View Full Version : Frozen in Blood

12-28-14, 11:59 PM
Solo. This starts out in Corone, but a majority will take place in Raiaera.

Mission: Rylyn.
Area: Corone.
Location: Seventy miles into Concordia.
Time: 3:00 A.M.

The darkness filtered the cabin of a hunched man, dressed in heavy robes which only seemed to cover something unatural over the bones. He sat at a cluttered desk filling out a sheet. Alongside papers, he had several chemicals and potion in veils and glasses. It was, you could say, a dangerous work place. As the man filled out the paper, the sound of exhaling and inhaling was heavy. The stench of smoked weed filled the air; the smoke from that mixing in with the smoke of the experimental veils.

As he was doing his work, a steady knock was heard from the door across the surprisingly empty room. It was a soft, but very sturdy knock. The man lifted his head. As if various battle scars weren't enough to make him look bad, he had a terrible burn on the entire right side of the face. He had no hair, but a black, steel headband on.

The dreary man sighed, slowly pulling out his cigar and blowing smoke across the room. "Who's there?"

12-29-14, 10:40 AM
The door slowly opened, revealing a young, cloaked woman. She stepped into the cabin with a type of elegance, only stopping at where the first window was. Now bathed in the moonlight, she removed the hood on her head. She was clothed in a black outfit fitted with small, red ribbons. She wore two swords at each side of her waist. A long knife, between the size of a dirk and shortsword, was also hanging on on left side next to the longsword. Accompanying her broadsword on the right was a masterwork crosspistol.

Her blue eyes stared down the mage, barely visible behind the mess on his desk. It was as if she was pearing into what was a cold and terrifying soul, stained with sin. However, he held her gaze with his own.

The black haired woman spoke, "Rylyn Arb."

Rylyn responded, "Yes?"

The pale girl placed one hand on her hip, "You are a member of the Thieves Guild, correct? A lieutenant, correct?"

"... Yes."

"You stole something."

He froze.

"You decided to attack some of our members close by in Radansath. You stole our plans for our base.."

The burn proved it. Rylyn remained silent.

The woman blinked, "You know why I'm here, don't you?"

His green eyes narrowed.

"What do you plan to do?"


Rylyn placed his huge, hairy hands on the desk. "Fight."

01-22-15, 04:57 AM
Rylyn stormed on top of his desk, kicking a majority of the papers off. He obviously was still being careful about the glass vials, but he was fully fledged into action. He originally had a lengthy red cloak over him, but he threw it up to reveal his main weapon - ... s.

They looked like giant pipes and cylinder power amps. Massive and heavy, the steel amps hung off his waist. As the cloak flew down again, he pulled out a type of wand from inside his cloak, it was unusually sharp though. Why? He then proceeded to dip it in one of the poisons he'd managed not to spill off.

He jumped down from the table to meet his attacker. She took several cautious steps back, pulling out her steel longsword. The apparently former thief smirked and removed his cloak to reveal that the bright, steel amps he owned were all over his body.

The girl narrowed her blue eyes and lifted her sword up with one hand. With the other, she pulled her hand out. A blue light formed in it... ice started to form. A spear made of ice was made. Before anything else could be done, the nimble opponent tossed it towards him. Rylyn smirked as it flew towards him, a look that unnerved the girl (even if she didn't show it.)

Just when it seemed like the ice spear would hit him, the man lifted his pointed wand as the two collided... the spear just disappeared.

The girl's eyes widened. Rylyn simply gave a dark grin as he tossed his apparent weapon aside. The girl tilted her head. She looked confident, but had no idea what was ahead...

01-22-15, 05:12 AM
Rylyn chuckled. He lifted his arms, aiming two of the cylinder objects towards her. She held fast. Rylyn then squeezed his leather wrapped hands.

At a sound similar to a gunshot being fired, two throwing stars raced towards the girl. She pulled up a heavy layer of ice over her, aimed for protection...

... but when the smoke cleared, she was groaning on the ground.

