View Full Version : Passage through open water

10-08-06, 11:17 PM
Arvis whiped the corner of his mouth with his napkin before tossing it onto his empty plate. He pushed his chair back as he stood from the table and walked over to the bar at the Silver Pub.

"Manager said the breakfast was on the house for the fine job you pulled on those goblin's for us!" said the wench behind bar.

Arvis responded with a quiet chuckle, then turned and headed for the exit. The Drow squinted and covered his face while his eyes adjusted to the bright morning sunshine beating down upon Radasanth. Arvis walked over to his mount Caillum who raised his head and huffed at his friend.

"Good morning to you too, Caillum" replied Arvis as he strapped his bow and quiver of arrows onto the side of his dark skinned companion. The Drow threw his leg over the back of Caillum as he climbed on top, and they began to pace down the road.

"I've grown pretty tired of this place, old friend. The hunting pickings have become rather slim, and it's beginning to be much too crowded for my liking. What say you about a change of surroundings?" Arvis spoke out loud to his steed, he replied with a shake of it's head. "Very well then, let's make our way to the port"

The two comrades made their way through the streets of Radasanth headding for the port. The two received the usual strange stares from random civilians as they trotted by with the bright morning sun beating down upon their dark skin.

Arvis could tell they were getting close as he could feel the refreshing breeze that frequents open water. A few moments later, they approached the main building of the port which looked miniscule compaired to the cast sea and large ships docked behind it. Arvis dismounted Caillum, and entered the building.

He did not know where he wanted to go, all he knew was he wanted something different. The Drow skimmed over the list of ships and their destinations, cringing when he saw the names Alerar and Raiaera. That left the continent of Fallien. Arvis did not know much of this place, just that it was a desert continent, which would surely be something new for him. He approached the counter, using the gold he was rewarded with from his mercenary mission to book his ticket, and book arrangements for Caillum to be brought on a cargo ship, as no mounts were allowed on the passenger ship.

Deadnight Warrior
10-09-06, 08:25 AM
No mounts were allowed, Artume mused, but nobody ever said anything about the slick black figurine of Valhalla which he carried in his pocket. It, of course, held the black steed which accompanied him through life.

Though they had not yet left, the warrior could smell the sea air as clearly as if they'd been out of dock for months. He ran a hand through short black hair, and wrapped his cape about his person, dark blue eyes examining the dock. He was heading off to Fallien, along with the others who were climbing onto the ship, among them a familiar-looking Drow.

"Arvis," he said, a sly smile crossing his face. The two warriors had worked together only a few days ago, dispatching a score of goblins and their orange-skinned leader, and fate had brought them together once again.

Dispatcher and Ruin by his side, a high-spirited Artume Zauvir walked briskly to the entrance of the boat, looking to head off the dark elf before he could even take a step onto the craft. "Hello there, Arvis. Fancy a change of scenery as well?" he chuckled.

10-09-06, 09:11 AM
Arvis watched as a giant ship which he thought would be his made its way into the port, with its giant sails flapping in the wind. He knew this journey was not a mere form of transportation. The open sea was notorious for its sudden changes in environment, with powerful storms, typhoon's, rogue waves, and so much more. It was also very popular for these transport ships to be attacked and borded by pirates, seeking the gold and treasures of the adventures and merchants aboard.

The ship came to a slow halt displacing all the water around it, and a boarding platform was attached to a door in it's side. It was a beautiful day, and almost perfect sailing weather with a decent breeze to propel them to Fallien, and not a cloud in the sky to worry about. The Drow stepped on board the ship, and after handing his ticket to the sailor at the entrance he proceeded to go on the deck and admire the scenery.

Arvis was leaning on his forearms on the railing of the ship when he heard a familiar voice call to him from behind. He turned to see Artume, his humorus human companion who he had departed from just a short time ago. Arvis could still feel the wound in his shoulder pulsing from their battle with the herd of goblin's.

The Drow extended his hand out to Artume in a friendly gesture while replying to his comment. "Yes, I've grown quite tired of all these trees and people!"

