View Full Version : The Star and The Astonomer (closed to Star Strike)

Cards of Fate
01-29-15, 01:48 PM
House of Cards, Red Forest, Raiaera

It was not often Vincent found himself outside of his library that he had come to call home. Due to his position as Hierophant the youth had devoted a vast majority of his time studying ancient tomes looking for info to help out his fellow Hierarchy members. However the scholar had recently developed a new hobby, star gazing. Ever since he had watched the creation of the universe through the eyes of Khal'Jaren, the Thayne of knowledge, he had developed a new found respect for the stars. Whenever he wasn't out on a mission or reading through the texts he could get his hands on, he was setting up his ornate telescope out on the surface and exploring the heavens.

The sky on this particular night was completely void of clouds giving the scholar a perfect view of the night sky. Two tree golems patrolled the perimeter of the clearing marking the "safe" zone of the House of Cards whilst a mountain of leaves seemed to rest at ease on the ground beside him. His notes were concise, but he was not at all familiar with the fine art of charting the stars. Scratching his head Vincent heard a creak behind him. Standing up straight he turned to see Leona Stevvains, his boss, poking her head out of the trap door that lead into the House of Cards.

"I need you to go pick up a card..." she spoke bluntly. "Head to Etheria port."


Vincent had learned long ago to never ask questions of Leona but a two sentence mission briefing was not enough to go off of. Yet here he was once again in the most popular port of Alerar looking for a man...or a woman...or someone. He really had no idea, so instead he found a room at the Jolly Otter where he had stayed last and posted up on the bar. Surely Leona knew how Vincent would react to her commands, and thus he was fated to run into this mysterious card one way or another, he just didn't know how long it would take.

Star Strike
01-29-15, 02:25 PM
Outside the Jolly Otter, Etheria port, Alerar

Stella, having been wandering for some time since being grounded, listened intently to the conversations occurring around them trying their best to learn some words via association. Their language was far different from the one spoken here, hence their and their masters use of dance to communicate the stories of the sky. Stella felt like since their time here, they had become better at verbal communication however there were some words or thoughts that the common language spoken around here did not have.

Stella was unsure of even where they were but looking up at the sky above, Deneb, their guardian star, was at the zenith. Somehow, they felt closer to home with Deneb directly above their head, even though Stella knew Deneb was millions of light years away. Was the Deneb Stella knew now already gone, having left this world and them behind? The answer Stella knew, was no. But the fear of perhaps one day returning and finding their beloved Deneb faded was a painful thought, as was the thought of never seeing Deneb again.

Looking up at Deneb, Stella extended their hand up toward the star. “*Watch over your lost Psaróni Deneb, and guide them on their journey.*”

A man grabbed Stella’s arm and twisted it down toward him. “Hello beautiful, looks like the stars aren’t the only thing shining brightly tonight. Why don’t you come with me for tonight?”

“*let go of me* please stop” Stella tried to pull their arm back but the man only tightened his grip.
“Come on little lady, a girl like you shouldn’t be out this late.”

“*You insolent child of the sun and earth! How dare your ignorance molest and ground the stars of the sky out of your selfish desire. Release me at once!*” Stella yelled. Looking frantically around, “Help, Help!” they screamed.

*spoken in Astéri

Cards of Fate
01-29-15, 02:52 PM
Vincent heard a commotion outside the tavern and found himself watching a strange young woman shouting in a strange language at a man much bigger than her grasping her hand. Oh that's why you didn't explain much... Vincent thought to himself as he placed a hand on the hilt of his blade. A crowd had gathered, the woman's screaming had attracted quite the attention.

"Oi!" Vince shouted at the man. "Let her go before I make you!" he continued. Holy shit did I really just say that... he thought as the man glared at him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Silent Sei?" the man asked as the crowd chuckled. "Yer just another boy with a hero compl-" Vincents knuckles interrupted his statement as blood gushed from the mans nose like crimson.

