View Full Version : Yet Another Price Check...

The Muri
01-08-15, 02:25 PM
I'm sorry, but my new weapon ideas keep on coming! I'm still saving up for my flintlock first...

Here's my description:

"It looks like a modern pistol. Weighs a lot too. It has no ammo, however it packs in excessive amounts of air into it. It takes thirty to thirty five seconds to "load." Afterwards, the trigger can be pulled and a sharp gust of air spans out to twenty five feet. The air is packed enough to cause puncture wounds as if a hole was dug. The wounds are the width of a large needle and can go one inch in from roughly twenty feet. Anywhere from minimum eight to five feet off, the wound is deep enough to be fatal. The blasts last for three seconds. The pistol is limited to six shots before it needs to be left for about an hour to reset for working order. Five minutes last between each six shot to have a quick reboot, or else not nearly enough air can build up - or the weapon breaks! It is steel with an oak holster"

Thank you!
~ Ashla

EDIT: Could I also get a black, leather arm cuff with steel spikes on it? Basically this baby: http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mMTA8uJ5kyRQo_SiORf9LqA.jpg

01-09-15, 04:03 AM
Such an item would need to be a mix of technology and magic, so it'll set you back 1125gp.

Unless you're planning on gouging out eyes with the cuff I probably would say you can have it for free. If you really want to pay for it, it'll cost 75gp.

The Muri
01-09-15, 09:55 AM
*Adds pistol to list of things to save up for*

For the wrist cuff, thing is, unlike what the picture suggests, the spikes are sharp and can be used in combat. Like whaming the side of the arm into someone, it would cause harm. However, it's also cosmetic and looks awesome. Still think I could get it for free?

01-09-15, 03:59 PM
If you're going to be using it in combat, then we can inlay some steel through the leather (so it can take a blow), it'll cost 75.

The Muri
01-09-15, 05:48 PM
Shut up and take my money! *Hands over 75 GP.*

01-09-15, 07:05 PM
Gold has been deducted. You are now the owner of the leather and steel spiked wrist bracelet.

Please link here for proof of purchase.