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01-28-15, 10:19 PM
(~Dedicated to Storm Veritas. Note I am hunting for Storm's Titanium dagger(s) I am making it a pair of daggers and taking a few liberties with the enchantments. Storm's last known profile is here: Storm Level 8 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?4522-Storm-Veritas-Level-8&p=56540#post56540) thank you for your understanding.)

Time. For the immortal folks, it flowed different. An ocean that cascaded across the ages with waves that broke into one another. Endless waves. The old ones of Elthas' tribe likened this ocean to a massive tree. The tree of life, with it's branches spreading infinitely across the canopy of stars. Faces haunted his dreams now, the faces of ghosts of his life. Mortal attachments also affected the immortals and their kin, they developed life long bonds that never faded. Not once. Yesterday's friends became tomorrow enemies. In an endless cycle, all across time and eternity.

It was during those hours, the small hours of the night that Elthas felt the massive weight of time on his shoulders. He knew it. He lacked a purpose despite having accomplished so much in such a short period of time. He lacked substance in his life, and any real connection to the mortal world. What bound him was a strong sense of duty and responsibility. So he shut himself away, working himself nearly to death and then working more and more. Pushing himself, searching for that which defined all. Purpose. Long ago, he swore allegiance to a man named Seth Terrentius and that had cost him dearly. In choosing to honour the old alliances, Elthas Belthasar lost more than he cared to remember. He knew it had left a hole in his heart. An emptiness in his very soul that threatened to consume everything around him.

Of late, the tragedy was already unspoken and it grew much like a cancer.

He was now the acting leader of The Trading Company.

Elthas fancied himself a good man and righteous at that.

Once, he had a mate, and she changed him profoundly. He was in bliss for a short while, then, the very same allies he'd sworn allegiance to, shunned him. For not being a Hume (Human) of the proud order.

It was during the recent nights as Elthas attempted sleep that the cry of the old ghosts were loudest. He was haunted, not possessed, but haunted. Clearly, his mind's eyes could see the faces of those who mattered most to him. Generations ago, centuries ago, when the events that defined him took place. The events that would define his leadership style and his whole code of life.

That night, the dreams were more intense...they were almost nightmares.

The faces were tormented and in agony, haunting, swirling around a vision.

A vision of a coming storm.

A storm gathered around a central point in deep within the forest of Ruild. There, Elthas traveled until he saw the crux of the storm at it's very source.

An arcane light touched all.

Elthas was never properly trained in the ways of travelling across the Antifirmanent like the elders of his tribe were capable of. From the aether of the grey world, hands reached out to him. Ghostly hands, and he could hear the voices of the ages calling and singing out to him. They attempted to drive him insane. Calling him to the center of the almost perfect storm. That's when he saw him. Him. It was the ghost of Seth Terrentius, the very same old Hume he'd rescued from ruffians so long ago. Centuries now it had seemed. The ties that lingered were never forgotten, no matter how hard one tried. The ghosts always remained.

Elthas moved towards Seth Terrentius.

"Ah, my boy." Elthas heard the usually thick Radasanthian voice of his friend. "It has been a long time has it not?"

"Too long, old man." Elthas responded in a quiet voice. He nodded his head with a solemn respect.

Elthas watched as Seth removed his pocketwatch and glanced at it for a moment.. "Blast. Time is one of those funny things is it not?"

"It is full of mysteries." Elthas said carefully in response, keeping his tone of voice neutral as he spoke with Seth.

"Listen, my boy." Elthas heard him speaking. "A storm is gathering around you. Soon it will coalesce at one central point and threaten to destroy everything you know and love." Elthas observed the all too familiar mannerisms of his friend. He watched as Seth rubbed his chin casually, speaking to him the entire time of warnings and forbidden matters. "You must venture to the heart of this storm, and conquer it's secrets. An old one awaits you at the center of the storm. An old, and powerful forgotten soul. It calls to you Elthas Belthasar, and you will obey the call of it's challenge." Elthas heard a sudden seriousness in Seth's voice that he had not heard in a long time.

"Why...?" Elthas needed to know the truth of why he was being called. "Why has the old one chosen me?" Elthas would not doubt Seth Terrentius.

"Because of who you are, my boy." A glow surrounded Seth Terrentius that Elthas could see with the eyes of his people, he did not move away when Seth approached him. "Listen. In your heart lurks a Hero. The Hero you are meant to become. But first you must be tested, you must be tested in ways you can't possibly imagine."

"I am not ready." Elthas said truthfully.

"Time waits for no man. Or Elf." The seriousness, Elthas could hear that seriousness. "The clock is ticking, my boy, you should awake soon, and remember my words tonight."

"Time waits for no one." Elthas heard Seth say and then watched the old man vanish.

As the image of the great storm vanished, as did the antifirmanent.

Slowly, the world reverted to normal and the first few calls of roosters started to pierce the air. Elthas stirred in his bed, and looked up at the ceiling for a long moment. "Seth." Elthas whispered in the dark.

"Time waits for no one." He said, repeating the chant, and slid out of bed.

04-10-15, 05:11 PM
Elthas Belthasar made his way through the small township.

It was during twilight hours that the blade dancer set off for his journey to hunt one of the old forgotten warriors of Althanas.

Elthas had a lot on his mind as he walked, the wind passing through his long and platinum coloured hair.

His hair danced with the breeze, it had a chill in it's texture. Elthas looked about and greeted those who braved the mysteries of the night. Night watch and security folks, and others who liked to work in the sanctuary that the night provided. Elthas walked towards the captain of the guards and paid his respects. The two had a brief conversation as was his normal routine, and then, Elthas nodded as if to say This is good bye.

Elthas was facing an unknown, a mystery opponent that offered no previous intelligence. Elthas knew he was facing a difficult opponent. The ghost of Seth Terrentius had to warn me about this event...I don't know if I am prepared even with everything that I've accomplished so far. I don't know if I'm ready to give up living...I don't want to die. Elthas thought.

He carefully prepared the gear he was going to take to the ordeal, and had it all on his person.

However, he did feel remorse at that point for not having taken his studies seriously enough.

What's done is done. And that is the way it must be. Elthas thought.