"I think I'm stronger than you." Vincent growled as the man stumbled back releasing the strange woman. "Stay behind me." he commanded Stella as he took a fighting pose. "I'm gonna have to teach this man how to address his betters." he growled.

"Betters?" The man growled, spitting blood and wiping his face, "You think yer some sort of hot shot royal?" he asked charging Vincent.

"No," Vincent replied lunging forward to meet the man "I simply think men who accost women on the street are scum."

The bear of a man threw a fierce punch aimed at Vincent's head, but he found his blow easily dodged. Ducking below the mans swing Vincent brought his right fist up with a solid uppercut connecting to the mans jaw. Stunned once more about the ferocity of the scholars blows the man staggered back, but Vincent offered no reprieve. He slammed his left fist into the mans portly gut and brought his right knee up to his face as he bent over. Whimpering the man reassessed his choices and fled the fight swearing over his shoulders with his tail between his legs.

"Fucking scumbag." Vincent spat scowling. "I probably didn't even need Stalt's training to handle him..." he lied to himself as he turned to the strange woman. "Are you ok?"

Star Strike
01-29-15, 04:22 PM
Stella was unsure of the young man, however since he was defending them, they stood behind him and watched the crude man get beat. They thought that perhaps he should have been so hard to the crude man but how dare he touch them. Being touched, purposefully or accidently, reminded them of when they were grounded. Watching the crude man flee, they look the young over. How strange the people here seemed but the one before them seemed nice. At least unlike the crowd around them he had come to their aide.

When he had asked about their well being, Stella nodded, having understood most of what he had said. There were quite a bit of gabs in their language understanding but they understood that the human before them had defended them and had dealt with their offender. "Yes. Thank you." They appear uncomfortable with the abundance of the crowd, keeping their arms tightly to themselves and looking wearily at the crowd.

Once the crowd has dispersed a bit, Stella extends their hand out toward his forehead and whispers "*Grateful are the meteors that fall, creating rays of light that bring fortune. This human is friend of Psaroni. Guide them so we may share their story.*" To the untrained ear, their language sounds like twinkling bell chimes accompanied with the occasional woosh and high pitched tone.

Despite her small frame, they are rather pretty as moonlight reflects off their hair. “Bright night yes? Great for gazing.” Stella gazes up and points straight up at the sky above them. “Deneb.” They said, there is a little sadness in their voice as they point to the star overhead. “Far away but looks so close.”

Looking back at the young man before them, they place their hand over their heart. “I called Stella.” They smile, “Thank you for help. What called are you hero?”

Cards of Fate
01-29-15, 07:59 PM
Vincent pauses incredibly confused at the noises coming out of her mouth. That is...not a language I'm familiar with... he thought to himself before she began to speak in a very broken language common. A soft wind blew while he thought about how he was going to react.

"Yes, it is a nice night for gazing..." he responded cautiously. "Do you gaze as well?" he asked. As they stared at the sky. "My name is Vincent, and I am far from a hero yet..." he muttered as they stared at the stars with her.

"Would you care for a drink?" he asked gesturing towards the bar. "My treat?"

She nodded an agreement timidly.

Vincent opened the door into the tavern and the two stepped into a loud music filled enviorment as Vincent guided the woman to "his" table that was covered in documents and books. As they sat down Stella noticed that the books seemed to form a barrier around them, seperating them from the rest of the tavern.

"Why was that man bothering you?" Vincent asked calmly.

Star Strike
01-29-15, 09:20 PM
Inside, Stella appears very whitewashed and pale. Their wavy ash blonde hair hung lightly, draping around their face while their large amber eyes seemed to glace around in awe of the tavern. Their dress in the moonlight had appeared simply blue with some accents of silver woven in. The fabric couldn't have been very heavy given the way it moved fluidly and lightly around Stella's body, but the detail of the weave suggested otherwise. Their dress seemed to radiate as light from the bar reflected off of the silver warp threads while the weft appeared to transition between midnight blue and a deep violet.

