View Full Version : These Boots Are Made For Punting

Andy Rorton
01-19-15, 04:46 PM
He walked through the shop, a toothpick in his mouth as he eyed the various enchanted merchandise. The counter hosted a guy damn near asleep upon his own arm. Rorton approached the counter and slammed his fist down, jarring the merchant awake and causing slobber to fly in every which direction.

"Listen here," Rorton spoke as he moved the toothpick along his mouth, "I need a pair of cowboy boots, but I need them to turn become hard as steel when they hit a certain velocity, like if someone were attempting a low kick to the groin. How much would I be looking at for something like that?"

Jack Frost
01-27-15, 07:36 PM
The merchant snorted awake and looked dazed as he listened to the mans requests intently. "Tha's quite the odd request...but I think I have something that fits tha bill alright." he said turning around to check a cluster of shelves. Clucking his tongue he pulled out a box and blew some dust off of it before turning back to Rorton. "An ol miss came in with these, said her husband used to raise cattle and get in barfights all the time. They're a bit used...so 'ow bout 75 gold?"

He asked setting a box down and pulling them out so the man could examine them.

Andy Rorton
02-02-15, 04:47 AM
"Don't care if they're used, that sounds like a great deal!" Andy grabbed the coins from his pocket and slammed them on the table.

Jack Frost
02-03-15, 01:58 PM
Transaction Completed

75 GP to be deducted from Andy Rorton's account.

Andy , please link this thread in future (level up updates, etc) to show where you purchased it.

02-05-15, 05:42 PM

Please link where proof of purchase is required.