View Full Version : Solo: Shon, the farmer

01-30-15, 12:20 AM
A new day came to meet the land of Scara Brae, the sunlight creeping through the window of the humble farmer Shon. His worm Steve climbed on his face and softly flopped on his cheek to wake him. His feet hanging over the edge of his bed, he sneaks them up in the blanket and says to Steve.

"Wanna go down stairs and make some Carlos?" Steve, being a worm, lays there motionless but Shon gets up and goes down stairs and makes them anyway. A few minutes later a fresh tray of muffins sits on the counter to cool as Shon tends to the small wheat field outside. Petting one of the sheaf of wheat singing out of tune, "Sweet sweat butter lily give me your seeds, that is part of my silly human greed's." Heading back in the sits at the table picking a muffin off of the tray and tearing off a small piece for Steve as he takes a huge bite.

"Time for us to tend more to the garden," Shon eagerly says to Steve, patting the worm proud of his daily muffins turning out so well. The scent of the fresh air mixed with his crop made him hum to himself songs he himself did not know, but felt familiar in a joyous sense. Moving along and tending to his fields, he spots an odd thing resting in his secret flower bed he keeps around back. Its a small shiny key with the words "Stock Key" printed on the side, and there are no teeth to actually use it on a lock. Passing it off as nothing he sticks it in his pockets and carries on with his day, moving around quickly, making sure Steve is safe all along the way, letting him play around as he pleases.

Steve, being such a brave and adventurous worm, ventured out into the open road, making any other worm jealous of his amazing skills as a worm. Shon just smiles at his worm, bending back down and planting a few more seeds. Leaning up he hears the cry's of a hawk and without thinking he jolts up, pulls his baking tray out of his bag and bats the hawk out of the air.

"Nobody touches Steve," he says to himself as he picks up the hawk and buries it under his flower bed. Shon goes to steve and picks up his worm and hugs it, and turns around and walks back in the house.

"Looks like I'm going to need a new tray," Shon whispers to Steve. Once inside, Shon sets down his bag to withdrawl a tiny satchel of money from the cupboard and sets in the bag.

"Lets hit the road Steve," Making his way out the door and onto the street.