Stella starred at bit at Vincent, struggling to hear him over the music, and then pointed to her arm. “Hurt?” they asked. Peering at their arm it did not appear bruised. They ran their hand over where he had grabbed them and shook their head no after feeling no pain or soreness. “Stella ok.” They attempt to smile reassuringly but it is a weak smile.

Seeing the documents, they star puzzled at the maps. They appear to be highly fascinated by the maps, as they had never seen one. Stella’s knowledge of maps were star charts where four dimensions were basic necessity. But these flat pieces of paper depicting the world around them was really unique to them. Tracing their finger over them, they look back up at Vincent. “Vincent. Where?”

Cards of Fate
01-29-15, 10:48 PM
Vincent paused for a moment, that was not what he has asked but he was glad that she was ok. He watched as she gazed at his maps. "Where?" he asked as she pointed to the map. He paused, feeling reminiscent of his time spent with a machinist named Rayleigh at this very table.

"That is Raiaera, my home." Vincent started. "I live in this forrest, Linderqualme." he said motioning to a forest on the map east of a Y-shaped mountain range. He puased for a moment and motioned to the west. "We are here in Alerar." he motioned pointing to a town on it's coast. "Here to be precise, Etheria Port."

The young woman leaned over in awe of the map, tracing the lines with her fingers.

Star Strike
01-29-15, 11:24 PM
Stella traced the maps with their fingers, studying them closely. As he points out the forest, the mountain, and the town, they mimic his words quietly to themselves.




"Ethernia Port"

They point at the mountains, "*mountain*", the forest "*forest*", and then trace their hand to the sea "*maria*" They look at him as if to ask what his words for them were.

After he finishes speaking, they point to Raiaera. "Home." Stella repeats. Stella stands taking hold of his sleeve, careful not to actually touch Vincent, and beckons him to follow. Leading him back outside the tavern, they point straight up again at the star above. "Deneb" Using their finger as a guide they point out two more stars, forming a triangle. "Vega. Altair." Pointing back at the star overhead. "Asterism. Deneb. Home."

Cards of Fate
01-30-15, 02:01 AM
Vincent follows her as her fingers trail the map.

"Mountain, forest, sea." he replies with each word. He watches her eyes trace the map. "Home." Vincent nods as they point to Raiaera. The word seems to stir a reaction out of her as she guides him outdoors. She guides him along a triangle of stars.

"Home." What a strange word to hear coming from her lips in this situation.

"You come from the stars?" Vincent asked incredulously.

"Can I help you?" Vincent asks looking helpless. How on earth could he bring her back to the stars, was she even actually from there to begin with? The questions roar through his head.

Star Strike
01-31-15, 11:05 PM
Shaking their head, Stella looks sad and a little hopeless. "No... *grounded*, stuck." The word seems sad, as though saying adds to the weight with which gravity acts on them. Although Vincent did not know the word Stella had voiced in her own language, he felt a weight press down on him and in general a great heaviness. Perhaps it would be best to press the question of how or what kept Stella here later when their language skill has improved since the reverse, learning their language, sounds physically impossible.

Turning, Vincent and Stella head back inside to the table. They look over the maps some before Vincent orders some ale for himself to drink. Unsure of how Stella would take to alcohol, he orders them some water. They point to the glasses and peer quizzically at Vincent, as though to ask the word for it. Then they point to the books and the map "Vincent. Book? Map?" It is best to assume for the time being conversations will be reserved to 'Name, insert word or two.' How long was this to continue? Who could really say? Their intelligence was not extraordinary and they clearly have been here for some time and have listened to the language enough to have the vocabulary they currently have.

By now it is reasonably well beyond midnight but Stella does not appear weary or fatigued. In fact they appear more awake then even the bar tender despite the late hour.

Cards of Fate
02-01-15, 07:41 PM
Vincent had developed a small headache by this point. The night was growing late and his new charge seemed to be getting more and more active. A pattern in their conversation had emerged. She would call his name, point to something and then coo in her wooshy chime language and look at him as he said the word for her. It was tiring, and he was not drunk enough to do this level of babysitting. Soon the crowd had begun to thin out at people began to go to bed, and Vincent was nodding in and out of consciousness as he watched the young woman flit about.

