View Full Version : Angua (De'Angua Gaeandir )

01-25-15, 11:40 AM
Name: Angua

Full Name: De'Angua Gaeandir

Race: Officially: Sdorn'mit (pronounced Sah-DOO-rn-meet) Common: Wordsmith

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Hair Colour: Auburn

Fur: Short, sleek, and a mix of predominantly auburn with flecks of gray and white

Eye Colour: Sparkling Green

Height: 4"10

Weight: “I think not, thank you!” - Angua



Angua is a listener and observer. She truly believes in the religion she has grown up with, and values silence and well-placed conversation. As a believer, she spends much of her time working with spoken and written word, striving to learn the magic of her people that was given by the Gods themselves.

When frustration takes hold, she lets loose by stepping in to the ring and sparring. Angua fights with speed and deadly grace, flowing from one form to the next without pause or falter. She is water; adaptable, constantly moving, and light on her feet. She fights, dances, and praises the Gods with the labour of her body, using words that can be portrayed only in the physical. Thus does she daily give her time to each of the three Lesser Gods of her people; the Gods of Written, Spoken, and Moving Word.

The Great God of Silence and Death spends several hours with her a day as she enjoys her meals with him, and takes extra time to meditate with, and enjoy tea with him.

Despite her love of silence, Angua is a social creature, and strives to incorporate spending time with others in to her daily schedule. Unfortunately she is also an extremely awkward creature to have around, usually saying exactly the thing that makes people either not wish to spend time with her, or to tease her.

Since her nubs on her head have not yet grown out, Angua has found it even harder to relate with her people. The constant teasing has created a new side of her that often lashes out with word and is inclining towards violence. Lost, and afraid of losing the serenity the Gods had gifted her from birth, Angua treats every interaction with care bordering on insanity.


Angua's appearance is part human, part animal medley. (Character model picture for reference included).

As with most of her kind, she is short and thin with disproportionately long arms, the fingers of which nearly brush her knees. Her arms from her elbow to hands are covered in beautiful short, velvety white and auburn fur, and her hands are nearly twice the size of human hands, ending in long claws rather than fingernails.

Her legs (seemingly short beside such long arms) are covered in the same velvety auburn and white fur. Her thighs are thick muscled, and her lower legs bowed much like a cat. Her feet resemble large back paws, but are wider and raptor clawed.

Her sparkling eyes are large and wide on a round face with small pointy chin. Her ears curve out away from her face comically, resembling overgrown white furred mouse ears, and are about four times the size of the regular human ear. Her hair, wavy, scraggly, auburn, and often seeming unkempt, is cut short at the chin and frames her face with its chaos. Two small nubs peek-a-boo out of the top of her head, indistinct, and ungrown.

Angua's style consist of flexible and practical garments in earth tones and whites.
For her journey she has been given simple brown leather pants, white cotton shirts, simple vests in shades of green, tan and brown, and a deep olive cloak for both hot and cold weathers. Angua sports stocky practical leather boots, two flowing dresses, an overgrown cloak, headscarves, and a wide brimmed hat which may be used as disguise to blend in with humans wherever necessary. The effect is slightly misshapen, but believable.


In the beginning there was Mukagrk (moo-KAH-gerk), the Great God of Silence and Death, and he waited. Alone. One day Mukagrk spoke, and that word became the first Lesser God. Through word Mukagrk created three Lesser Gods, which grew with the will to create as their God had.

They first made magic. They spoke, wrote, and acted it in to creation, and were happy. Time passed.

They then made the Wordsmiths, and they taught the Wordsmiths the magic they had created. Uru’dak taught them the magic of spoken word, Sod’dak taught them the magic of written word, and Sam’dak taught them the words one says with movement of their body.

Chaos waged amongst the people.

Distraught by what they had created, the Lesser Gods turned to Mukagrk.

When he touched the Wordsmiths, he taught them the value of silence, and the lessons of death and shadow. He ground in them an appreciation and knowledge of himself, showing them how precious the words they used were and how they had given birth to the world.
With their new appreciation, the Wordsmiths created religion.

Centuries, and many different interpretations later, this is the one of the only things all religions of the people can agree on.

Despite the differences in religion, the Wordsmiths are a peaceful, nature loving race of humanoids, each with their own different physical characteristics ranging from fur to shells, and lithe bodies to those resembling rocks. They are a people at one with nature.

The Wordsmiths are distinctly humanoid, though shorter, and can be faster or even stronger than the typical man (depending on type of Wordsmith). The only thing every Wordsmith has in common are nubs on their head that they are born with. Upon reaching puberty the nubs bloom in to either antlers or horns. This shows they have accumulated enough knowledge and skill to progress in to a specific field, and is a rite of passage highly celebrate.

Their quiet nature and racial beliefs have made them isolationists, hiding on their island from those who would disturb them with misplaced speech, written word, or breaks in silence. Their common knowledge, however, dictates they must know something of the outside world. Thus, every ten years, they hold a festival wherein all eligible must pit their skill against one another. The winner and runner up of the festival games are sent out in to the world for 10 years to travel, discover, and bring back the written knowledge of what they have found.

Despite being in her twenties, Angua's nubs have not yet grown out, perhaps due to her lack of motivation to choose a specialization, and perhaps due to her love for silence and serenity that spans across her abilities in magic and combat.

