View Full Version : Arrow.

12-28-14, 12:23 PM
Name: Arrow

Age: For now, her age is unknown, but she looks younger than she's supposed to be.

Race: She appears to be a human, but has an Akuma inside of her. I suppose you can say she is an Akujenma which is a human that has a demon inside of her. The demon is a Phoenix.

Hair Color: Long and thick layered Jet-black hair that transitions to blue and then lighter. Because of her eye condition, her bangs are side-swept to the right covering her right eye patch.

Eye Color: Two different eye color. On the left is her normal eye color which is a very dark brown color. Because of how dark her eye is, many would think her eye color is black and with depth. On the right, it is covered by an eye patch. Underneath of that, her eye color is a silvery grey,

Height: petite: she is 4'10

Weight: about 95 lbs

Occupation: Travelor, Seeker

Personality: With her patched and dark eyes, hooded cloak, two swords and petite figure, many would think she would have a dark personality. With strangers, she is very quiet and formal with respectful manner. Until you get to know her. She is very amiable and can be quite talkative on rare occasions. Most of the time, she is an observer and listens to what others say before speaking. She is straight to the point and down-to-earth with a sense of justice and sarcasm. Loves to tease and joke when she can.

Appearance: She is quite petite and appears younger than she looks. However, she is no fragile and delicate flower. With thick and long layered jet-black hair, it transitions to blue and then a lighter color at the very tip. She has right side-swept bangs that covers her right eye patch. A pixie-like face structure and fair features usually set in an emotionless face reaction. She wears an ankle length black hooded cloak that has long sleeves. She tends to wear that at all times and no one really know what she wears underneath. Black combat boots suitable for any kind of weather. Her bow and arrow are hidden somewhere inside the cloak and her swords are normally worn behind her back in an x-fashion.

History: she has no recollections or memories of the past. Could this be amnesia or a curse?!

Skills: Because of the fact that she doesn't know that she has an Akuma sealed inside of ber, she only fights with her strength/power.

Ancient Bow and Arrow: A sharp shooter and very good at focusing onto her opponent from far away. Made/strength of iron.

Double-edged katanas: she hasn't had these weapons for awhile, so she hasn't really used it a lot. As like any other newbies, she can cut and defend herself.
Made/strength of iron.

Abilities: Enhanced Speed: She can run about 35 miles per hour and has instant reflexes minimizing the damages she receives.

Able to jump climb trees quickly from one tree branch to another.

Equipment: She loves to try out new weapons...basically anything to get her hands on. She has an ancient and mysterious bow with arrows. These arrows are no ordinarily ones. They are unlimited, poisonous and may be effective by the feelings or commands. Hit by about 5 arrows and the target would be unconscious.

She carries two double-edged katanas that are carried on her back. (Like a ninja)

black shadow
12-29-14, 01:06 PM
Alright, l,et's get started then.

The first thing I would lke to ask is that you add your swords and arrow to be made of/the strength of iron. Your bow should also be yew please.

second is that 40mph is a bt too fast for level 1. Could you reduce that to, let's say, 30?

and finally, the poison on your arrows, they are a bit too powerful as of now. Could you remove the death from the poison for now and up the hits for uncounciousness? lets say 5?

beleve that s all for now. if i find anything else, I will let you know. :)

black shadow
12-29-14, 01:22 PM
As discussed in chat, edits have been made. APPROVED!