View Full Version : Watching the Waves

10-07-06, 10:21 AM
The coastline of Corone was quite attractive during the dusk hours. The sun slowly creeping down to where the waters and the sky meet. With the colours of the heavens seeming to burst outward from the setting sun. The various oranges, reds, and small stream of purple. Crossing thoughout the sky like a message from the gods to the mortals below.
Sitting on a large coral rock right above the crashing waves sat Ra'shara. Her lavendar hair swaying in the strong winds of the beach to the back of her head. Sitting right on the edge of the rock with her legs dangling to the crashing waves below. Her arms supporting her balance her mind and eyes staring outward to the unknown waters. She had seen the ocean many times since being brought to Corone. Much diffrent than the deserts that she had once called home. She was fascanted by the sea, and the dance it seemed to play for her. Taking each of her free moments when her work brought her near the sea. To watch the waves crash and sing for her.
Finally her mind returns to reality as it always does. Her thoughts returning to a task she has on hand. Pulling a scroll a pack she has at her side, she opens it up to read it once agian. Written on this scroll is her most current mission.

Desert Rose,
Your reputation proceeds you
and I have heard many great things about your "services".
If you would be so kind as to meet me at the fall of sun.
On the beaches next to the Corone port on the day of
Ra'kara. On the coral rock a few meters from the main port.
I would be most pleased, and I assure you it
will be well worth you wild.


She looked over the note agian, and let out a heavy sigh. Placing the scroll back into her pack. The sun was almost set now, and her "client" as he or she so conviently stated was to meet her soon. It had been a few months since she had taken a job, and the money had run out. Yet it was not the money that she did this, it was for the thrill. The adrenline that pumped in her during a kill, to know that she was the angel which would bring them death. Curel thoughts perhaps, but it is the few times she felt another emotion besides pain. When she could feel ther pylant dagger driving into her victims thigh. Infused with her quiet and slow paraylizing poision. This was one of her pleasures, and she found not evil in any of it.
Her thoughts slowly returning to reality once agian. She looks to the sun, its light steadily falling under the sea. The "client" soon to be here at any moment....

10-07-06, 02:15 PM
The sun had set behide the waterline hours ago. Yet the client had still not come to the appointed place. Ra'shara's patience was wearing thin, and she had no time to spend wasting away here. Something must have happened to her potiental client, or it was some sort of set up. Whichever one it might be, she was not going to wait around here any longer. Pulling her pack onto her back, she stood up slowly surveying the area one more time. Right at that moment, a voice from the shadows, a voice with a deep resonating sound. Begins to speak to her in a casual sarcastic tone.

"I hope you were no planning on leaving my dear. the words seeming to come from no where. As if the very wind was making the noise.

Ra'shara pulls her scimitar from her back as if it was just a flash. Her heart begging to beat faster and faster as she spins around looking for the source of the sound. "Who is there?! Show yourself!!" her speech demanding and calm, but in reality a tingle of fear is felt in her stomach.

"Now now, Desert Rose...calm yourself there is no need for you to be in such alarm. I only wish to speak with you, and give you the job that I promised." The sound of the "person's" voice surronds Ra'shara. Whoever this man is, he is a master of illusion.

Ra'shara lowers her blade, but does not put it away. Her eyes moving from one shadow to the next. Looking for the individual, but even with her skills its to no avail. Closing her eyes, she calms her mind and lowers her heart beat. Listening to this stranger's words in order to find out what he wants.

"Now that you have settled hear my words. There is a nobleman by the name of Duke Wellharon. He lives in the upper district of Corone, in the old manor of Wellharon. Why or what he has done to earn my attention is none of your concern. Only know that I want him dead, and that everyone knows that he died due to a hit. Do this and you will be rewarded...."

With that the presence of the voice slowly beings to vanish with one last comment. You have a week to complete this task, if you do not I would watch my back...if I were you then the voice's presence fads leaving Ra'shara dumbfounded.