View Full Version : A Pause to Catch My Breath

Alydia Ettermire
12-31-14, 09:10 PM
I'm taking the next two weeks off from Althanas for personal reasons. No posts, no chat, no nothing. I'm hoping to come back refreshed. Those who have my Skype, FB or cell will be able to reach me still. Sasses, please let me know when the DnD days are, and Andy, if you want me for ACR, I'll be available for that.

Since I'm taking a step back, I thought it would be a good time to look over my threads and see which ones are ongoing and which ones count as dead. If I'm forgetting one and you want it to continue, please correct me, and if I've listed one and you'd really just rather let it die, please let me know.

So, threads:


Heart of Ash (With Rayse)
Aeronautics, Crashing, and Recreation (With EI)

Where in the World?

Legion of Light VI: From the Ashes of War and Defeat (With Flames)
Something, Something, Sandy Crack (With Lucius)
See No Evil, Hear No Evil (With Duffy and Sei)
The Bitter Bite (With Siegfried)
Conference of Criminals (already written out of) (With Aure, RoI, and Marduk the Black)


Palace Playdate Pandemonium (With Akiv)
For Lack of Empathy (With Rayse)

I think that's all I have, but if I'm wrong, please inform me. Sorry to anyone who is waiting on a post from me, and I'll see you in two weeks.

Happy New Year, and may 2015 shine for you all!

01-14-15, 02:42 PM
Right, I'm back. I've decided to pare down my threads, so some or all of these are going. If you really want to keep the thread, post here or in the thread:

Aeronautics, Crashing, and Recreation; See No Evil, Hear No Evil; The Bitter Bite; Palace Playdate Pandemonium. Post here or in the threads soon, or I'll consider them dead threads.

Thank you.