View Full Version : [The Trading Company] The Engineer For Hire. [Closed to Aure]

Sabatykos Maelstrom
12-28-14, 08:11 PM
The town was a simple trading hub in Corone.

Sabatykos had learned the ways of The Trading Company and had developed a reputation as a skilled engineer.

Often times, The Trading Company called for the out sourcing of skilled workers to bolster company coffers.

That was the case with Sabatykos, skilled as he was with the fine arts of the engineer.

Sabatykos would often be found in the engineers' lab. The engineer's lab was a simple inventor's edifice that was located quite close to the blacksmith's forge. The town had a few well situated and equipped building and a bit of residential property for company workers and their families. It grew and prospered. Engineers were needed for a wide variety of things all over Althanas, and Sabatykos taught his skill with effective teaching and leadership qualities. He led by example. Sabatykos often spend much of his days drawing up plans for the various machines he was capable of putting together, complex ideas required a team of workers and large amounts of supplies and resources provided by The Trading Company. Sabatykos knew he had an excellent supply of both at the ready.

Currently, it was a Saturday. The weekend business days were always hustle and bustle, Sabatykos had worked his way to becoming a team manager. It was a simple thing for him, hew knew the in's and outs of the engineer and had developed enough working knowledge to teach what he knew. Sometimes, outside contracts would come across his desk and he would accept the contracts if the price was right. He was no fool, he was a Company man, and Company men and women had a price for their labor attached. If you wanted the best, you had to be prepared to pay for it. Sabatykos worked his contracts and carefully built up a rep for himself as a fine engineer. No. One of the best.

But any engineer would tell you, that the world was unforgiving.

It oft took a lifetime of knowledge and education to get to where Sabatykos was in terms of raw skill level and potential. It was then, that Saturday, in September, that Sabatykos was interrupted from his normal logical train of that. He was usually a calm individual, but at that point he'd been working on a job for a locale Jadet nobleman. The noble folks always paid well and their jobs were considered "priority" jobs. Though Sabatykos was more than capable of taking jobs from any source. The job he was working on required four VERY specific inventions for an event that was coming later that year. The winter festival. A time of joyous celebration and festivities that were the highlight of the colder months on Althanas proper. Sabatykos was currently drawing up a plans for one of the machines that the nobleman had asked for.

"It just doesn't make sense." Sabatykos had drawn up several revisions of the basic plans for the first machine over the past half a month. He knew he had time to complete the four machines, BUT, his frustration was quite apparent when he slammed his fist against the table. "Shit, it just doesn't make any logical sense. Thaynes forsaken noble folks and their damned eccentric bullshit." Sabatykos looked up at the courier who was waiting for his permission to speak. "Oh, forgive me Jasen." Sabaytkos sighed. "Sorry you had to see that just now." He didn't like getting angry in front of people, there was just too much work to be done for his own emotions to get in the way of shit.

"It's all right senpai." Jasen said. Jasen was a middle aged boy of about seventeen Althanas years old. He was Hume (Human) in origin and had reddish-brown hair. He had a slender physique and blue eyes. His skin tone was lighter and he dressed with the attire of a standard worker. "I know you're working hard there. But I just got a priority parcel for you." Jasen immediately walked over towards Sabatykos's desk and handed the envelop to him.

The parcel had a seal that Sabatykos never saw before. "Damned nobles and their politics. Is there anything else, Jasen?"

"I'm about done my shift for the day, I just wanted to let you know I was taking off for now and gonna see you tomorrow again usual time?" Jasen asked.

"Yes, usual shift. If you want double salaries you work over time hours, but I know you got other obligations Jasen." Sabatykos said calmly. Jasen prepared to take his leave, but just as Jasen left his room, Sabatykos interrupted him. "And one more thing Jasen. I have a parcel that needs to be delivered, can you send it to the postal office for me?" Sabatykos asked.

"Aye, senpai." Jasen said calmly and returned towards Sabatykos's desk.

"It's the machine Lord Hammond of Gisela asked for last month. I completed it this morning." Sabatykos said calmly. "I wrote a letter for him as well explaining the delay on my part."

"Understood senpai." Jasen calmly. And he took the parcel, a small box like package from Sabatykos. He waved casually towards Sabatykos and then stepped out of the small office in the engineer's lab.

Sabatykos looked at the parcel with the mysterious candle-wax seal. He broke the seal and began to read the letters contained there in. The parcel...it was a blood contract. The employer, who would visit him fairly soon, was offering a HUGE contract to build several machines of an archaic description. Sabatykos was pale as he read the letter and the nature of the contract. He understood what was being asked for, the contracted was hiring the BEST of the best to build the machines for a dark purpose. Sabatykos was not opposed to doing dirty work. HOWEVER, the nature of the work made him feel cold, and more afraid than he had felt in a long time. Sabatykos knew it was an offer he could not refuse. He immediately hit the envelope with the schematics for the machines in question. Then, he took a drink of liquor, whiskey, he needed something strong to stop his hands from shaking with the fear that gripped his heart. He knew WHAT he was being asked to build. He would entrust the job with his finest engineers, and put himself in charged of them. BUT, he knew he needed to be discreet about the job at hand. The contractor did not reveal himself. BUT, the letter of introduction specifically said that the contractor would visit him soon. Sabatykos had to be ready. The very nature of the job could have placed the WHOLE Trading Company in severe danger if Sabatykos turned it down.

Sabatykos walked towards his secretary, he was pale still at that moment.

"Sir Sabatykos? Are you well, you look very ill right now." She said.

"C-cancel all my current projects." Sabatykos suddenly said. "Ready my finest workers, we have just been hired by someone who will not be denied. I want to entrust this job only to my finest co-engineers. Have four ready in an hour. We are going to be met by the contractor very soon." Sabatykos said. "Oh and Lyndsey, you might not see me again for a couple of months, the nature of the job is top secret and I cannot discuss it with anyone except the engineers that are hand picked. Look through the rosters and assemble them right away."

(Enter here.)