He knew where he was heading, deep into the Wild Lands of Ruild where there were a few caves here and there that decorated the landscape. The cave he sought was about half a day's walk out. I don't expect to return. This will likely be the end of me...The Storm will be my undoing. I am walking to face judgment. Elthas was deeply troubled by the revelation that he would have to fight. His opponent didn't want to negotiate or broker a treaty. There was no chance for Elthas to work out some sort of a peace between him and the mysterious enemy. The storm that loomed just beyond the darkness.

Elthas was an emotionally sensitive man, he had the traits of his people and was particularly sensitive to emotional disruptions.

And so, Elthas walked in silence.

He smoked the cannibus herb from his fancy smoking pipe to help calm his shaken nerves.

Normally, Elthas had an extremely calm demeanor about every dealing he underwent. In this case though, the fact he was facing an unknown opponent, really troubled him. He was scared...maybe more scared than he should have been. But maybe not enough. I am not a coward and I will not run. He would fight the challenger in the dark alone and isolated from everything. He would fight with everything he had until he couldn't fight anymore. And then he would continue to fight.

His eyes held a suddenly serious appearance to them.

This stranger seeks to endanger everything that I know to be true. I will stop him at all costs...

Elthas attempted to ready himself and prepare for the battle ahead. After a long time of walking into the depths of the wild lands, he felt the energy in the air grow mysteriously darker. More menacing. The atmosphere was almost oppressive and reminded him of a much darker battle when he fought Xu Bellaparte. The current battle would likely be a similarly traumatizing event. The rocky tunnel into the earth had a cavernous opening that reminded him of the maw of some great beast and it would shut once he walked into the beast's mouth. Elthas sighed. He never felt more afraid in his life. He knew he could not walk away from what he feared.

He used his people's senses to study the air around him. It was charged with an arcane energy, electrical in nature. He frowned as he entered the cavern and felt the powerful energy source from within. It was so powerful that it felt like more than one energy pattern. Elthas felt his breathing go shallow with fear and he heard his heart beating loudly in his chest. The only other recent time he was afraid in this way was when he fought his now defeated enemy. Xu Bellaparte. Elthas hated the fact that he was completely alone to face this ordeal. He breathed heavily and entered the depths of the cavern, the tunnel going deeper into the ground of Althanas itself. The tunnel was surprisingly comfortable to walk around in with a naturally vaulted ceiling. The cave had strange marks that glowed with power and became more mysterious as he walked deeper into it. There was a static cling in the air that was noticeable. As he walked the feeling that he was being carefully observed touched his heart.

He finally made his way towards an opening in the tunnel and saw that the chamber grew vastly larger. It was a suitable place to do battle. There were glowing mushrooms scattered about the chamber, and the symbols were much more intricate there. He felt power everywhere...a power that threatened to be his doom. And then he heard it. Somewhere in that unforgiving room, there was his opponent clapping.

Clap, clap, clapping.

Elthas heard a deep voice from within the farther reaches of the chamber speak. "You've come. I honestly didn't think you'd answer my challenge."

Elthas shook his head as he walked towards the glowing figure in the dark. "I'm a lot of things, but a coward is not one of them. I have answered your summons, now, what is that you want...who are you anyway?"

Elthas saw that the figure in the dark had a massive form, but was lithe and athletically built. Elthas noticed that the stranger wore a surprisingly extravagant suit. The suit covered his whole body except for his head, and it was tailored in expensive fabrics. The tailorship of the suit was in a style that Elthas did not recognize. Elthas immediately noticed that the man glowed with an electrical aura. Elthas saw the man step closer towards him, power radiating from his person. "A shame. Once, a long time ago...I was like you. A Hero. I once fought and bled for everything that I had earned, now all that is left is what you see standing before you. My name is Storm Veritas."

The name did not sit well with Elthas. Something about it was indeed familiar to the blade dancer, but he did not know how to place it at the time. He did not know what was familiar about the old man and it bothered him a great deal.

Elthas Belthasar immediately drew his daggers but did not attack right away. Storm Veritas was an enemy, and that enemy meant to destroy him with supernatural power. "So there is no way we can bargain or speak as civilized men?" Elthas had to know, he had to try.

Elthas did not like the way the man shook his head in the negative. "You clearly don't understand what is happening around you even now." Storm Veritas continued to speak and was now uncomfortably close to Elthas. "This is not an idle challenge. This is not a win loose sort of thing. I am here to destroy you for past transgressions. I sense the darkness in your heart, and I am going to destroy you before you become a danger to those that you care about out. I am here to put an end to your misery." He continued. "You are suffering. And it is that negative fountain of emotion that has awakened me once more. For that you will die."

Elthas felt his own frustration as he sighed. He held his daggers tightly and kept them at the ready. "You have power. I will grant you that...but I will not go quietly into the night." Elthas said seriously.

"You say that as if you have a choice in the matter. I'm not here to bargain, I am here to take!"

Elthas attempted to brace himself as Storm Veritas attacked.

05-13-15, 03:42 PM
Narrowing his eyes, Elthas attempted to keep up with Storm Veritas. To his horror, Elthas noticed something right from the beginning of the battle, Storm was fast! Not only was he fast, but Storm was also highly an acrobatic individual to compound matters. Elthas moved immediately into his combat stance attempting to react on par with Storm Veritas. Elthas maneuvered into his favoured Piercing Talons combat stance. Once he did that, he felt the familiar but temporary boost of power in his blood. He kept his eyes locked on Storm Veritas's form, but it was very difficult to see him due to the field of lightning around his body. Elthas felt his endurance increasing, and ultimately, would insure he could survive some of what his opponent had planned. Then it happened. Elthas's eyes went wide when he saw what his opponent had actually done!

How did he...

In one, quick and devastating moment, Elthas felt pain cascading up and down his right shoulder.

It was then he noticed blood dripping down a bloody stump! Storm Veritas was not standing behind him, and had quickly sheathed both of his daggers, and removed an long and thin wire. It also glowed with electricity. Elthas looked down and saw that his arm was on the ground. The severed limb still twitched with Elthas's last commands to it. Blue blood trickled down his body and Elthas attempted to focus through the pain.

Move! Elthas thought to himself and worked through the pain he felt. His dagger was on the ground, and Elthas now was down to one working arm. He had a mess of blood on his clothing at that moment. He barely managed to evade an arc of glowing lightning elemental power swirling through the air from where Storm Veritas stood. Elthas felt his heart pumping rapidly, and his bloody stump of an arm felt completely useless to him. Elthas realized one fact right then.

He intends to cut me right to fucking pieces! Damn!

