View Full Version : [Not Approved]Born of Ice

Jack Frost II
12-30-14, 04:18 PM
Name: Jack Frost
Age: 20
Race: Human? Hailing from Salvar
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Deep Blue
Height: Around six feet
Weight: Light
Occupation: Mercenary

Appearance: Jack is tall and leanly built with fair skin. His silver hair is usually kept long and messy, usually just tossed around until it's out of his face. He wears a black leather coat with a hood lined with seals fur and black trousers to match. He is handsome to most, but also something about him seems inherently alien.

Personality: Jack is a cold man both physically and emotionally. He does not become attached to someone easily, he has little regard for anyone's life other than his own. He has been raised in an environment where he was the only person looking out for his well being and thus he harbors a lot of resentment. However should one worm their way through his outer icy shell and show the man some compassion and warmth he might surprise you.

Jack has spent all his life in Salvar. He was originally found by a priest of the Ethereal sway in the middle of a blizzard as a baby. He was raised in the church until it was realized that he could control ice and then he caused a schism in the monastery he was raised in. One part believed he was part of Saint Denebriels prophecy and should be revered, and the other side thought him a demon. The Inquisition was called and the heretics who supported Jack were slaughtered. Jack being twelve at the time fled into a blizzard that was raging outside. Any who followed him perished to the frozen cold while he seemed unaffected. It was at this time he went off on his own after stealing an inquisitor's sword and began to forge his own path in life.

Apt Hunter: The cold of Salvar is unforgiving to a bad hunter. Jack learned quickly how to track the scarce winter game of the land and hunt it for food and pelts. Thus he is proficient with killing and skinning animals.

Swordsman: While Jack is no hero of legend he can certainly hold his own in a fight. His ability to wield a sword is above average

Winter survival: Like apt hunter Jack is able to survive if not thrive in the harshest of cold environments.

Keepin it Frosty: Jack while not knowing it is an ice elemental. Environmental factors relating to the cold will not effect him. He will not get hypothermia unless submerged in cold water. However this comes at a price. Extreme heats will effect the young man more, causing him to get sunburns easily, dehydrated faster, and heat stroke is more common.

Ice magic(Two abilities): Jack can minorly manipulate ice, his preferred methods are creating small spikes of ice from the moisture in his breath that he throws like throwing knives (They cut like iron.) The other is the ability to twice a day summon a shield of ice on his arm to block damage (hardness of iron)


Frost Fang: An ornate steel sword that Jack picked up off a corpse when he was twelve.

black shadow
12-31-14, 02:06 PM
Almost good to go here, but there is one tiny little thing I need fixing first. your steel sword, I'm going to ask that it be toned down to iron. You may go the the bazaar to upgrade it once approved. That is all. thank you.

Cards of Fate
01-01-15, 12:16 AM
Quick update shadow, this account was made becuase I was locked out of the original account. I have since received administrative assistance and this account and thread are no longer needed.

01-01-15, 06:47 PM
Closed, PM me if you need anything.