View Full Version : [P.A.L.E. - Salem Initiation] New Eyes

12-29-14, 06:52 PM
Closed to Salem.

Ashla Icebreaker recently felt as if she was regenerated. Despite the pain, she wasn't consumed like she was after Eiskalt. Having had a child and leading a group caused her to resuscitate. She now was confident in her abilities to lead P.A.L.E. She wasn't self consumed like she used to be, her family and group came first now.

Now, she was standing in one of many arenas of the mighty citadel. It was a round island of fresh cut grass. Surrounding the island was a small, calm pool... which was cut off from everything else by a waterfall. Thundering waterfalls supplied the pool with fresh water, the small but unshakable island in the center of everything. The water vapor collected on Ashla's face. She closed her eyes for moment. This reflected herself in a sense; chained but not trapped.

She opened her bright, blue eyes. They reflected the skies above. The waterfalls came from the sky. A frightening but surprisingly calm view. Ashla blinked and looked across the island. Her new initiate would be standing there any second.

12-29-14, 09:22 PM
“Crapppp”, he muttered to himself more than anyone else. He was nearly late which was something that was very rare for him; he didn't like being late. Being early was on time and on time was late. He took off in a dead sprint toward the Citadel. Dodging various shopping venders and their carts. Jumping over another as he looked like a father who forgot their child in the supermarket. He was still grinning though not help such a factor. How many times do you see a dark elf in a hoodie and sweet pants. Some would say he gave them a bad name. But he was new; what was the worst that could happen; right? Clearing the last of a small outer brick wall as he jumped up reaching out as he grasping the top and pulling himself over the far east wall. Landing like cat he finally neared his desired destination. Running up to the monk that never seems to move.

“ Yes good sir I believe there is a match closed for Salem by the group P.A.L.E”, and with a that same old nod he then turned and pointed a shining green portal. After the first few times Salem wondered what happened in order to allow teleportation to what seemed anywhere on the map. The kind of energy needed for that is outstandingly powerful. However; as his mind begun to run ramped on this topic he shut his mind to it.


“An Island Really?”, he shrugged; besides who was he to set where his initiation would take place. By trait of his family he disliked taking sides or joining groups. Salem has changed much since then; taking into note he was no longer even human. His bright yellow eyes being all that remind the same. His dark toned skin and slivery whitish hair spoke for that more than he ever could.

As Salem waived,” Sorry to keep you waiting on myself”. He now took in all the beauty the area had to give. His eyes taking the near and thunderously loud crashing sounds of water. The green grass swaying in the wind. He looked out in front now though. His mind being taken over with the business at hand. He put in for as their alchemist and as such he had to prove he could fill those shoes.

12-29-14, 10:06 PM
Ashla smiled lightly, "Everything's fine."

The Icebreaker grew since her early teens in tough places. She instantly was forced to switch from the freezing climates of Eiskalt to the scorching deserts of Fallien. She'd fought through the Althanas Leagues, she survived kidnapping and torture on several occasions. Fighting for a fallen country and fallen family, giving birth to a child... Ashla had not only experience - but toughness.

She wasn't a darkened, soulless person at all. She tried to be friendly face to face with people. However, it was her physical conditions and mental framework that was spectacular. She could not only fight attacks on the flesh, but her mental resilience was also strong. Ashla knew alchemists could bring people down in a heartbeat, as well as heal. Ashla had her own healing abilities at hand if all failed, but she was still doing this in the Citadel for a reason...

A casual face was what she wore. She leaned on one leg with her arms crossed. "Thank you for applying to PALE, Salem. We always are open to new members. Don't worry about keeping me up, I enjoyed the wait. But now..."

The roaring waterfalls surrounding them served as a filler for the brief silence.

"I would like to see you make two potions for me. One of them will do harm, the other will compensate for it." Ashla knew her wordings were vague, she meant it that way. One's personality and morals were reflected by the ways they went doing things. Both potions, one that would injure and the other that would heal, were a test. Not just to see what Salem was capable of, but where his morals stood.

"Of course, I'm the taste tester." Ashla smirked, a small dosage of playfulness caught in her, "I would prefer if we did this here. If you need any materials, the monks are here for us. Any questions?"

12-29-14, 11:09 PM
Hmm, he stood fixed as he grinned with a idea he at least believed to be awesome and brilliant. He had only made this concoction once before ever. He originally got the idea from a bone manipulation expert. The poison works in two stages. Starting out it targets calcium of the body places like a person’s teeth and bones. Much like when women get pregnant and they feel weak and their teeth get soft and decay only much faster. Secondly, is the fluid of a being’s body is altered to be highly acidic like what lays in a person’s stomach. Targeting decay of ventricles allowing fluid to leak in the brain. Normally this causes hydrocephalus outright; so many even once taken to a doctor show up as a disease. Because it turn out acting just like one. Commonly found in infants and the elderly folk.

His walked over to where the portal laid and told the monk in a hushed tone of what he would need and how much. Surprisingly, he returned in less than thirty seconds. Along with other brewing necessities. As he had all the cases carried over to the center of the island as he listen to a chaos like yet soothing rhythm he found now by listening to the water and went to work. As he lite the burner to his Bunsen burner with his index finger. He went about chopping planets and mixing liquids as he added measured amounts into his beaker. His work was nearing a finishing point. He stood up as turned of his various flames and torches. Making potions was not like odd days even people used a giant cooking pot.

He laid a out his various potions and poisons on a table. The poison being a purple liquid in a small veil. He turned and waved to signal his readiness for his show and tell display. Pointing out each items.

“Okay, here is your poison”, picking up the veil and telling her how it works.
“Now for your cure“, he laughed just after his short few words. He pulls a sheet off the table showing four different items. A can of energy drink with no know name just a random off brand name. A cup of steaming joe and a syringe of epinephrine. Also, a cup of salt water.

Time to explain his craziness.

“Adrenaline is the best cure for most cures or caffeine”,” Caffeine speeds up the body causing it to process a liquid much faster than whatever you eat of drink so it passes through to quickly or with caffeine can greatly decrease the effects of whatever your poison you choose. And of course good ol salt water, nothing like puking.”

“So finding a cure is easier to find than most people know about”, pulling out one last syringe with a red liquid. “Your best bet is to inject a person chest or neck area if you cannot get to the hurt for maximum effect.”All this leaving him quite winded as he took a breath and moment to pause to allow the ever flowing flood of information rolling out of his mouth to stop before he left her with his final words.

“Being a alchemist to me is not just knowing what effects of shining potions to make, but how to correctly apply them in various situations.”He couldn't help but smile. He had in his mind done an awesome job but you could never tell. With matters like this. Some didn't like his brainy act mind.