View Full Version : Heart of Darkness (Closed to BlueGhostofSeaside)

01-03-15, 10:19 PM
A light dusting of snow had settled over the forest, capping the towering sentinel trees in white and covering the forest floor in a crisp blanket. Nice touch, Eldric mused appreciatively. Behind him the portal was closing, leaving the Skavian standing alone on the edge of the wood. Swathed in furs and a thick black cloak, he hardly felt the cold as he surveyed what was to be his arena.

In a moment of nostalgia he'd requested it resemble his homeland, and as always the monks had more than delivered. Everything was so accurate, from the evergreens to the bitter wind sweeping through them, that he half expected to stumble across the ruins of his stronghold for a second time. This forest may be naught but magical artifice, he thought, but I'll be damned if it doesn't feel like home.

"And just like home, something waits within to kill me," the Skavian muttered, laying a hand on the hilt of his bastard sword. The only reply was the wind in the trees. A rather forlorn response, he decided, but the only one he was likely to get. With an air of finality, Eldric tightened his cloak over his ringmail and started forward. Swallowed by the forest within a half a dozen steps, the warrior found himself in an ethereal twilight. What little light managed to penetrate the treetops painted the world gray.

He took a deep breath of Skavian air and smiled to himself. Real or no, aye. Real or no.

His progress through the forest was slow; the recent snowfall had concealed many a slippery stone and branch, forcing him to pick his way through at a walk. While familiar enough with the conditions to make peril unlikely, they did warrant caution, and by the time he reached the clearing the sun had dropped even lower, and the shadows grown longer. Yet despite the fading light there was no mistaking the frosted glade for what it was: the battlefield. With one hand on the hilt of his bastard sword the Skavian edged out of the cover of the trees, his gray gaze scanning his surroundings warily.

01-04-15, 05:01 PM
Bootprints could be seen in what was a small, thin patch of snow. As the prints carried on, the snow diminished. When the snow ended though, the prints still didn't. They carried on in a patch of mud. Speed forth, see the mud turn to dirt as the trial finally ends. At the end of that trial, you will see two, black high heels standing still in another patch of snow. The boots are covered in snow and dirt, but still barely reflect the sunlight beating down on them. The boots are filled in though with feet. These feet quite obviously belong to somebody, but who? Look up and you'll see.

She is a young woman, barely an adult. Her youth is noticeable, but you can see she's not a child. Her hair is dark like midnight against pale skin, cold but beautiful as the moon. Blue eyes are the gem of her face, marvelous blue eyes. She wears black clothing, laced with red ribbons. Over a shirt, panties, a short skirt, and a shawl, she has a black, whool cloak pulled over her. She shivers, but the minimum intensity of it and her expression says she may be used to this chilly weather.

Her name is Ashla. Ashla Rose Icebreaker. A duchess, an outcast, a leader, a loser... she has walked for quite some time here. She has come to fight. To test the skills she has learned and gained against whatever odds have been set against her. She is eyeing someone.

Surrounding her are several trees. She is not trying to hide from anything. She looks sturdy and brave, but delicate eyes suggest caution.

She emerges. She eyes the closest person to her. Her opponent.

01-04-15, 05:53 PM
Eldric caught sight of the woman and halted only a few steps beyond the treeline. His breath came in white clouds as he stood unmoving, watching her with a raptor gaze.

Her pointed ears and gentle features hinted at elvish blood, but she was too large in stature to be anything but a half-breed. Beneath a cloak of black her garb was less than martial in fashion. Pretty enough, he observed, but with a hard cast to her expression that Eldric used to see among the veterans of his company. Not someone to take lightly, then, but something about her seemed...off.

The lass looks barely old enough to be in a tavern, the northman realized. What's she doing here? An expression of distaste settled on the warrior's face. This was not the fearsome champion he had expected to confront within this hallowed forest. What would come next would not be the bloody struggle for victory he had yearned for.

And yet the thought of refusing never occurred to him.

"And so they send me to butcher children..." Eldric spat bitterly, steam rising from every word. He drew the bastard sword slung across his back in a single, smooth motion. The ring of the steel being freed echoed through the trees. A brief moment passed, and then the northman stalked forward, crossing the icy clearing with his blade held out at his side and his eyes fixated upon the woman's face.

01-04-15, 06:20 PM
Ashla couldn't help but lightly smirk. This seemed like a rustic man, that tangled blond hair alone hinting years of experience. Of course though, there were other hints too. Ragged clothes and armor, stern facial features... he had "warrior" written all over him..Ashla had experience herself, but not as much as he looked he had. Ashla still had tricks under her belt though. If anything, this would be a challenge.

A challenge she was looking forward to.

The snow fell softly onto black hair. Ashla whipped any hair in her face away and smiled. The sunlight burst onto the clearing they were in, although it already was peaking through the trees they emerged from. The only thing blocking the sunlight were the clouds... it was similar to how depression and pain could block out happiness from the heart...

