View Full Version : Price check on a new blade,

12-28-14, 04:04 PM
Howdy folks, just checking in to see how much a new, steel-quality two-handed longsword/bastard sword (http://kultofathena.com/images%5CSH2250N_l.jpg) would run me if I traded in my iron-quality claymore as part of the deal. Thanks in advance for the info :)

Aurelianus Drak'shal
12-28-14, 07:07 PM
A steel longsword would cost you 225 GP.

With the sale of your claymore, that would come down to 120 GP.

12-28-14, 10:50 PM
Sounds reasonable to me. Let's do it.

12-29-14, 04:41 AM
Transaction completed, please link to this thread as proof of purchase.