After a moment, Elthas stood up into a half crouching position and looked right at Storm Veritas.

The man stood there with a calm expression on his face, but his eyes told all.

There was nothing but cold hatred in them.

Elthas saw that Storm Veritas was hesitating.

Something was happening behind those cold, hateful eyes. Elthas knew the stare quite well, he'd fought many powerful and strategic oriented foes in his recent life.

He is planning something...

That was when it happened.

"You're crazy!" Elthas found himself yelling.

He barely noticed the stalactite in the cave that was falling down from above and onto the very position he was standing on. Elthas jumped at the last moment, but it was already too late. The large, several hundred pound stalactite came crashing down and towards Elthas, and even though he moved...he felt a stinging gash. Elthas did not stop moving. He could feel a deep cut had developed where the stalactite had split his flesh open. Elthas rolled forward without thinking about it, attempting to keep his eyes on Storm Veritas. Time was running out. Skidding to a stop, Elthas readied himself at that point and only then truly felt the pain he was in.

He growled in anguish and returned his attention to Storm Veritas.

As before, Elthas noticed that the assassin had a look of terrible and intense concentration on his face.

There was nothing but the sole intent of death on his expression. It was at that moment that Elthas realized he was holding his dagger in his one working hand still. He had no time to feel sorry for himself. So he took the offensive to Storm Veritas. He decided to throw his weapon in the direction of Storm's chest. He hoped to the Thaynehood for a successful hit of some sort. The dagger rotated head over tail on itself as it flew through the air at Storm Veritas's chest. Then something happened...something that Elthas could never have accounted for. The dagger stopped midair a few inches away from ever having connected with Storm Veritas. Elthas watched terror in his heart at what happened next. The dagger began to rotate as if being spun by an invisible hand. The speed increased exponentially and finally, was fired back by some mysterious forward towards him! He observed the shining blade and did not have enough time to move out of the way before he was knocked backwards and off the ground.

His own dagger now pierced his left shoulder.

Elthas growled angrily and with agony as he looked up at Storm Veritas who was now standing over him. Elthas watched helplessly as Storm Veritas knelt down before him and looked him in the eyes.

"I told you that you did not have a choice in this matter, Elthas Belthasar." Elthas looked at Storm Veritas the entire time. "Rest peacefully, Elthas."

And then there was only darkness and screams of agony from Elthas.

The sounds of Elthas's own screams echoed in the cavernous reaches.

05-20-15, 11:12 PM
Staring at the face of defeat, I see my enemy before me.

He's laughing at me, claiming he's got me beat. But something inside my soul stirs from deep within, a wrath I never knew existed. For a moment, I see her face and she's telling me be strong, be vengeful. Defeat the storm on my heart, the storm that is Veritas. It can be done, it can be done! Hark. I fucking just got beat by a psycho named Storm Veritas, yet none of that matters. The fucking ancients of my tribe burn in my blood with the furious blade dancers of olde. I feel the pain in my body as the storm is unleashed on my broken form. Then something happened, I feel the rage swirling in my heart. Her ghost appears before my eyes and I can smell her lovely scent once more. "Rise." I hear her say, and the strength of my fucking fore fathers comes cascading through me. I see my brother, Drathis Belthasar, and my Father, Valdros Belthasar. A clan of champions, heralding me the strength I need to fucking survive. So I will myself...

A Scream...a fucking scream pierces the poorly lit cavern chamber. Shadows, thick as black holes cascade across every surface. The rage, filled his heart, the will to fucking survive. Survive a brutal encounter of the gods, the fates, cruel bitches that attempt to smite everything he stands for. Stood for. With a sudden decisive alteration of his destiny, he rises, the fury in his eyes. Cold heart, blood boiling, missing limb fucking pulsin, Elthas rose up in one elegant motion. Eyes locked with the fallen one's eyes. His own eyes bitter and emotionless but for a moment something else lurked. Elthas gathered the dagger that was still in his working hand. He placed it within it's scabbard and then grabbed the handle of the dagger that now pierced his shoulder. His eyes twitched with pain as he pulled his own dagger out of the shoulder, ripping it out. Fresh Elf blood poured across his front from the new injury. He knew he was hurting, he knew he was suffering. Elthas gripped the dagger in his hand, attempting to focus despite the pain he felt.

"So you have some fight left in you?!"

The words of the enemy, Elthas heard every spoken word.

Elthas knew one thing...he was going to attempt to kill Storm Veritas.

"You may have taken a limb, but I'll repay the mother fucking favor. Flavor. I'll show you the flavor of blood...your own blood, which is what you'll be tasting!" Elthas, touched insanity, felt energy coursing through his mind and body. From the agony and pain he felt, he could feel his mind altering and releasing something fierce and dangerous. A newer teaching of the bards that Elthas previous had no access to. The words flowed in his mind, piercing and dangerous.

The two warriors dashed at one another, clashing daggers and daggers fucking slashing.

Elthas was able to keep up with the acrobat after he'd accessed his scorpion stance.

And something had happened.

After the first initial strike...

"It has been a long time since I've seen my own blood." Elthas heard Storm Veritas say in a surprisingly calm voice despite the bleeding cut across his face.

Elthas rotated his weapon and felt the effects of his scorpion stance wearing off.

He looked at Storm Veritas with the same maddened expression on his face.

"Get used to blood, the blood will flow in rivers, quivers. I'm gonna fucking send you to your people back in pieces believe this. You'll regret the day you stepped to Clan Belthasar, I'll show you how you stop a Storm with a metaphor!" Elthas yelled, at that point the blade dancing bard had completely lost all semblance of sanity. As he lost his sanity, he'd become something marred and ugly.

05-26-15, 04:34 PM
Elthas could not put to words the feelings coursing through his mind at that moment. An explosion was passing through his mind, both physically and quite figuratively. As he stood in place looking at Storm Veritas, Elthas watched the blood trickle down from the assassin's face. The stone all around them was cold, representing the unforgiving nature of the earth. Elthas felt the pain his left arm and it surprisingly helped him focus on the situation at hand. He'd gone through a lot of shit to get to that point in his life and he did not want to risk losing everything. I have to focus now. I injured him, that means I can kill him. Elthas thought. He took several steps backwards, in his basic combat stance. The severity of the injuries he'd sustained was starting to creep into the back of his mind. He was hurt, and he was hurt really bad.

There was a long pause in the battle, and Elthas was wondering why Storm Veritas simply just stood there.

