View Full Version : Last Minute Christmas Shopping

12-25-14, 12:23 AM
Hey I would like a price check on a few things.

Combat Trumpet: A trumpet that folds down into a small cylinder that fits in the palm of your hand. When specific frequencies are played, the trumpet does certain things. A normal Bb will send a blast of sound that feels like a normal punch. When a high C is played, minor headaches are induced. This trumpet also has the ability to play something called "The Brown Sound." The Brown Sound is a frequency so low that, upon hearing this note, all victims crap themselves.

Update: being a bit more specific, how much would the trumpet cost if the only special note was the Bb? How much would it be if it could play the Bb and the High C but not the Brown Sound? How much would it be if it could just play the Brown Sound? How much would it be if it could play the Bb and the Brown Sound?

Hidden Blade: A hidden blade mechanism that is invisible when attatched to the user's arm. Blade will shoot out upon a specific method of flicking the wrist, and the blade will become visible, but when the wrist is moved in the same manner, the blade will return into the mechanism and become invisible. I would like a price check for this blade, and how much it would cost to modify an existing knife into this hidden blade. The user does not feel the mechanism, and it only opens if the user desires; there can't be any "accidental" opens.

Thank you!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
12-28-14, 06:17 PM
Alrighty, first thing's first.

Your trumpet, with all the bells and whistles attached, is too powerful an item to adequately price. You would need to provide a material for the trumpet, and either pick one of the above enchantments, or limit the effects to a set number of uses per day. And as for the Brown Sound, I would hasten to point out you yourself would also fall victim to its effects since you would hear it.

The Assassin's Creed blade, as described, would be 563 GP, for a steel blade.

If you wanted an iron blade, it would be 375 GP.

The reduction in cost of using an existing blade would depend on what material dagger you currently have.

12-29-14, 12:18 AM
Okay, how much for the Brown Sound Trumpet (only enchantment) made of the cheapest material possible that projects the noise in a cone shape that is 5 feet in diameter and is effective at 20 feet distance?

As for the blade, Gavner has 2 damascus knifes. One is a blood knife that does not let wounds clot, and another is an energy knife that stuns victims and gives up to 3rd degree burns at entry point. How much would it be to convert them into assassins creed knives?

Aurelianus Drak'shal
01-05-15, 05:31 PM
Apologies for delays, cutter - holiday period, you know how it is.

Right, in regards to the trumpet - to start, I have to remind you this cannot be used to force an opponent to shit themselves without their permission; that'd be considered powergaming. It should be phrased like any other attack: if it hits, it can cause them to do this. In the same way as a fireball can cause severe burns.

As to the price - a Damascus horn (lowest priced metal for enchantment) with the described enchantment would be 375 GP.

Regarding the knives - to pay for them, for Gavner, you would need to pay from Gavner's account. If you link me the threads where you bought them, I can give you a price for the requested modifications.

01-05-15, 06:55 PM
Very well Mr. Twitch, would it help if I said "This trumpet MAY induce instant involuntary bowel movements, causing the victim to crap themselves upon hearing the sound 90% of the time- ultimately leaving it up to the other person as to whether their character is in the 90% that crap themselves, or the other 10% that don't. If you like I can change the wording up.

As for Gavner, he is willing to pay for it should he have enough. They are earned here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27422-Killers-of-the-supernatural-a-race-against-time/page3) and clearly defined in post 21 (page 3). He has the blood knife and the energy knife. Thanks!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
02-02-15, 05:58 AM
I can do both of the modifications to your knives for 550GP.

That'll allow both blades to stay enchanted, and have all the bells and whistles you desire.

And the wording for the trumpet looks good. Just remember to include the details in your next character update.

Max Dirks
03-07-15, 07:07 AM
I'm archiving this thread due to inactivity. Please contact a moderator if you'd like it reopened.