View Full Version : New blade

12-29-14, 03:44 AM
Hey, I would like to purchase a set of daggers. Looking to get 2x of iron or steel; if I could get a price check.

Also; I'm not sure how much I could get with a trade in of these two items since they have lost their usefulness.

Turk His golem name is Turk; a giant being made of common rock. By using his magic he can release the beast to wreak havoc on someone. Which normally looks like some random novelty item figure. ---Stats: Strength 10 Speed 3 Intelligence 2

Hot Hands: Salem wears a glove on his left hand that defend lesser ice manipulations. Placing his hand in front of a lesser ice manipulation breaks said ice into no more than just snow falling to the ground. Yes, this is dirty but its helpful to use none the less. This glove has a limit of four uses per thread.

12-29-14, 04:38 AM
The golem can't be traded, but the glove you can get back for 70gp.

Iron Daggers are 50gp each, or 75 for steel.

Given how recently you bought the glove, I'm happy to swap the glove for a steel dagger.

12-29-14, 01:23 PM
Fair enough, I'll take two steel daggers.

12-29-14, 03:44 PM
Two Steel Daggers purchased.
Hot Hands sold.

Gold deducted, please link to this thread as proof of purchase.
