: 150 each (total of six gusts)

Attack spiders - little mechanical spiders that will swarm the enemy in groups of five.

Assuming hand-sized, each is:
Copper: 150
Iron: 300
Steel 450

Assuming they are 1/4 a hand size, each is:
Copper: 50
Iron: 100
Steel 150

I also have have assumed they have little teeth-things that can bite.

12-30-14, 01:57 PM
Sorry about the delay.

The harp is an illusion

12-30-14, 02:02 PM
I will buy two warfans. Training to use them will be a thread of it's own.

The Inventor
12-30-14, 02:05 PM
I will buy the attack spider to protect me until I make a new mechanical suit.

12-30-14, 06:27 PM
Ok, it'll cost 200 for the harp, and it'll be made of Rywan wood (lowest tier).

The harp will be enchanted to create an illusion while it is being played and stopping once it stops.

What metal and what size do you want to the spiders to be?

The Inventor
12-31-14, 09:23 AM
The spiders will be 1/4 a normal person's hand size. Which is about the size of my hand. They will be steel.

Miss Relt
12-31-14, 09:28 AM
I'll take the harp.

Cards of Fate
01-01-15, 12:21 AM
How much would a steel sword enchanted to be icy cold cost? How much would it cost if it could shoot rays of frost say...twice a day?

01-01-15, 05:18 AM
Cards, can you chuck that question in another thread? All of the posts in this thread are alts of Hoytti.

The Inventor purchases for 300 gold:

Two Attack Spiders: Steel mechanical spiders about 1/4 the size of a hand that are able to move and react on their own. They have small steel fangs.

Miss Relt purchases for 200 gold:

A Rywan wood harp will be enchanted to create an illusion while it is being played and stopping once it stops. The illusions are powerful enough to turn the landscape into whatever type of music that the harp is playing.

Gold for 300 gold:
Two Iron War fans - these fans have the ability to make a gust of wind that is as powerful as tropical storm winds three times a day.

Gold has been deducted, please link to this thread as proof of purchase.