She attempted to pull herself up. She carried that look that said I'm ticked, however, when she lifted her arm to apparently conjure another spear... nothing happened. Her eyes widened in panic, she yanked one arm with the other and tried again. Nothing happened. Her arm began shaking, her eyes were wide in shock. Oh, she tried so hard. She tried again, and again, and again...

Nothing happened.

She gasped, her trembling voice carrying a tone that screamed terror. "W... what?" Rylyn chuckled a cold laugh, his sinister voice creeping out, breaching her soul.

"Anti-magic," the criminal explained, "I have... dispensed... your petty magics and spells. It is my plan anyhow." He let out a brief, mad laugh, "It is my plan to rid Enthan- oh I'm sorry - Althanas of magic. It's wasteful energy. And now that I have removed your magic! Now that it's gone! I shall-"

The man's speech, in a flash was ended when a steel arrow found itself embedded in his chest. As he fell to the ground, dead, an archer ran through the door and to the shaking girl. "M'lady! Are you alright?"

01-22-15, 05:29 AM
Mission: Return Freaking Bloodline Abilities Back.
Area: Raiaera.
Location: P.A.L.E. Outpost.
Time: 7:01 P.M.

A man with grey, long hair pulled back in a ponytail flashed a light into the direct vision of the girl. He peered into her eyes... well he would have been peering if she hadn't stopped blinking wildly.

They were inside a parlor like room. Reclined in a chair, she girl's eyes watered whenever the blinding light of a tiny flashlight hit them. "Dai-Daisuke... please?"

The man pulled the electric torch down. He sighed as a chimney fire crackled behind them. The recently dusted books neatly placed on the shelves seemed to reflect the fireplace in the room's corner. Daisuke slipped the flashlight into his pocket. "I don't know how he did it..."

"I- is there any way to get my-y bloodline back??" The girl questioned.

Daisuke's head lowered, then he lifted it again, "I don't know how. Somehow he's simply nullified your powers, M'lady."

"Obviously." The girl scoffed.

"Well..." Daisuke started, "... I will do my research. Meanwhile..."

"... Yes?"

"Please get your sleep. You haven't slept a wink since the death of Rylyn... and how long did it take for you to return?"

The girl obviously was resisting the urge to rub her eyes, "I-I'm fin-"


The girl nervously chuckled as she slipped off the red, leather chair. "Y-yeah, um. Goodnight, Daisuke!" And she raced off, going to bed as Daisuke requested. This was obviously one of the few times Daisuke glared at her like that.

04-12-15, 08:28 PM
Two, dead blue eyes slowly opened.

Ashla found herself laying on her bed, looking up to a cracked, broken ceiling. She used to sleep a lot more on her stomach than her back, she wondered how that changed. Though of course, a lot of things in her had changed in her short life. Long, black hair weaved out in every direction from her head, some was even on her face. The Icebreaker blew it off, wondering what had woken her. Was it that she just woke up due to her body naturally just awakening, or had she woken up from a dream?

Whatever dream she had, she did not remember. Another thing that had changed; she used to remember every detail of her dreams. She sighed and sat up, pushing her red blanket off her. She pulled herself over and slid her black, knee high boots on. She walked out of the small room she used for sleeping space. She and Daisuke resided in the remains of an old tower in the fields of Raiaera. It was a small watchtower, crumbled from a war long ago, once swarmed with corpses. Ashla stepped down the steps, recently cleared of overgrowth, and met Daisuke downstairs, in the main room.

"Found anything?"

Daisuke pulled himself up from a vial of red liquid and shook his head, "I'm sorry, milady, nothing."

Ashla felt her heart sink, what could she do without her powers? What was she without her bloodline? "Daisuke..." she pleaded, desperate.

Daisuke smoothed his hair out, "We'll need to work outside the lab. Your bloodline has been... overrun..." he paused for a moment before continuing, "... it's hard to remove the plastic layer over it."

Ashla placed her hands on her hips, looking away. Her bloodline was one thing she took for granted. Her source of power, of significance. Without it, she was... nobody. She not only would lose an ability slot if she couldn't get her icy powess back, she would lose her current identity too.

Was her identity just another thing that would change in her life too?