View Full Version : Althanas Renegade Radio Episode 13 - Nightmare Before Horror Show

Enigmatic Immortal
01-07-15, 02:14 PM
The ship sets sail once more with a death battle completed under our belt and answering all ONE question we have. We discuss the 2014 predictions while shamelessly plugging ourselves in as our guest Dissinger gives us keen insight on topics we really should have known better. We also discuss the travesty that is Paul's opinions on movies of cult following, and we hit a few Tangent snags while Jason tries desperately to keep the ship afloat.

With this in mind, enjoy your Althanas Renegade Episode (Lucky) 13 - Nightmare Before Horror Show (http://althanas.com/world/podcasts/Nightmare%20Before%20Horro%20Show.mp3)

01-07-15, 05:08 PM
I have but one thing to say...


01-07-15, 09:27 PM
I didn't want to ask a question, because mine seem to be cursed. Last time I did, Andy had to throw the show out. Sorry :(

Good show, guys! Although Otto was trained in combat from a young age (he's not just a blacksmith's foundling, but an armourer's), the death battle has been put to the test already in Gaolhouse Rock, and with the predicted results: Aure came out battered, bloody and missing a hand, but even though Otto was able to subvert Aure's 'logic tree' (he didn't expect the orc to set fire to the building they were trapped on top of), Otto was the one who ended up carking it. One other thing: although Otto trains almost daily, he's taught more to fight as part of a unit. I imagine Aure's much more of a lone wolf, and so would have the upper hand in a one-on-one.

So in summary: spot on work. Looking forward to the next one :)

01-08-15, 03:43 AM
Letho v Draug!

Thanks for the love guys :p

Also, just going to throw it out there, No Longer Me was a Featured Battle.

01-08-15, 04:16 AM
Ah HAH!!! There, the mystery is solved by the epic creator himself.

So it could count as a battle, not a quest.

Roht Mirage
01-08-15, 11:20 AM
Quattle will still be a thing. Forever.

Enigmatic Immortal
01-08-15, 02:43 PM
Now we have no best quest.