No sorrows could be seen here though. Her eyes shone with acceptance to the challenge. Her breathe was visible, goosebumps showed on her face and arms. Where the goosebumps caused by the temperature, or the simple thrill she was experiencing? The way the snow even smelled fresh, the sunlight provided little warmth even when it shone brightly. None the less, birds chirped in the background canopies. A stream could be heard, water rushing in the distance. The stream could be guessed to be running fast, like how fast Ashla's heart pumped running blood. A raging river of icy power, freezing as the world around them. It seemed to team with life, but the heart could pull charades...

The Icebreaker reached down and pulled out her damascus broadsword Shigakuru. She pulled it out swiftly, but with grace. The grace was something she inherited from being of a royal blood, the speed she pulled it out with reflecting the other side of her personality. "A child?" She asked her opponent.

She lightly chuckled, "I'm not exactly a little girl you know..." Ashla lowered her blade into a defensive position at her side, pointing up. "You make the first move, you'll see..."

While she seemed confident, beneath the boasting was a struggling girl who'd already lost a million times. Every time, she came thinking this was her time to shine... and came out a broken failure again. She was boasting to herself more than her opponent, her infamous smirk shadowed by eyes of worry. She was here to test herself, and she knew this guy was perfect to test everything she had.

So bring it on, I'll win this time! ... I think.

01-05-15, 11:29 PM
Eldric's face was a mask of savage determination as he marched toward the girl. It was a bleak, unpleasant task that had been set before him, certainly, but not an unfamiliar one. On the battlefield there is no picking and choosing your opponents; there is only the enemy, and your blade, and when the face that stares down its length into your eyes is that of some green boy, you don't hesitate or show mercy. You thrust deep and look for blood around the mouth to signify a mortal wound.

The girl's bleating did nothing to slow his inexorable advance. His ringmail rustled with every step he took, and the distance was dwindling quickly. Around them the forest had taken on a hushed, expectant state, as if the trees were watching, waiting to see what would happen. Clutched firmly in his right hand, his sword glinted with menace in the failing light. The look in the Northman's eyes was considerably more dangerous.

"Quiet, lass," he intoned, his voice icy. "Talk won't change what's comin'." There was no sympathy there, no comforting words to validate the battle as something of import. This butchering deserved no ceremony at all, and certainly not the reverence allotted a true battle. No, this was little more than a chore.

And a grisly one at that, Eldric reflected bleakly.

His pace quickened steadily as he neared her, until he was almost running the last few steps. Cloak flapping, Eldric planted his forward foot and brought his blade arcing out in front of him. His left hand flashed up to meet the hilt as the strike gained momentum, transforming it into a powerful two-handed sweep meant to carve a bloody trench across the maiden's midsection. On instinct the Northman narrowed his eyes, anticipating arterial spray.

01-06-15, 05:49 AM
For someone fast and agile as Ashla, it was always important to stay light on the feet. Ready not to just fight, but use the entire body to ensure survival and to fight. Ashla had that readiness.

As the warrior aimed his two-handed sword towards her stomach, Ashla simply jumped away from him. She was half-descended into the forest again, ferns tossing and turning with the one foot she planted in there. She remembered that even though she'd dodged, she could feel the wind from that powerful swipe. That sword is two handed, this guy must have more muscle than I...

Observant, blue eyes watched him. She watched his cold gaze. She stood up from her crouched position and started up a plan on returning his wind with her own. She herself had armor, although some of it was hidden. Chainmail was worn between her shirt and undershirt. The other pieces of armor were easy to catch. Shoulder plates, greaves over the legs, and leather gauntlets with delyn plating. This armor was very light though, not like the heavy equipment this blond man carried.

Ashla extended her arm to her side. At first, one would ask what on earth she was doing. It became apparent though when a blue light burst in her palm. The sound of ice shifting was heard, the girl smirked. This always inflated her views, her powers, they made her someone to be looked up to. Ice froze over ice, creating an object in Ashla's hands. The Icebreaker felt more and more confident every time she did this. Every time her blood rushed and her skin went white, every time she summoned this icy tool into her hands.

In her hand, gripped and ready, was her finished project. The Crystalline Spear. It was strong, strong as delyn. An icy spear, meant to stab, or most of the time, be thrown into a foe. This spear wasn't the only part of her plan though. Her sword was in her other hand. She pulled into a close, offensive position, then attacked.

She threw the ice spear right towards her opponent before racing forth with her blade. This was a three step attack, each move relying on the other. Whatever the spear did, she was in there only seconds later than she threw. She pulled her blade up and threw several swings at him. She was not at all strong like he was, but she had agility and speed on her side. During the flurry of attacks, her other hand was occupied. She reached down to a lifted leg, levitated within several moments as she made a quick turn, and swiped her steel dagger out. After footing again, she returned to striking, sending in the knife in a skilled throw.

01-06-15, 01:37 PM
A mental sigh gripped Eldric as the half-breed leaped nimbly away, avoiding the steel bite of his blade by a healthy margin. The little bitch is quick, I'll give her that. Her speed was impressive, but it wouldn't matter in the long run. The Northman had faced this type of fighter a hundred times. Killing them was a long, frustrating process, but the outcome was always the same. They ducked, they dodged, and eventually they died.

Still, part of him had hoped to make this a short affair. It was an errand he found distasteful.