Elthas considered the situation at hand and realized that the long silence was probably not good for him at all.

At that point, after a full five minutes passed, Elthas saw Storm Veritas act.

Elthas kept his eyes narrowed as he prepared for what was coming next. He saw Storm Veritas turn his attention suddenly away from him and revert it towards a different direction. Elthas could feel his body drenched in sweat, blood still pouring freely from the stump that was once his arm. Elthas took a basic combat stance, still waiting for the powers of his more specialized stances to return to his command. Elthas clenched the dagger in his remaining hand tightly keeping the blade pointing away from Storm Veritas. He actually held the dagger in a reversed position. Elthas saw Storm Veritas point at something with his dagger then quickly adjust his arm to aim it at Elthas! Elthas was already attempting to dodge when he felt a cold pain push through his shoulder and pierce right through him. It was the same shoulder that was already previously injured.

Elthas yelled in agony as he realized that Storm Veritas had thrown something through him. His already injured shoulder had a fresh injury, a hole that was fairly sized. Thankfully, the sudden attack had missed any major vitals.

Elthas's mind was still reeling from the attack when he noticed that Storm Veritas continued to point at him. Elthas realized that Storm Veritas had thrown a small sized stone -through- his whole body. There was a vibration through the air, and it pulsed through the entire cavern. The vibration caused a mysterious reaction and just then hundreds of small stones, flew towards Elthas at ballistic speeds.


He would need best speed to survive.

Elthas moved at his best land speed, because of the intense pain he was currently in, he found it difficult to concentrate. Elthas activated his speed, and ran as fast as he could muster in short notice. He became a blur on instinct. His body burst forward attempting to avoid the cloud of stones that suddenly manifested. Many of the stones missed their mark, but the entire massive attack moved at Storm Veritas's command. Elthas could feel it looming at his back. He jumped forward attempting to avoid the bulk of the attack, sacrificing finesse for survival. As he moved he could feel his heart beating loudly in his throat, he could only think of one thing; survival. Beating Storm Veritas meant very little if the assassin held so much power at his command. Elthas knew his options were rapidly running out.

As Elthas moved, he attempted to get out of the range of the flying stones. So he ran away from Storm Veritas and his massive and potentially lethal attack. As he felt the powerful wind moving around him, Elthas decided on the only thing he could think of. He jumped forward and away from the incoming attack. Then, he suddenly dropped down to the floor. He screamed the entire time he heard the mass of stones flying overhead, a few piercing his clothing and skin. They moved at impressive speeds. The sound of stones cascading through the air rippled through Elthas's senses and he screamed the entire time.

The stones suddenly lost their mobility and fell to the ground harmlessly.

He could hear the sound of hundreds of stones falling all at once.

Elthas gathered himself a few moments later, there was a thick cloud of dust in the air, and Elthas had lost sight of Storm Veritas in his mad sprint.

The cloud served to obfuscate both Elthas's form and Storm Veritas's own person. Elthas resorted to the one trick he knew he could depend on. Elthas began to focus and concentrate on the cavern around him. His mind, still housed the mass of emotions within them. It was difficult to concentrate and at the same time, he found it surprisingly easy. The pain now coursing through most of his body from the many injuries he'd sustained fueled him. Elthas's eyes narrowed into thin slits as the dust began to casually settle. He held the dagger in his healthy hand, holding the grip as tightly as he could. He was attempting to be prepared for whatever Storm Veritas was planning for him.


Something happened.

Elthas's mind altered in a metaphysical state. His eyes went very far away. Elthas could feel his muscles tighten for a few moments, and he felt as though he were elated in a mysterious sort of way. He heard a voice call out to him. That voice...! Standing before him was the ethereal presence of his Mother! Elyssia Belthasar. Almost immediately, the locket that Elthas wore began to glow with a warm energy that he'd never seen before. Elthas looked at his Mother for a long moment. She simply stood there. Elthas observed her for a long moment and she finally spoke to him.

"Fight back, my son." He heard his Mother say.

He's too strong...I don't know what to do... Elthas thought. He looked at his Mother, the despair must have been etched on his face.

And then Elthas felt Storm Veritas attempting to sneak up behind him. "No!" Elthas yelled, and moved.

05-29-15, 09:03 PM
Elthas moved out of the way just as Storm Veritas attacked.

However, that time, Elthas did not run. He turned towards Storm Veritas, his eyes locked on the assassin's face. Elthas's locket still glowed with the energy stored within it. Elthas used his combat knowledge to lunge at Storm Veritas and attack with a strike of his own. That was when Elthas realized what Storm Veritas was attempting to previously do. Elthas watched the sudden bursts of lightning energy burst in Elthas's general direction. Lightning cascaded through the air and struck at Elthas, pain burning through to his very core. He felt numb from the electrical shock, but he'd already committed to his own counter strike. His attack was elegant, a mighty overhand swing meant to slash right through Storm Veritas's neck. He maneuvered the overhand swing in a devastating attack, the arch aimed right towards Storm Veritas's neck. Elthas's dagger slashed through the air and downward towards Storm Veritas. The two were suddenly locked in a lethal attempt at one another. Elthas kept his eyes locked on Storm Veritas's own eyes. Both pairs of eyes seethed with lethal intent. Elthas's mind suddenly shifted once more as a result of the tremendous pain he was currently feeling.

Elthas yelled the entire time he attacked.


He suddenly found himself in a dark gray world.

The world of the dead, the land of ghosts. It was the Antifirmanent. Elthas did not know what had happened, only that it had occurred. His mind was somehow displaced from his own body. Elthas allowed himself a moment to breathe, he understood suddenly for a moment that he might actually be dead but could act. Elthas saw that his locket glowed with the same energy as before, and he looked at the scene before him. There, standing perfectly still, was Storm Veritas and his lightning blast attacking Elthas who also attacked. Both figures were completely frozen as if locked in time. Elthas did not hesitate...he knew what he had to do. He ran forward at top speed, quickly covering ground. Soon he was upon Storm Veritas, and he launched a gloved fist towards Storm Veritas chest.


At that precise moment Elthas's mind reverted back to normal.