"Is this our Star?" he asked himself curiously as the scholar glanced over to the bar. The bartender, a bald man by the name of Harold seemed to take pity on him and brought him a steaming mug.

"Coffee," the man said grimly nodding to Vincent. "On the house."

Vincent sipped at the bitter drink and glared over at Stella. "DO you have somewhere to stay?" he asked tiredly.

Star Strike
02-01-15, 08:52 PM
For the current moment Stella is preoccupied with the drink the bartender brought him. It smells good but looks bitter. Pointing to the drink, they motion between the drink and their mouth as though to ask to try the strange concoction.

Stella, recalling Vincent's question, tilted their head to the side unsure of what Vincent had just said. "Stay... *as in to rest for the night? I am afraid the answer is no as my kind is active at night.... I do not know the word for it...*" Looking at Vincent for help, they notice that he is as alert as before. Taking note of this fact, they conclude that unlike them, Vincent isn't naturally awake during the night. Strange considering how many like Vincent force themselves to stay up till with wee hours of the morning.

"Vincent, sleep?" Vincent looks upset with me. I should leave. Standing to their feet, "Stella leave. Thank you Vincent."

Bowing, Stella races out the door and down the street. The night air is chilled and salty from the ocean. They shiver as having stayed inside the comfortable bar for too long. Stellas thin gown does not protect her well from the wind as they hug themselves for warmth. How strange this feeling was to them in their newly grounded skin. Space was always cold but the temperature had never bothered Stella or any of the other Psaróni before.
The salty wind licked at Stella's exposed arms and tossled her long hair, driving away whatever warmth their hair could have provided from her neck. Looking at the sky above, the stars and the sky had shifted as it always does. In another three fists from the horizon, the moon would have set and the sun would begin to show it's rays.

Tucking herself away from the wind behind some cargo crates, Stella began to sing to themselves, a little song they were once taught when they were first apprenticed. A small, quiet comfort in the confusing world they were trapped in.

"*Come home little children
Come home little children of the Stars
Come to the Sky
Your asterism is calling
Your creator is waiting
You traveled far
And learned so much
Come home little children
And rest while the sun reigns
There's always tomorrow
The moon will return
So come home and rest little ones
Little children of the stars...*”

It's sweet and charming and somewhat alluring. A song sailors would easily mistake for a siren. Perhaps it is this song that found Vincent in his dreams and had led him once in the waking realm, to a fast asleep Stella.

Cards of Fate
02-02-15, 04:04 PM
Sighing Vincent scoops the young woman up in his arms, a feet he would not normally be able to do, but she was tiny and as light as a feather. Cradling her in his arms, he returned to the Jolly Otter and set her in his bed to sleep. He however, returned back to the bar to speak with Harold the rugged bartender. The two exchanged pleasantries, and Vincent ordered an ale and pancakes to start off his day. Harold had turned around to a stove and had begun cooking before he spoke.

"So you helped that girl out last night?" he asked as he waited for a cake to cook before flipping it.

"Yeah..." Vincent said rubbing his temples. "Have you seen her around here before? Any friends or family?" he asked curiously.

"She blew into town a week or so ago with some dancers..." he replied. "Something happened though, and the rest left without her."

Vincent frowned. "So she has nowhere to go..."

"It would seem that way Master Vincent." Harold replied turning around with a fresh plate of hotcakes for him. "Could Leona make use of her?" he asked.

"I think she's a card..." Vincent said shrugging. "That's why I'm out here..."

"Then why not at least offer her a place to stay?" The bartender asked refilling his cup. "Poor girl could use a little help..."

Vincent nodded and decided that when the youth woke up he would offer her a job with the Hierarchy.

