View Full Version : "Did you know...?"

Falcon Darkflight
10-09-06, 06:58 AM
Feel free to add your own...

...that devouring your neighbor's infant child is frowned upon in society?
...that 2006 is the year of the Bonsai Kitten?
...that writing "lol" after your comment doesn't automatically make it funny?
...that I give a shit only after taking laxatives?
...that Loke is the god or angel of Change Management depending on your view?
...that a bird in hand is better than crabs in bush?
...that in Soviet Russia, the fool pities you!
...James Bond fought for our freedom on numerous occasions, yet not one single day is set aside in his honor?
...that the creamiest milk, the whitest bar, the good taste thats in Milky Bar was actually paraphrased from a much more disturbing (and incriminating) inaugraual speech by Richard Nixon?
...that it's because of people like you that there's no more kittens alive in the world.
...SpongeBob Squarepants is actually a cartoon adaptation of the Ronald Reagan presidency?
...all the evil people in Star Wars have a British accent?
...the cocktail was first invented when someone accidentally drank a petrol bomb?
...that Beaver College changed its name to Flange College because it "too often misled wildlife conservationists"?
...polar bears are allergic to napalm?
...jumbo jets cannot fly unless they are painted white?

10-09-06, 07:14 AM
...all the evil people in Star Wars have a British accent? Now that I think about it, no one but Boba/Jango Fett and Obi Wan had english accents...hmmm...

-...that too many english accents is like adding Jar Jar Binks to the movies?
-...that it takes 273 licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
-...Ithermoss really doesn't care about the $50 Urei owes him?
-...guys don't like teeth during a blowjob?


-...that the number one cause of death in Austrillia is Colin's penis?
-...that the number one cause of death in Canada is still Colin's penis?

10-09-06, 05:23 PM
- That Papa Smurf is actually a Communist?
- That Darkwing Duck was hands down the greatest Saturday morning cartoon ever invented?
- That there are societies where rape as an actual legal term doesn't exist, meaning that apparently forced sex isn't rape? No, I'm serious here. At least, it's what the teacher in my psyc class told us. Got that damn question wrong on the test to prove it.

10-09-06, 05:42 PM
- a majority of penguins in the world have been known to cause homosexual feelings.

10-09-06, 05:42 PM
That this is the most pointless thread ever that probably won't get closed?

That everything happens for a reason?

That I'm tobusy to type anymore?

10-09-06, 05:44 PM
- the Flying Stone Tavern is designed for pointless or fun threads not related to Althanas.

10-09-06, 06:57 PM
-England doesn't exist. It's just a myth made up by the Asians.
-Chuck Liddel is a better Chuck than Chuck Norris
-I rock more than any of you will ever know
-Japonaphiles are the modernday plague

10-09-06, 08:25 PM
I actually have a shirt that tells all this weird stuff you'd probably never know :rolleyes:. Needless to say its minute, pointless information. But interesting!

- Snails can sleep for up to three years.

- Peanut oil is an essential ingredient for dynamite.

- Women blink twice as much as men. ;)

- It is impossible to lick your elbow or sneeze with your eyes open.

- The average chocolate bar contains at least three insect legs.

Other tidbits and nic-nacs:

- It is impossible (Try it!) to say silk five times without counting with your fingers.

- The minority with the longest life expectancy of the average person are asian women.

- Our vision is naturally upside down and is flipped right side up solely by our brain.

-(This is a long one) Because one side of the brain controls language and not the other, if you were to cut the bridge between the two sides there is a very weird effect. Your left side of the brain handles the right side of your vision while the right side of your brain handles the left side of your vision. When the bridge is severed, you can have a person see an object and physically say it out loud from the right side. But, if you were to show them something on their left, they CANNOT say it aloud. They can point to the name of the object on a list, identify it by writing or some other way, but not vocally.

- The Germans developed chess-boxing (A sport I wholeheartedly wish to be in the olympics :p).

10-09-06, 08:33 PM
(This is a long one) Because one side of the brain controls language and not the other, if you were to cut the bridge between the two sides there is a very weird effect. Your left side of the brain handles the right side of your vision while the right side of your brain handles the left side of your vision. When the bridge is severed, you can have a person see an object and physically say it out loud from the right side. But, if you were to show them something on their left, they CANNOT say it aloud. They can point to the name of the object on a list, identify it by writing or some other way, but not vocally. It's not like people do this for kicks. Severing the two halves is needed to lower too much electrical activity. It's a cure for chronic sezuires really.

Oh, and I said silk 5 times without counting my fingers. You want a real challenge? Try not thinking of a white bear right during/after you read this statement.

10-09-06, 08:38 PM
That was easy not to think of a white bear, my mind was too clouded by thoughts of my new girlfriend.

- [Fact] a man once died from choking on a hair.
- you are not allowed to hitch alligators to lamp posts in Michigan.

10-10-06, 02:53 PM
-...you're allowed to penetrate me everyday but sunday. Obviously that day's reserved for handjobs.

Falcon Darkflight
10-10-06, 06:15 PM
- You are NOT allowed, under any circumstances, to anally penetrate Grim on a WEDNESDAY.

10-21-06, 05:35 PM
- that gum takes 7 years to digest? (February 5th 2007 will be the day that happens for me)

- that Bush's IQ is 80?

- that while you burn copper the flames turn green then white?

- that it is impossible, see if you can do it, to walk in an exact straight line after a few feet? I know I can't,

10-21-06, 05:46 PM
* More people have commited suicide from the "Be Happy" song than from any 'Emo' or 'Depressing' music. [This includes only Americanised music, not the obscure Hungarian song that was an instrument in mass suicide.]

* Vivy is a cutter and never takes off his steel chain that hides the scars.

* Most members on Role Playing Community Forums lie up to fifty times a day, often about the same thing with common topics being; Age, Gender, Name, Sexual Preference, and Location. It is not unusual to be talking to a person that is twice, or half, the age they have proclaimed and never know, even after several years of conversation.

* Internet is, somehow, more reliable than Vivy.