He didn't have any time to even consider what he'd just experienced, only that somehow...Storm Veritas was in tremendous pain. The lightning blast stopped swirling through the air chaotically and storm was clutching at his chest. Elthas's physical attack missed it's mark but slashed across Storm Veritas's chest. Blood poured freely but something was terribly wrong. Elthas watched as Storm Veritas took several steps backwards still clutching his chest as if something gripped at his black heart. Elthas saw tremendous fear in Storm Veritas's eyes for the first time since the challenge started. What the fuck is wrong with him...?! Elthas thought to himself and prepared himself to finish Storm Veritas off. However, the sudden event did not sit well with him. Something has interfered...I don't know what just happened. Elthas was suddenly just as frightened as he was before, and he could not bring himself to finish Storm Veritas off. So he hesitated whilst the sudden attack subsided. About five minutes later, Elthas saw that the mysterious grip that held Storm Veritas faded away and released him. Elthas watched as Storm Veritas coughed, attempting to catch his air and rebalance himself.

"Why didn't you finish me?!" Elthas heard Storm Veritas ask.

Elthas was also catching his breath. "I couldn't...not while you were having a heart attack or some shit...crazy old man..." Elthas found himself saying.

"Mercy is it?! Funny...I wouldn't give you the same treatment in return." He saw Storm Veritas struggling to breathe. "I wasn't having a heart attack you damned blue blood. -You- did something to me. That's the only shit that's saved your ass right now." Elthas was confused as to what was going on. He watched Storm Veritas limp towards him. "Never the less, you've passed your test. Elthas Belthasar. I want you to have something." Elthas saw as Storm Veritas handed him an extra pair of daggers, both in their scabbards. "Never did get to use these. You're all right Elthas. For a blue blood. Do not forget what you've learned here and remember my name. Storm Veritas. Do not forget what has transpired here."

Elthas watched as Storm Veritas limped away from him and slowly fade away into a burst of energy.

"Remember me, Elthas." Echoed through the air in the empty cave.


Elthas took the pair of daggers in one hand, and placed them in his pack. He fell down to one knee at that point and growled in agony. At that point, the exhaustion and pain he felt burned through his very core. He'd lost an arm and suffered terrible injuries during the course of the challenge. Elthas allowed himself a few moments to acknowledge his pain. The pain had likely saved him. He also noticed that he'd undergone a change of some sort during the course of the battle. He'd heard a long time ago, that the old bards...the spell singers...were capable of working terrible power. He wasn't sure what it was that he'd experienced in it's entirety but he knew he'd spared Storm Veritas and that was likely the reason he was alive. Elthas could feel the pain coursing through him, and surprisingly...it was not all a bad thing. Elthas suddenly felt the full nature of his change. He'd in fact touched death itself during the course of the battle and that was how he'd experienced the Antifirmanent. As he looked down, he saw that his locket still glowed. I saw my Mother.

Elthas thought to himself as he stood there considering his next move.

He pulled one of the daggers from it's dagger and realized that the dagger was comprised of a titanium blade.

Elthas was changing, that was the one thing he knew for certain.

But where that change would lead him?

Only The Thayne knew.

06-16-15, 07:24 PM
"I know you're still here."

Elthas Blethasar said once the cave was seemingly empty. Only the sound of trickling moisture off the stalactites could be heard, but Elthas was an Elf. His senses were second to none. Elthas looked down towards his own arm on the ground. He beat me...shit. I only live cause I spared him...damned old ghosts and their games. Elthas thought to himself. He looked at his own hand clutching at the dagger he wielded against Storm Veritas. I did learn a lot of shit from him, I guess that counts for something. I'm seriously fucked up though and need some rest...and medical attention. I'm worried about the gash on my back, and the hole in my shoulder. Elthas was a bloody mess at that point, his Elven blood flowed from the many injuries he'd sustained. The most grim one was the fact that he'd lost an arm fighting the old forgotten Hero. He was a Fallen Hero. Will I become like that some day?! Elthas dreaded thinking about the possibility of someday becoming something like one of The Forgotten Ones. He knelt down towards his arm. He needed to at least collect his dagger...

"You've grown strong my son." The words of his Mother, Ellysia Belthasar. Her phantom, her ghost. "You have overcome nearly impossible odds stacked against you and prevailed. Your Father would be proud of what you are becoming." She stood a few paces away from Elthas, glowing in her ethereal light.

Elthas stood up and turned towards her. There was a lot he wanted to say...but the words would not come. I am too tired for this shit...I don't even understand what is happening to me. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully with his healthy arm. He could feel a coldness from the stump that his other arm had become. The injury had cauterized itself thanks to the nature of Storm Veritas's weaponry. He was an Elemental...that much is certain. He merely stared at his Mother, the shock was already beginning to settle in.

"My son. Hear my words. You have reconciled with the old teachings that you have willingly forsaken in the past. You are becoming the proud Altmer you are meant to become." She said. Then she continued. "You have withstood the storm." She was speaking about matters that Elthas was only starting to understand.

He suddenly realized what a fool he'd been when he didn't fight for Hylda Terrentius's honour and his own salvation. He was young and an idiot back then, and had made a lot of foolish choices. Those choices had costed Elthas a lot and most importantly it had cost the people around him a lot. He sighed. He kept looking at his Mother and then spoke finally. "May I ask you something, Mother?"

She nodded. "Anything my son."

He needed to know one matter about his life before he could truly let go of his past mistakes. "The night I left our people's home. Could you have stopped me from doing so?" He had to know for certain.

She nodded once more. "Aye, my son. We meant to stop you. But your Brother and your Father, agreed it was best to let you go do what you had to do. You have still found your way back to us and that's what matters." She said.

Elthas suddenly felt the weight of history and he wanted to throw up. The weight of the knowledge...that perhaps...things would have been prevented weighed heavily on him. Elthas suddenly felt a tremendous guilt for all of his past fuck ups. Damn if I hadn't left that night...I could have prevented so many things from getting so screwed up...if only... Elthas suddenly realized one thing that mattered more than anything else he had ever accomplished. He'd accepted his past fuck ups for what they were...his mistakes and ordeals had made him who he was that very moment. He looked at his Mother and spoke once more. "I've screwed everything up. If I hadn't left that night...if...only I hadn't been so afraid. I could have maybe saved her from the fate I caused to occur." It suddenly became apparent right then and there. The Elf named Elthas Belthasar, son of the Hero, Helm Belthasar...blamed himself for the loss of Hylda Terrentius. "I am such a fool..." Elthas suddenly wanted to cry.

"No my son...that's not it at all. You have missed the point entirely. You chose your path and have returned to us! That is what matters." His Mother said.