Star Strike
02-02-15, 06:10 PM
Unfortunately for Vincent, it won't be until the sun has set for Stella to wake again. When they do awaken, they look around, confused how they moved from outside to inside. Jumping up, Stella frantically pushes the covers off of them, backing off the bed and up against the headboard. "*I'm... I'm alone.*" Stella places a hand to their heart, trying to calm their racing heart. "*But... where in Pleiades name am I?*" Stella glances around the room. They didn't recognize the room but making their way to the window, they spotted the marina. "*Okay Stella, at least you haven't been taken out of town. Now to figure out where in town you are.*" Peering around the room they spotted a table with a shoulder bag. They open the bag, finding a book and star charts. "*Vincent.*"

Stella did their best to put the bag back where they found it and made their way cautiously out the room and down the stair to the pub below. Stella looks at the bartender. "Vincent." He points to the table "Wait." She sits patiently like a dog waiting for their master to return home. The bartender brings them a plate of hot food, sausages and mash. "Welcome to the land of the living. Eat up, Vincent will be back real quick."

Stella eats up, not noticing or paying heed to the strange glances and stares from the other patrons. When Vincent walks into the Jolly Otter, Stella grins and waves at him to join them at his table. "Vincent!"

Cards of Fate
02-02-15, 09:02 PM
Vincent smiled at the young girl and sat down next to her. The man placed another plate in front of him and he slid out a few coins from his purse to the man. The crowd had filled up once, and the scholar had spent the ENTIRE day searching for clues about the young woman. Instead he had found nothing other than some tale of a man touching one of the dancers and her freaking out. He ate his bland bar food and sighed.

“Hey Stella.” Vincent began between bites of food. “Do you have anywhere to stay?” He asked curiously. A bard nearby began a merry little song on his cheap fiddle while several drunkards began to sloppily dance. The bar in general became very loud and hard to think in. He motioned for her to follow him outside to the street where it was significantly quieter. The scholar paused for a moment before continuing. “I did some research on your predicament, I don’t have all of the answers... but enough of an idea to understand that you don’t have a home…” he leans against the wall for a moment choosing his words. “Would you like to come live with me and my friends?”

Star Strike
02-02-15, 09:32 PM
Stella thinks for a second, not fully understanding the words that Vincent had said. Turning their head away, they coo quietly to themself in the tongue only they could understand.
"*I... I wish I could tell all that I know and all that I am but I cannot. You and this earthly plane cannot understand the predicament of an astral being such as I. We are of two different realms, earth and sky. And like them while it appears we touch we are in fact miles upon miles apart. I'm sorry Vincent I just... I just don't have the words to explain it to you as I would like. But I promise you,*" Stella looked into Vincent's eyes. "*I promise you that once I do, I'll tell you everything. But for now it is best of you to think of me as the mere weak child I appear to be and not the centuries old being I actually am. While I do not possess the wisdom of my elders or Deneb, I will do my best so that every time you see me dance, you will find hope in the time that is ahead of you.*"

Grabbing hold of Vincent's hand, Stella beckoned Vincent to join them in dance. Though he refused, Stella went ahead and began to dance. Their dance is not special or particular in any sense of the word, but their movements were light and flowing, taking small steps quick enough to give an appearance to weightlessness. As they danced their dress seemed to extend their limps. Surely this small frame could not contain the capacity to move and dance like one at least twenty years their elder but measured by the applause that rung out at the end of the peddlers song, Stella's dance was much more than just captivating and moving. It was alive.

"Vincet." Stella called extending her hand out once more asking him to join, "Yes. Stella stay Vincent."

02-04-15, 05:33 AM
Name of Thread: The Star and the Astronomer (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28728-The-Star-and-The-Astonomer-(closed-to-Star-Strike))
Judgement Type: Workshop Submission
Participants: Cards of Fate and Star Strike


Cards of Fate (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17720-Cards-of-Fate) receives:
765 EXP
105 GP

Star Strike (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17934-Star-Strike) receives:
695 EXP
105 GP

02-05-15, 10:18 PM
EXP & GP Added!