Those that teased her for being a “late bloomer”, “nitwit”, and “lazy bones” would never have anticipated that, despite trying very hard to fail every test in the festival, Angua would come out in first place in a once-in-a-lifetime stroke of luck and be chosen to gather knowledge of the world.

Despite begging and pleading with the Elders, pointing out her natural affinity to exactly nothing, and her lack of horns or antlers, Angua could not get out of her new duties.

Now, armed with barely enough gold to last her a month of travelling, and the barest of her personal items, Angua must venture in to the loud, bolstering, chaotic, violent world she has only ever read about, and bring knowledge back to her people.

· Proficient at both hand-to-hand combat, and fighting with twin short swords in the flowing martial art fighting style of her people

· Can hit a medium-sized target with simple throwing knives

· Body designed to allow for 4-legged sprinting when necessary, higher jumps, and lesser fall damage. Proficient at climbing almost anything.

· Sharp claws on both hands and feet make for extra slice advantage when hand-to-hand fighting. Retractable, but she keeps them out unless absolutely necessary.

· Has a decent amount of stamina due to her hours devout to praising the God of Physical and Moving Word with dance and combat

· Near-perfect calligraphy, and can speed write

· Instinct. Not perfect, but as a part-human Angua has been raised to listen to what her gut says about people, food, and scenarios

· Angua can hunt, knows which plants are edible by smell, and can cook relatively well, but only knows 3 or 4 recipes. (Her mom and dad weren't exactly the domestic type).


· Weaker than the typical human. Makes up for it by using blades, and with increased speed, but is at a disadvantage in battles of pure strength

· Naive, and often believes what people have to tell her about the world as she has experienced nothing outside other than through books.

· Possesses exactly NO people skills, and comes off as generally awkward, slightly crazy, and possibly a little creepy. Some find this charming, most try to make her leave as quickly as possible.


Sam’dak’s Gift: (God of the Moving and Physical Word)
Level 1: Feral Speed: Angua possesses agility greater than that of a human due to her body structure. This allows her to run faster, jump higher leap farther, dodge quicker, and retaliate at a rate twice as swift as a typical human.

Sod’dak’s Gift: (God of the Written Word)
Level 1: Lightning Touch: Angua keeps small tags on her person which, when placed on someone or something and paired with a charge of her magic, will emit a short, hard shock. The power is equivalent to being zapped by a taser, but one tag only shocks for about a half-second.

Angua carries 6 tags at once, and is required to make more during downtime. Angua cannot create or use more than 6 tags in a day with her current magical stamina. Angua can activate any tag she has placed that is within her line of vision.

Uru’dak’s Gift: (God of the Spoken Word)
Level 1: Evolve: Angua has the ability to find her “comfort equilibrium”. This allows her (at level 1) to get her second wind, ignoring pain and fatigue for a short time, typically around 30 seconds, and fighting at her peak. The more damage and fatigue she is ignoring, the less time Evolve will last, and she cannot ignore damage that would otherwise make her unable to move. Angua must be able to speak the word to be granted its gift.


· Two iron short swords, strapped to her hips. Blades are wide, curved, and thick at the tip with stocky fat handles suitable for Angua's overlarge hands. Where blade meets hilt there is about two to three inches of jagged edge meant for sawing and survival situations.

· A holster with six simple iron throwing knives strapped to her right thigh. Tags are kept in this pouch as well.

· Backpack filled with travelling essentials, a small amount of gold for her living expenses during the beginning of the trip, and a plethora of writing utensils and journals to get her started on her journeys

· Backpack also includes ordinary paper which she cuts in to strips and writes on for her written magic

· Angua's “travel essentials” include, but are not limited to: a kettle, tea pot, honey sticks, tea leaves, and two porcelain tea cups. This allows for less room for things such as underwear, and weighs down her pack. She would not fight well with it equipped.

01-26-15, 08:42 PM
Updated her abilities a bit to ensure she was more balanced.

01-27-15, 04:54 PM
Welcome, welcome, welcome!

Glad to have you join the site and I apologize for the delay.

To get you ready to post, I only need a few changes.

-- Cut your iron throwing knives from 12 to 6.
-- Specify how long a "short time" is for your Evolve Skill. 30 seconds (roughly a post to post and a half) would be decent.
-- The tazer tags are pretty strong and technically tazers can give you a constant shock for enough time to be lethal. Could we word it so the tags give a strong jolt for about a second? This can allow you to stack 6 on a person to deliver a full body bolt or fire in succession for a total of 6 seconds. That long of a tazer zap would incapacitate most normal people in the real world. Since this is Althanas, we can leave the extent of the damage to be written by the recipient.
--- Now the claws usually count toward a weapon, but I'm trusting you to write them as if there were animal tier. Meaning, you won't be cleaving hard leather or metal with them just yet.

Modify those seemingly little details and we'll get you on your first steps on Althanas. You'll be leveling up to level 2 in no time.


Any questions or concerns?

Need any tips for getting started?

01-28-15, 05:43 PM
Hello, no worries, and thank you for your reply! I've updated my character as per your instructions. Please do take a look when you have time!

Her claws are indeed animal tier, which I can put in her description if you like. I probably won't be upgrading them. They're mostly for climbing purposes, and for light scratches on the skin.

Thank you for your help!



01-28-15, 06:15 PM
You are approved. I will have your profile moved in a minute. Now, get out there and start writing! And welcome to Althanas!