View Full Version : WIP - Harry Potter quilt

Skie and Avery
01-24-15, 05:09 PM
I joined a quilt-a-long this year that I thought y'all would appreciate. The finished design is a bookcase filled with objects from the Harry Potter universe (and tons of books!). I'm working a block per week for 30 weeks. I'm 3 weeks in so far. I'll be labeling the books with titles from both the HP books as well as the real world, but I'm slow at doing that as I'm not sure if I really want to do the work of embroidering them all or trying fabric paint. I've tried fabric markers on a couple and I'm underwhelmed. Anywho!

Week 1: Crystal ball and divination books


Week 2: Books (will be titled with a Herbology theme)


Week 3: Deathly Hallows, books (Magical History/Tales)


All three together


I haven't figured out if I want to find just a pretty brown or a fabric that has wood grain for the shelving, but that's not something I really have to worry about for a few months. ;) This is my first quilt using this method to piece the blocks and I'm pretty proud of my progress (especially the deathly hallows- There are 32 pieces in just that section of the block and I broke a needle and messed up like five times putting that fiddly sucker together!).

01-25-15, 03:09 AM
Thats looks difficult! I'd have cut up my hands pretty bad, so well done only breaking one needle :p

01-25-15, 06:59 AM
Super cool, thanks for sharing! I only wish I had the patience for quilting, the projects turn out so nice.

Skie and Avery
02-01-15, 08:35 PM
Thanks! A few of the blocks have definitely been frustrating but overall it's not too bad! Luned, the technique used here is called foundation paper piecing and it's actually pretty simple. You stitch the fabric onto a piece of paper that tells you where to put the seams, so it's just sewing straight lines, unfolding the fabric and pressing the seams flat, over and over working outward from the center of pieces and then putting them together like a puzzle. I think I like this much better than cutting individual pieces of fabric to specific sizes and then putting them together. This way feels a little more organic and not as big of a deal if you make a mistake.

Which, speaking of... this week's block has Harry's glasses in them and I managed to get confused and put a piece of background fabric in a tiny spot where the cream glasses fabric I was using was supposed to go. Whoops! By the time I realized what I'd done it was too late to rip seams and I really didn't want to start all over again.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10269401_10155106772790142_7042603676128028603_n.j pg?oh=5ea0706b29ef29ae724ed7cb706f30b7&oe=556F528C&__gda__=1431303913_e1da9bfe71a66fafa458667ee59d0d0 8

02-01-15, 09:21 PM
sooo cute! The only thing I have patience for that's crafty is embroidery, and even then I only manage tiny things. This is super cool!

Erirag the Poet
03-13-15, 11:24 PM
I got really behind with crafting and how stressed and busy I've been in the last month but I was able to sit down and sew and get on the road to catching up.

I never did post my 5th block - just books:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10984162_10155132278345142_3692154437579557428_n.j pg?oh=9b8f8ad6559a98dc3436017ac37d06b2&oe=55741817&__gda__=1433758056_b5c313c393057ec5296c02027aec6cb c

and tonight I did block 6. I used printable cotton for the picture frame pic. It's Lorelai from a Harry Potter themed party we went to when she was 7 months old.

https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10988475_10155258873835142_8678453821427010913_n.j pg?oh=58e62b54b49974c314911d3f2fa70a42&oe=55BE02CE

Erirag the Poet
04-08-15, 09:22 PM
Block 7/30! This one features the Time Turner. So now I can go back in time and correct all my mistakes. Ha ha ha. I better get to work. TTnTT


I saw where someone else had reversed their fabric for the glass part of the hourglass so they had the same pattern, only much lighter. The contrast is much more noticeable in person than in the picture.

Skie and Avery
05-19-15, 02:24 PM
I took a break from the quilt for way longer than intended but we're back in business.

Today's block is just a "filler" block, with only books.


And I put the first five blocks together for the first shelf of the bookcase:


Tomorrow I'm starting on the block with the Golden Snitch!

05-19-15, 05:55 PM
Ahhh you have no idea how much I love hearing about updates on this. I have my own sewing project going on at the moment, but no where near as awesome as yours!

Skie and Avery
06-11-15, 01:59 PM
I ended up having to rip out seams three times on this one, even though it looked really simple. The colors aren't quite as washed out irl. The Golden Snitch:


Next up, The Standard Book of Spells series, grades 1-7. I bought a very pretty collection of rainbow batiks to use on the spines. Huzzah, Roy G. Biv!

Skie and Avery
06-15-15, 02:19 PM
Block 10 - The Standard Books of Spells, Grades 1-7. With this, my second row is complete and I need to assemble it. 4 more rows and a dragon to go!


Next block - Hedwig!

Skie and Avery
06-15-15, 03:12 PM
I done fucked up. D: I printed my pattern out at a scale instead of actual size so that block is the right width but not the right height.


It's at least an easy fix, I'll just put a strip of the background up top and the books will be a bit short.

Here are the two rows together. I'm trying to figure out if I want to go with a pretty brown batik or an actual wood grain pattern for the shelves between them.


Skie and Avery
07-23-15, 07:54 PM
Hedwig is done!


Next up: Butterbeer!

07-24-15, 12:08 AM

I want to do quilting!!! Honestly, you are so awesome O_O

01-22-16, 11:36 AM
Took a break from the Harry Potter quilt to do a Destiny lap quilt for Dissinger. It took about a month of solid work, five yards of the background fabric and half a yard each of the yellow, red, and white. There is also about 1k meters of thread in that sucker between sewing the top and actual quilting. It's the first time I've quilted layers together like this, and I designed the patterns for the emblems myself. The quilting is a freehand stipple stitch and I quilted his username into the design.



black shadow
01-22-16, 01:51 PM
I uh... I want it now! Haha! Looks amazing!