Arvis was not much of a people person, but he did not mind having a companion on this long voyage to keep him company.

"So, Artume, what are you running from?" said Arvis with a loud chuckle.

Deadnight Warrior
10-09-06, 09:40 AM
"Running, hm?" Artume contemplated, not taking the question in the light hearted manner Arvis meant it in. It was a good question to take seriously, for it truly wasn't just boredom that was driving the warrior away from Corone.

"People, I guess. Dirty beggers on the streets, familiar civilians at the bazaar. I want a change of scenery. The desert won't entertain me, but it'll be different."

A bell's toll rang out from the crow's nest, and the boarding plank was retracted and lain by the boat's edge. Family members waved goodbye to their merchant kin, and the boat shoved off from port. Artume observed the way they seemed to drift away from land, and thought that coming back to a harsh Coronian ale would be refreshing after some time abroad.

"Come explore the ship with me, friend. Perhaps there's a way to distract ourselves while we endure this long journey."

Artume whipped his scarf off in a smooth, accustomed movement, slinging it over his shoulder. Moving to a small wooden door at the base of a short staircase, the human turned the knob and stepped inside. Immediately, the scents of beer and meat overwhelmed him. Obviously, the dining area was nearby, and he would consider visiting very shortly.

It was hot as he led the way forward, down a dim hallway with many doors on either side. A few signs pointed him to another small door, where upon opening, Artume saw what appeared to be a ship casino.

Grinning, he turned to his Drow ally. "Willing, Arvis, to gamble a little?"

10-09-06, 11:28 AM
Arvis shrugged Artume's reply to his question, realizing that there was probably a much longer story behind his reply judging by his body language, and made note of it thinking it could make for interesting conversation at a later time on the voyage.

Arvis followed as Artume took charge and lead the way down below into a narrow hallway of doors. Artume finally decided to open a door, and Arvis could see the smile on his face at what he had found, and knew exactly what the human was going to say before he posed the question.

"I suppose so Artume" replied Arvis.

The two enterred what was probably one of the largest rooms on the ship observing the different tables and games that were being played. The casino had the usual clientel any mainland casino would have. Arvis noticed a few people jumping up and down shouting for joy, undoubtedly winning a large sum of money. Then there was the few sitting all slumped in their chair, and he could realise just by there facial expression that they were not doing too well. Arvis was just here to kill time, not win a fortune or lose what little gold he had on him as it was certainly not a large sum.

After the circling the tables a few times, Arvis could not decide what he would like to play. Many of these games were foreign to him and he did not have much experience in this sort of entertainment.

"So, any suggestions Artume?"

Deadnight Warrior
10-09-06, 12:56 PM
Artume was already standing in front of the table he liked by the time Arvis asked his question. It was some form of cards, he could see, but the man had never been anything but a Stones player. What interested him was the look of the lone female at the table, a lengthly one with long blonde hair and shocking green eyes. She wore expensive clothing and a fur of some animal he'd never recognize.

The table was full, but Artume rolled a single gold piece along in in between hands. A desperate-looking fool scrambled for it, and the off balance target couldn't hope to fight against the large warrior as he pushed his was into this new, vacant seat.

He didn't even try to hide his fascination with the woman, who looked at him coyly before turning back to the cards dealt to her. Artume checked his briefly, a pair of jacks and a queen, before carelessly placing them back against the felt to let his eyes drift over her.

"Sir, what is your bet?" asked the dealer, whom had to ask again to draw his attention away from the woman.

Artume place three gold pieces onto the middle of the table, bringing a gasp from some. This was a low-stakes game, and to play even a single gold was rather forthcoming. The woman did not seem impressed as the other players folded their cards in turn, that is, until a man saw his bet and raised another two gold.

Baffled, Artume looked at the one in question, a man who sat very low in his chair and wore a red bandanna about his forehead. He seemed sloppy and crude, hardly the sort of person one would expect to call a high raise in a boat casino.

"Aye, another two gold if yer fer wanted to play," said the man.

Two jacks and a queen seemed good enough, really, and he wanted to impress the woman, so the warrior called this bet. "Now we've got a game," he said, as the woman looked at him.

