View Full Version : Goodbye for a While

01-26-15, 08:13 PM
This is an official goodbye to everyone. As those who read my post a few weeks back know my computer has bit the dust. I've been trying to use my tablet, but I'm unable to due to no spell checker and no word processor. By the looks of things I'll be unable to even get my computer checked out let alone repaired for a long time. Because of this I have decided to leave the site till further notice. Thank-you everyone for the fun time I've had on this site. May everyone continue to enjoy it as much as I have. I'll be on for two more days just to look at this thread. To all those I currently have threads with. I will continue them when I return. Love you all and may God bless you.

01-26-15, 08:55 PM
Godspeed brother Hoytti, godspeed. Real life always comes first and you will be sorely missed. When you are able to come back you will always be welcome bro. I will say a few prayers for you for a speedy return and I hope that you will be back with us someday bro. All things happen for a reason.

Always your friend,

Silence Sei
01-26-15, 09:09 PM
Rent A Center?

01-26-15, 11:24 PM
Find a way dammit!

01-27-15, 09:19 AM
Well, if I were you Hoyt-master, I would consider one of those netbooks. A few jobs around the neighborhood or pawned off old games and you should be able to nab one for under $200. Heck, in this current economy, that's skipping out on 20 trips to Chipotle. The netbooks will have the keyboard and should be able to get Open Office. Give it a look, I've even seen some used ones for $75 - $80.

Silence Sei
01-27-15, 09:23 AM
Who in their right mind goes to Chipolte 20 times?

01-27-15, 09:41 AM
My fiance...

Fox Owen Xavier
01-27-15, 05:38 PM
Sorry to hear that hoytti. I thought you brought a lot of energy and creativity to the site (all those crazy characters). Hope that you can find a new computer or something someday so you can return. In the meanwhile, best of luck with life and hope you are successful in whatever else you do.

Also, Lye does have a good idea if you have a bit of money to spare.

01-28-15, 12:23 AM
Money and I don't even live in the same area right now. I live at walmart while money lives in student lones. I do hve a way to increase spending money though so lets hope it works out.

01-28-15, 01:57 AM
Good luck working something out. Hope to see you around, mate!

02-02-15, 08:27 PM
I don't really know you, but I understand better than most how desperate it feels when money gets extremely tight. Hang in there, go without on the superfluous things, and do what you can. Sending good thoughts your way. :)

Skie and Avery
02-02-15, 10:21 PM
Hopefully you can get your own computer again soon but until then what about your local library? Some time long ago I was in a similar situation, no computer, no ride, no cash, ha ha. And it was in the middle of a tournament so I ended up walking to the library every day to use the computer in order to post. It's definitely not ideal but if you're wanting to keep up with a couple of threads it's a way that would work.

black shadow
02-02-15, 10:31 PM
Skie? You're alive?! Where have you been?! Haha! ;)

He thought about tht but at out library there's only one imputed and it need sto be used for research purposes only. The dislike when you play games and do stuff like that. (I know because I've tried) sadly i think it will be a bit before he returns.