View Full Version : Salem 0.5

12-29-14, 03:23 AM
(New In Red; changes in blue. Changes being granted here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28364-The-End-of-Blissful-Ignorance-(Solo)/page2))
Name: Salem Astraga
Nickname/Alias: None
Age: 19
Race: Dark Elf
Height: 5’11
Occupation: P.A.L.E Alchemist


Salem is witty, yet childish. As a kid got his older brother craft a black cloth bag to turn invisible. Running around like the headless horsemen.
He loves bbq chips but refuses to eat any other brand, nor does he drink anything other than juice, milk and water. He is quite the talker; having a pretty charming demeanor with words. As he should because his craft requires so much study. He is socially out going and yet very secretive with personal information. Nothing like having a skeleton or tucked away huh? Even though he does play around too much he is very serious when its time to shut up and learn.


The Astraga family history is like hit men group for hire. They are very well known for various deeds around the world. However; the one that most know his family for is blood mixing. Using magic to mix dark elven blood with their children while still in the womb of their mothers. Learning that this breaks a barrier that links their gifts of magic to heightened levels most users would never dream of reaching.

As for Salem himself; his uncle tricked his parents into using that of a high elf’s blood. This actually caused Salem more grief later on in life than anyone could know. It’s like trying to have in rainbows in hell. He wanted nothing but peace while living in a family of monsters as a child. But as time went on he slowly curved his way of thinking toward other avenues. He gave up on trying to stop evil or counter act such deeds.

Salem loves to understand how beings are created, in his mind science can and does explain every things. His school experience was quite odd. Or while; more so than your every children of magic. During the day yes he “cutted up” with everyone else. Played pranks on everyone. But at night he was a library nerd. He was a page turning science lab nerd. Always trying to learn even though he yet to actually put mean of his skills to test. As he was looking for a teacher of sorts.

He quit college and took off on adventures both far and wide. Learning how the streets worked and others not so rich lived. Living off his skill and knowledge of herbs. Crafting lesser potions and charms. Always playing with the ingredients. As for what is to be said for him now only time can tell.

Life Is No Longer What it Use To Be

Life has changed so much for Salem in just under a year. Having trained with a long lost friend. Taking up battles with elves and learning his DNA nearly wiped out his ability with magic; that he later found out it was not taken but temporarily taken away. Speaking of dark elves he has been through a ritual that has used his families blood line and turned him into a dark elf. Now as a dark elf; being the one and only Astraga family member as dark elf other than Asita Astraga[That he knows about currently] he has no idea where life will take him next.


Salem dressed like most teens. A hoodie like tee shirt with a pair of sweat pants and basketball type of shoes mostly Nike type of style. Unlike his human days; Salem now prefers and wears brighter colors more so than before.

Salem's appearance has drastically changed. Going from a blonde to his grey like whitish hair color;yet still at a mid length hair style. Still having bright yellow eyes and slim like body type. His skin being much darker now than before hand;like that of other dark elves.


Writing Salem can recreate nearly any document to exact perfection looking as if it was original.

Language He is very adept in cultural based languages. At this time he can speak elven, common and dwarfish tongue. Aside for just written language he can understand body language and can learn a lot about others in a matter of moments. This helps him be such a smooth talker.

Brawler Being something of a smart ass Salem took the time to learn when and where ever he could to land his blows. Not having a set style his form does however look very much like a boxer's stance.

Adept Blade Skills: Using his set of iron daggers to undo his opponents. He has yet to master his skills with short bladed weaponry.

Advanced Knowledge of Magic Being a student of the arts and having many friends that practice in various crafts he has received a fair amount of tutelage from his peers in crafting spells, potions and curses. (Even though he still has his vast knowledge of how magic works. His magic is currently locked from him. He can only use and make potions/poisons along with giving tutelage or advise on magical matters.)


Fire Manipulation:
- Fire Ball: This is his only use for fire at the moment, roughly the size of baseball. He had to relearn this art as he was stripped of spell casting. However; he refused to give up on it. Oddly enough depending on his state of mind it can change his flames color.(Limit four times per thread.)

Kinetic Energy Manipulation : Using the energy of moment and motion around himself he can harness this energy and channel it for various purposes. Currently he can only use three sub-abilities through this manipulation.
-Metapod: Using his various moment its without when thinking because of the fact he still can’t harness much at his current level. Using kinetic energy to strengthen his skin and body to the grade of iron. Blows with iron sword will do less than normal damage. Because of his body, however this does not give him improvements in actual strength or speed; yet. (Current limit of use is four)
-Springy Feet: Using his kinetic energy to release a short and quick pulse from one of his limbs speed the motion process of his body. The energy acting like a short and compacting burst. Thus allowing him push hard surfaces from his feet or hands; giving him a point five extra amount of speed and eight foot higher jump.(Limit to four uses per thread.)

[LOCKED]True Sight This is actually is curse more so than a gift. Being off his warlock decent blood line like most in his family have the give of “Sight”. The ability to look past illusion. Using the spiritual essence of his he can see shape shifted appearance and smoke screened maneuvers; in short seeing the world as it truly is with no blinders. Along with such a gifted sight comes the horrors that follow no one likes knowing the guy across the room can see their nightmarish state. (Unlimited for story, but in combat he can only use True Sight once.)


Headless Horsemen Mask This black cloth bag goes over his head. And it turns only his head invisible.

Astraga Crest A ring given to every member of his family that has the letter “A”, engraved into a black stone. This ring stay fully charged enough to unleash a onetime does of energy higher than normal energy. It’s his one chance to kill his enemy. (This is only used as a onetime boost for manipulations. Making his attack or different slightly stronger. Like making a iron bar stronger than normal but still not on the next level.)

Turk His golem name is Turk; a giant being made of common rock. By using his magic he can release the beast to wreak havoc on someone. Which normally looks like some random novelty item figure. (Limited to Story For Now)

Stats: Strength 10 Speed 3 Intelligence 2

Steel Daggers: His daggers are heavier than normal. This helping fight sword wielding opponents. The blades have a think center and handle. The blade portion it self is shaped like a long triangle having a cutting edge on both sides.(Item bought here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28508-New-blade))

OOC: Skills and abilities have been locked due to myself. Some due to current character's current story.

12-29-14, 03:50 PM
If you want to chuck in the new daggers, this is good to go.

12-29-14, 04:01 PM
Items have been edited. All is done and ready.

12-29-14, 05:48 PM
Cool, have fun!