"Hold still if ya want the cut to be clean, lass," he growled as he brought his blade back to the fore, "Otherwise I can't promise to make this quick for ya."

She didn't seem to hear him. Rising to her feet, his victim thrust a hand out to her side and for a brief moment stood unmoving, her eyes locked on him. A sudden flash of blue light sent a jolt of alarm through the Skavian and set his teeth on edge. Magic, he thought with stark realization. The cool confidence the slip of the girl carried herself with suddenly made sense; she wielded a weapon far deadlier than the paltry arms she carried on her person. His mouth set in a wary line, Eldric lifted his guard and scanned the treeline. Too far away to use as cover. I'll have to get in close, then-

A sudden, sharp crack like a frozen pond splitting asunder cut through the Northman's grim planning, and in the next instant the woman was clutching a spear of glittering ice. Gripping a sword in her other hand she darted forward, looking to close with the barbarian. He met her advance with a steady retreat, backing away rapidly to keep some distance between himself and her elemental weapon.

Eldric's gray eyes followed her closely as she wrenched her arm back, preparing to throw. Legs bent, body tense, he waited for the right moment. If he moved too soon, she would have a chance to reorient her aim; too late, and he wouldn't be able to avoid the spell. It wasn't until midway through the throw that the Northman's eyes flashed. Now! He threw his shoulder back and pivoted away just as she released the spear, blading his body toward the woman and allowing her spell to sear past him. It plucked at the furs adorning his cloak and left a trail of ice across the face of his ringmail. Its winter kiss chilled him even through the layers of cloth and metal.

And then she was upon him.

He turned to meet her first strike almost lazily, slapping her blade away with a one-handed flick of his bastard sword. Lightning fast she attacked again, forcing the Northman back with a sudden flurry of blows. Her speed was impressive; it seemed that he'd just managed to check a blow when her blade would streak back in from a different angle, prying at his guard, looking for openings. His jaw clenched, his arms burning from the weight of his bastard sword, Eldric fought a steady retreat back toward the ring of trees.

The warrior saw his chance when the woman's leg lifted and her hand snaked down to reach for the dagger sheathed there. Moving with sudden, thunderous force, Eldric batted away her sword with his full strength, attempting to batter the weapon from her grasp and use her precarious stance to throw her off balance. In one, unbroken chain he brought the bastard sword up over his shoulder and then out in a deadly arc meant to cleave through the arm that had reached for the dagger before she could withdraw it. A breath of exertion left the Northman as his steel sought the flesh just above her elbow.

01-06-15, 07:00 PM
Ashla had a high pain tolerance, but strength was a weakness. Easy as pie, her opponent was able to disarm and unbalance her. Ashla's blue eyes widened as her sword was flicked away. This caused her to lose balance, but she didn't lose her cool. The nimble Icebreaker attempted to grasp herself away from him as he raised his mighty sword and sent it crashing down.

She got away, but not without injury.

A sharp pain shot through her upper arm - a serious cut. She fell right on her bum, clenching her arm as she hissed in pain. It was a very good cut, embedded several inches in. Almost felt like half of it was cut off, but it was still entirely functional and nothing was falling off. Blood fell, but nothing more. None the less, the slice in her flesh hurt like the dickens! Ashla had a strong endurance level, she could manage, but the wound would cause problems. One unfortunate thing worse than most was that even though she'd been using her sword in the opposite hand, it had just been a random switch in the flurry. She'd wanted to use her main arm, her left, to perform the usage of her knife with better accuracy. Well, both the knife and her sword were gone. She was left handed and her left arm felt far from properly usable.

She gritted her teeth as she stood up, snow and dirt crunching beneath. The Icebreaker finally let out one, infuriated growl. Eyes flickered between blue and ice. She simply could not lose.

Her eyes dimmed back to normal. She kept her hand on her wound for several more seconds before pulling her now bloodied right hand over to her belt. She pulled out a crosspistol made of masterwork steel. Her unique parvabow. The uniqueness of this weapon lied in simple design. It currently took the form of a pistol, however she could remove the holster and attach it to her gauntlet in an instant. This went for her right gauntlet though, and it would remain as it was today. Ashla aimed the weapon towards her foe... she had a plan.

She knew that with her left arm in a lot of pain, it would take a lot to move it. Ashla wasn't the best in missile combat skills, but she knew enough. Her plans were a bit like predator versus prey. Naturally, the prey was the one chased. The predator would rampage through the forest attempting to find their prey. However, while Ashla did plan on him following her through the forest, this game was different. She would hide, but not in fear. She was in fact, setting up a trap. She would be the ambush predator.

She instantly pulled the trigger to her miniature crossbow. Nothing happened. She smirked. She knew it had to be cranked first. A purposeful feint. Without further ado, she summoned what strength she had in her arm and once again relaxed in her family roots. Moments later, she threw an object towards the man. It was not a spear, it was a dove.

The small bird could leave a giant mess though. These things exploded upon impact with anything. They could track their targets, but there was little need for that. The dove landed several feet in front of her opponent, blocking him off while she got a head start into the forest.

Let me know if the dove causes any issues, I'd happily edit! :)