Elthas couldn't accept it. "I couldn't save her Mother." And that right there was the true nature of Elthas's test. It didn't even matter to Elthas, that it was Hylda Terrentius herself who pushed Elthas away. "I should have fought it...I should have done something." He sighed. It was all of my own doing. I caused this. I am no different than Xu Bellaparte...I am...I am no different. At that point something horrible had happened. Something ugly, and truly monstrous. He looked at his Mother and she has a stunned expression on her face. "I killed Hylda Terrentius." Elthas had lost more than just an arm that day.

"No my son! It was Xu Bellaparte's hand..." She said.

"Enough Mother." Elthas suddenly said. "I let her go. I did nothing to save her. I did nothing to prevent it from happening. I came back too late...I could have saved everyone but I was too scared. I suddenly understand all too well what I am changing into, what I am becoming." Elthas had been afraid to accept the truth up until that point.

"My son, don't do it! Don't..." But it was already too late.

The tragedy had occurred.

It was all tragedy.

"I am a coward, Mother. I am not worthy of anything." He looked at his Mother with a very serious expression on his face. Elthas retrieved his dagger with his healthy hand. He held it for a long moment and seriously considered ending the pathetic joke his life had become. He'd considered it...seriously. "Hylda is dead and it was my fault, I accept it now, Mother. And perhaps...I can move on now. Don't come see me again. You won't like what I am about to become."

He took his Mother's locket, the connection to his Mother's ghost, and threw it deep in the cave where it would be lost forever.

Elthas saw his Mother weeping as she faded away to the aether.

But Elthas didn't care, he knew what he was at that moment. He knew what he was going to become. I have work to do...yes...work... Then...something else happened.

06-23-15, 07:36 PM
Exhaustion burned through his body.

Elthas knew he was hurting, he needed rest but his mind was far too worked up. As he finished throwing the necklace into the depths of the cave...something happened. Elthas felt a tremendous weight lifted off his shoulders, and off his heart. Elthas had made a lot of mistakes in his life...the most serous mistake had reared it's ugly head even at that point. Even after defeating one of the Heroes of old. Elthas thought back to his battle with Storm Veritas. Something does not sit well with me. How did I defeat him... It never dawned on Elthas that Storm Veritas may have actually won that battle. Elthas made sure he'd gathered his belongings and began to slowly limp out of the cave. Some of his injuries were still freshly bleeding. The injury that concerned him the most was the gash he had across his back. I will likely need a lot of treatment. Elthas knew the trip back home would be a long and painful one. I must look pretty pathetic right now... He made his way to the entrance of the cavern. His whole body ached, tears flowed freely down his face. He could feel the weight of his missing limb.

His sharp ears picked it up before he actually saw them.

Elthas's hand went to one of his daggers by instinct. Though he was tired...he would fight until he could no longer fight. His boots slid across the ground as he moved out of the cave, and the voices he heard were louder. Elthas narrowed his eyes as he exited the cavern, his eyes hurting because of the sudden and bright sun light. Elthas saw a group of familiar Adventurers making their way towards his position. They carried the emblem of his township. Elthas sighed as he saw his companions...a part of him though kind of wanted it to be enemies. Enemies to put him to the blade. Elthas shook his head as one of the guards that lived in the town made their way to him.

"You're hurt! Guys, I found him!" The guard yelled to his companions.

There were six, they must have formed a scouting party when Elthas had gone missing. I have to remember to thank them...they are just doing their duty. Elthas suddenly fell forward from exhaustion. He landed on the ground, and that was when the ground noticed the injury across Elthas's back...and several other injuries.

"Guys, he's really hurt!" Immediately, the scouting party made their way towards Elthas. They helped Elthas move to sitting position.

"Boss, you're a fucking mess what the hell happened?" One of them asked.

"I killed a Storm." Elthas said with a casual grin and then could no longer remain conscious.

Then there was the dark...


Time passed.

"He doesn't know." One of the guards was saying.

"It's a miracle he even survived...there's no telling what actually went on down there."

One of the guards was sitting at Elthas's bed side. "Boss. How long do you think you were gone for?"

They had to know.

"Few hours at least..." Though Ethas wasn't exactly sure.

"You were gone for a month. That's why we sent out the search party." The guard said with a serious expression on his face.

There were whispers in the room and Elthas could smell several present scents. He didn't know some of them.

"How long have I been asleep?" Elthas needed to know...

"Three days straight. Your injuries were very serious and you almost didn't make it back."

Elthas merely nodded. "I'm in a lot of pain..."

"Boss we'll probably never know what happened to you down there...but the injuries...there's a problem." The guard said carefully.

Elthas was too tired to think straight. "Go on..." He said calmly. "What is the problem?"

"You might not be ready to accept this, but the Clerics believe your injuries were all self inflicted...we sent a search party into the cave. We only found this necklace."

The guard showed Elthas his necklace. His mother's locket...Elthas suddenly felt very sick to his stomach. Elthas shook his head. "Self inflicted...?" Elthas didn't understand what the guard was saying. "That's impossible...I was called out to that cave."

The guards blinked and looked at one another. "Boss...this is the missing piece of the puzzle. Who called you out there? What were you doing there by yourself anyway!?"

Elthas felt very tired. "It was a warrior named Storm Veritas." Elthas said truthfully as he could.

"But boss, that's impossible. Our records indicate that Storm Veritas has been missing for years..." There were whispers in the room.

Elthas frowned at that point.

He didn't like where this was heading at all...

06-24-15, 01:11 PM
Time passed.

Elthas was standing before a tribunal of The Trading Company.

His injuries had healed, but he would never retain his lost arm again, he lacked regenerative powers.

Elthas was in a large chamber in the township of The Trading Company. It was well lit, and there were many people gathered in room sitting at desks and tables. The head of the tribunal was a stern man that Elthas had done business with before. Elthas did not know the true nature of the debriefing, but he knew that they were questioning him. I am no tyrant. I just want to lead in a just and fair way...however...I don't know myself anymore. Elthas had a serious expression on his face, he had a lot to think about since he recovered from his injuries. They say...I hurt myself. I cannot accept this...I was fighting Storm Veritas was I not?! The more he thought about it, the more it seemed likely that the clerics who healed him were correct. I'm going fucking crazy...something is wrong with me. Elthas felt sincerely upset about the way things had turned out. I have nobody to blame but myself. The gathered were speaking with themselves for a time, fifteen minutes passed. The head of the tribunal finally called for everyone's attention. Elthas merely stared blankly ahead, he had a feeling he knew where things were going.