10-26-06, 03:09 PM
Arvis shook his head and chuckled as he watched Artume steal a seat at the gaming table, thinking it probably wasn't his human companion's first time wagering money on games. The Drow noticed Artume staring at the attractive woman across the table, then realized why he was so persistent in sitting at this table. While rolling his red eyes, Arvis turned and walked around examining the rest of the room.

It was a dimly lit room that rocked back and forth occasionally from the motion of the surf, causing Arvis to stumble every now and then and seem quite out of place. After realizing that the only game that was based on any sort of skill, Arvis returned to the table Artume was sitting at. The Drow did not find it very logical to wager what little gold he had in a game of pure chance, especially when the casino always has better odds of winning.

He approached the table to see what seemed to be a dramatic game taking place between Artume and some stranger. They both had 3 cards in front of them, and Arvis watched Artume splash the pile of gold with a large bet confidently. They appeared to be playing a game of cards against each other, rather then all the other games in the room where it was the player facing the casino.

"So what are we playing here?" Ignorantly asked Arvis, almost purposely, who was met with rude chuckles and laughter in reply while he walked over behing Artume.

The character his friend was facing nervously called the human's bet, and another card was delt at the center of the table, a Jack. Arvis watched as Artume checked his cards and made another large bet.

"What are you doing, all you have is a 7, a 5, and a 3? Even I know that isn't good!" Arvis said out loud, as he nudged Artume. Every one began to laugh, and Zauvir's opponent in the red bandana let out a huge sigh of relief accompanied by a large smile, then spoke out loud.

"I'll re-raise!"

Deadnight Warrior
10-29-06, 11:56 AM
A sidelong glance from Artume's blue eyes betrayed his disappointment in his friend's idiotic blurb. His eyes then went to the enchanting woman, who was giggling. That made the human smile, though he now had a large gamble to make.

The coins of the bandanna man sat waiting for his word in the center of the table. Everyone seated looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to lower his cards and surrender his gold. Despite not having an available universal card to better the hand Arvis had revealed, the human tossed another pair of gold coins onto the table, to the astonishment of those around.

Lots of laughter followed, and many insults were flung. Artume ignored them all and let his eyes sit on those of the lovely woman across the table and to his left. The man he faced revealed his hand, two kings and two aces. The warrior, not letting his eyes move away from the woman, lowered his hand, to reveal three jacks to make four of a kind with the community card on the table.

Amusement was about for everyone seated at the table, save for the bandanna wearing man. Artume turned from the eye contact he'd established just long enough to look at Arvis and nudge him, uttering a thanks at his clever manipulation. The laughter ceased almost instantly as the man in the bandanna stood, slamming his palms against the table and seething.

"Cheating little fucks! I'm gonna tear yer Drow friend's throat from his neck and feed it to ya!"

Unfearful, noticeably and understandably so, Artume merely leaned back in his chair and grinned. "Don't be a sore loser, friend. Sit back and enjoy the ride. Maybe try to win back some of your losses in the time we've got until we reach Fallien."

His attempt at peace was ignored, for the bandanna man leapt across the table to try and choke him, much to the surprise of those around. In one swift movement, Artume was not only out of his chair, but around the man to hold him in a tight headlock, arms pinned to the table helplessly. A much larger fighter, Artume was more than capable of holding him there.

"It's only a month's wages for you, no need to become so violent," he cracked, playing to the crowd as best he could. "Is it worth making yourself look this ridiculous?"

Before he could continue his fun, the boat rocked. This was no normal movement, of course, but a violent shake that try as he might, Artume could not ignore. He released the man and fell back to the wooden floor, a dozen people accompanying him.

Quickly after, a force Artume could not believe struck the side of the boat, physically moving it while it was in the water. When the rumbling stopped, he picked himself up and looked to his friend. He said nothing, knowing that stating the obvious was useless. Something was wrong.

He bolted out of the door of the casino, making sure to scoop up as much of his won gold as he could while passing by the table. He darted up the stairs, taking them two at a time, to examine what was happening.