"I have gathered this special Tribunal to call a debriefing for Elthas Belthasar, currently acting leader of The Trading Company." More whispers. "Elthas, step forward please."

Elthas complied and moved towards the center of the chamber. He stopped where directed. Elthas had never felt so defeated in his entire life.

"How do you feel today, Elthas?" The man asked. It was a simple question, and Elthas answered best he could.

"Mentally worn out. I don't understand what is happening." Elthas responded honestly.

"The clerics that healed your vast injuries have concluded one important factor of this tribunal: your injures are all self inflicted." The head of the Tribunal continued. "Your dedication to The Trading Company and your strong sense of justice and fairness has become an asset. However, we now feel the need to question your abilities to lead us."

Elthas merely listened.

That was the sound of a broken heart.

"That brings me to the true nature of this debriefing." The man said. "Elthas Belthasar, due to your recent break down, The Trading Company has called for you to step down from your leadership position. Further, it has come to our attention that you are very sick and require a lot more aide than we can provide you." The man continued to hand down Elthas's judgment. "We have ordered that you return to your people in Ruild and seek help from the healers in your hometown." The man continued. "The true nature of your illness will never be known to us since you are not Hume. Were you Hume, we could have fairly and properly treated you." A pause. "Elthas. You are being exiled from The Trading Company. You are no longer welcome among us." The man kept his eyes locked on Elthas Belthasar. "Further, we are stripping you from any lands and titles you have earned whilst in the service of The Trading Company."

Elthas said nothing. He merely listened, he felt tired.

"Do you have any words to say to this Tribunal, Elthas Belthasar?"

Elthas thought for a long moment and kept his eyes locked on the man. Banished... The word crept up in the back of his mind. Elthas shook his head. "...I have nothing to say. If this is how it has been decided, I will comply."

And so the Tribunal went on for most of the remainder of the day as Elthas's fate was decided...

06-24-15, 01:27 PM
A day later...

Elthas had packed up the few things in his possession that he truly cared about.

The townsfolk all looked at their fallen leader with a sad expression.

One of the guards of the town walked alongside Elthas. There was a silence between them, once that man had been a friend. Elthas had gathered his things quickly and sent notice to the township in the depths of the Ruild where his people lived. Where he would start over...or attempt to pick up the broken pieces.

The guard spoke. "You know some of us attempted to stop them."

Elthas listened as the guard spoke, he stopped walking and turned towards the guard. "It wouldn't have changed anything." Elthas began. "I'm sick...or at least they perceive me to be sick. I don't know what is happening but I will not cause trouble." Elthas thought about that for a long moment. The guard responded.

"You know Elthas, whatever happened in that cave...it doesn't change the man you are. Don't let this messed up situation overwhelm you to the point you are lost to us forever." The guard said.

Elthas nodded and shook the guard's hand.

It was farewell.

"Where will you go now?" The guard asked.

"...It's better I don't reveal that information. I have some cleaning up to do...my life is a big mess right now and I don't want any of you involved with what is about to happen to me." Elthas said, he sincerely cared about the workers of The Trading Company. He considered them all...family. A horse had been prepared for Elthas, the last parting gift The Trading Company would give Elthas. He looked at the guard one last time. "You know. She wouldn't have sat for this shit..." Elthas suddenly said.

The guard had a confused expression on his face. 'Who do you speak of?" The guard asked.

Elthas shook his head as he mounted the horse. "It doesn't matter, I'm crazy, right? Could have been anyone." Elthas hated spitting at the memory of Hylda Terrentius. But as long as he had to question his own sanity, he would never fit in anywhere. He would be a liability to anyone. Elthas looked at the guard and then took one last look at the township he helped develop. The town he'd called home for many years. Elthas soon returned his gaze to the guard. "One last thing. Make sure nobody follows me." Elthas felt weird asking for that last favour.

The guard nodded. "Take care of yourself, Elthas." The guard said in a sincere voice.

Tipping his fedora hat slightly, Elthas smiled at the guard. "You too man." Elthas said, and turned away from the place he'd called home for so long. "Yah!" Elthas yelled and was off into the sunset...

06-24-15, 01:51 PM
Some time later...

Elthas found himself standing in front of a familiar location.

It was the hometown of his people, the Elves of Ruild.

He was standing in the middle of a graveyard. Recent dead, as well the dead of his forefathers and Heroes of the past. Elthas stood in front of the grave markers for Halm and Ellysia Belthasar. Elthas placed flowers on both of their graves, and took his mother's locket. He placed it on the grave as well. Elthas felt the wind coming in from the East, his hair and clothing rippled with the breeze. The grave marker was fashioned in typical Elven markers. His face was serious as he stood there, thinking about the recent events that had leader him full circle back home. Elthas was freely crying. He wore a trenchcoat, and a fancy three piece suit. His fedora was tipped at a slight angle as always. He was thinking as he stood there...thinking about the woman that had changed his life. Hylda Terrentius. Elthas was speaking in a soft whisper, mostly for his own benefit. Nobody was around, and he'd come back to town a few days earlier. He knew he could say what he had to say and not be judged any longer. Elthas was a broken man, and as such, accepted who he was at that point. He looked at the empty sleeve which contained no arm in it. The arm he lost. Elthas carefully returned his gaze back to the grave marker of his parents.

"I've fucked up a lot." Elthas accepted the mistakes he'd made in his life...they were part of the broken man he had become. "But I'm tired of running now." He knelt down to his Mother's grave and touched the earth there. "You two can rest peacefully now. I'm home...and I won't run away ever again." Elthas said.

Elthas felt someone familiar standing behind him. Elthas's brother, Drathis Belthasar addressed him. "Brother, it is time."

Elthas turned to look at his Brother, Drathis, for a long moment. He nodded. "Aye. I have been away for far too long, it's time to fix the mess I've created." Elthas looked at the grave markers for a long moment. Then he turned to walk towards his brother.

Elthas looked carefully at his Brother. "They would have been proud." Elthas said.

"Xu Bellaparte and his followers were corrupting the Great Tree." Drathis said. "We have to repair the damage he caused."

"Drathis. I need to tell you something." Elthas said.

"It can wait. We have a lot of work to do." Drathis, now an acting General of the Ruild Elves, looked at his brother. "By your orders, my liege." The general bowed and looked at his brother.

"Aye. The hour is upon us. We must prepare to face a storm..." Elthas said casually.

And the two brothers walked back to the ancestral home of the Elves, together...side by side...would they walk across eternity together.

No longer enemies.

But the blood bonds that tied were repaired, and the damage that Xu Bellaparte had caused their people would be fixed in due order.

Elthas had returned home...


07-11-15, 04:56 AM
Thread Title: To Hunt A Storm (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28722-SOLO-To-Hunt-a-Storm)
Judgment Type: Full Rubric
Participants: Elthas_Belthasar

Plot: 17/30

Story- 7/10

The story that is told here is one of adventure and violence that takes several sharp and shocking turns. Overall it is an action-filled tale, and the general story line is a good one. It is strong and has both character development, continuing from the last thread you wrote, and over-arching plot for both a Power Group and the possible future for Althanas. One possible weakness is, however, that you rely on tension throughout the story, it is the driving force of your piece. There is little calm in it, every post has a new revelation and as well as affecting Pacing this also affects the power of the plot. You have a great opening post and this is a calm before the storm (pun-intended) but it seems that you go something into a wild sea tempest rather than a calm storm. Try to add dabs of further calm, posts of conversation to ease your reader into each important part of action.

Setting- 5/10

You lead with a good description for your main setting (the cave), full of simile in post 2 with, “The rocky tunnel into the earth had a cavernous opening that reminded him of the maw of some great beast,” and this puts you in good stead. However, in general your first post lacks much in terms of setting description, which really, to set a story there should be. Seeing as most of your story is set in the cave you do miss some easy pointers, you could have in using it to your advantage for both action/plot (blood dripping into a pool of water, light hitting off the uneven wall) and more powerful Technique. Other setting is clearly done and laid out, with the changes from cave to room to the Tribunal room, but you have opportunity to improve in this area.

Pacing- 5/10

The thread opened very well, with a well-written introduction and a prophecy of sorts that then becomes fulfilled. It is steady and slow and reaches well to the climax of the fight between Storm and Elthas. Overall, however, Pacing is far too fast. You use quick words and change from point to point rather fast without much rest-bite. Rather, in these moments, you could add some description or simple conversation that gives a moment of calm before the next great climax. Pacing in the fighting is better than the overall plot, but becomes lost somewhat in your larger paragraphs. What is good is your ending, and the hope at the end. With longer posts, or more posts and more description you could definitely improve here, but encouragement to play to your strengths highlighted.

Character: 18/30

Communication- 5/10

Elthas has a way of talking here is good in response and in dealing with every situation. It is somewhat strange, though, that he uses some colloquialisms such as “man” to address people and “crazy old man” to address Storm. He does retain something of his nobility, and at points you can hear in his speech the fact that he is a leader of a tribe. However, in general what it would be good to do is to find a way for him to talk that is fitting of his past and current situation,
else it is very wavering. This is your weakest part of Character, though points are rewarded for question and answer, and handling such things as the conversation with his mother in post 7 very well, maturely as one might expect Elthas to act.


Action is perhaps your strong point here. You address each blow of his sword with good language, and follow the strikes through completely. They are each dealt with in a strong fashion that is fitting with Elthas’ character and abilities. Aside from combat the Action is similarly strong, if a little fast-paced, and it is somewhat realistic, such as Elthas being drowsy when he is hurt etc. It is slightly odd that he is able to get up so easily when his arm has been hacked off, for the blood would most definitely knock him out cold, not allow him the strength to talk to his mother. Partially it is understandable for it is revealed in post 8/9 that it was all an illusion, however remember that at first the reader does not know this, and so to reveal such a plot twist you need to keep up with a degree of consistency.

Persona- 6/10

Persona is pretty good throughout, with some internal thought by Elthas that reveals something of him inside. He has a good personality that affects some actions, and is steady in general. There is clear determination in him, in post 7 “I have work to do...yes...work…” but also a strange about of self-condemnation in his madness that is confusing but definitely adds to his insanity. You write the insanity well (though it is questioned of its existence in posts 9/10) though try to make it clear despite the issue.

Prose: 17/30

Mechanics- 6/10

Mechanics is done more or less well with the right punctuation etc. A couple of times you do have spelling mistakes, such as “cannibus” which should be “cannabis” post 2. Overall everything is correct, however you could definitely, to make things clearer, add either more ambitious punctuation such as semi-colon etc or have speech entirely on its own paragraph, rather than in others which have action. Your emboldened speech, though obviously meant to make the speech/thoughts stand out is somewhat distracting, so consider using this just for shouted pieces of communication. It is also inconsistent, for in post 1 you have no such speech, but the rest follows thus.

Clarity- 5/10

Clarity, unfortunately, is a casualty of your Pacing here, or vice versa. Though (as seen in Action) your moments of combat are clear with each strike, the overall idea of the plot gets confusing. This may be deliberate for when you want to drive home the idea of Elthas (possibly) going mad, however for a reader this is not good. They need to be able to follow the rise and fall of climax and be able to be eased into the story well. See Story and Pacing for more suggestions of improvement. More or less one can follow the story, but it is in the small details where things get confusing.

Technique- 6/10

Technique is a good strong point here, though somewhat unclear when it is trapped in the larger paragraphs. When found, however, by the reader, it really brings home some powerful actions and other important story issues. Technique ends the story well with, “But the blood bonds that tied were repaired…” in post 11. One thing you could work on here, however, is when building up your staring paragraphs order things in better sequence. For instance, in your last post you set a scene, with three lines and then a larger paragraph and in that larger paragraph have a sudden description of what Elthas is wearing. It would be better to have this at the beginning, perhaps as, “Dressed in a three-piece suit, he was standing in the middle of a graveyard.” Try experimenting a little and you will get better.

Wildcard: 6/10

Wildcard goes to the overall amusement of the title mixed with the metaphor of a storm. It was really strong and struck home the idea of ones personal demons and how to deal with them.

Final Score: 58/100

Elthas_Belthasar (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?15053-Elthas_Belthasar) receives:

10 GP!


Rewards are reduced for a spoil reward that is approved of the following description: Two titanium daggers that are not enchanted and of minimal quality.

As a member of the AP Pilot Programme this costs Elthas 5 AP points for this full judgement.

08-04-15, 12:59 PM
EXP & GP Added