View Full Version : Grumble

01-30-15, 07:44 AM
Name: Grumble
Age: Undefined - Geological
Race: Terran / Groundling
Gender: Agender - the Race does not reproduce.
(However identifying Grumble with male pronouns).


Height: 6'7" (Variable)
Weight: 2910 lbs / 1.31 (metric) tonnes (Variable)*
Calculated on the basis of the weight of the material with a volume of ~1.6sq metres.

Personality: Grumble is curious by nature intrigued by everything that is unfamiliar to him and determined to find the truth of that which he does not know. He is despite this always calm and patient, his near geological lifespan discouraging him from the foolishness of rushing, he is content to do things slowly and carefully. Contrasting with his curiosity he is very seclusive preferring to observe what he does not understand than be a part of it. He knows however with some trepidation that to discover some things he will need to speak to that which he does not know.

History (Race).
Deep below the surface far beyond the reach of mortal excavation lives a secluded and gentle race of giant stone badgers. They are stone’s kin and closest company who shaped and hewed it long before any other race.

In the beginning they waited and listened long in the darkness, they learned the sound of shadow and the language and shape of stone back even when it was filled with all the energy of inventive creativity imbued upon it by the source. They listened intently to the song flowing through the first tunnels a sound of heat and light where no eyes were present to see it and yet the Terran were there.

The Terran are themselves blind, finding their way through the Earth through the touch and the soft voice of Stone. The voice though quieter where the ground has become cold and still can still be heard by the Terran and allows them a more complete vision. They are constantly aware of their surroundings and being seclusive in nature have been all but forgotten as they avoid all.

They avoid the surface most of all. The rocks of the surface, weather worn and confused by the voices of wind and water are disharmonious with the deep voice of stone. The language feels similar but different, muted, accented and confusing and the complete vision they utilise in the deep is limited in the unfamiliar ground. Worse of all the surface has no stone roof at least none which they can sense or feel, resulting in them being essentially blind to all that happens above them, an eternal chasm opening up above them into reaches and depths unseen.

As such they name it the ‘Eternal Cavern’ yet believe it still to yield both walls and firmament though much further than they can sense through touch or song. For the few Terran who have surfaced have felt and heard the voice of heat upon them far above, a voice resembling that of the Source within the deep. This caused them to believe that it must be held high above encased in stone and shadow just as it is below else the surface awakens from its hibernation, or so believed the Terran.

Long ages however have passed since a Terran set foot upon the surface and as such to them the story of the ‘Eternal Cavern’ is now mere Legend, the story of a ‘Second Source’ closer to heresy.
For the Source is the Centre of their Existence. It is the fire in the darkness and the Source of Life.

Though rare they have occasionally came close to the surface in recent ages intrigued by the soft murmurings of language traversing disharmoniously with the voice of the stone. Through this they developed language similar to that of tradespeak and more recently one tradespeak itself. They have however never came in contact with the speakers and have left some of the deepest dwellers (namely dwarves) very confused by the presence of mysterious tunnels running in parallel with their own. Having never solved this mystery Dwarves taught their children that this was the work of ‘Nameless’ or ‘Groundlings,’ a warning to never delve too deep and go too far alone.

Yet none have breached the surface since beyond mortal memory.
As none are sure what they will find and most are not concerned . . .

That is until Grumble.

Grumble was Curious. The unfamiliar rock intrigued him just as the Surface Voices had.
He had stopped there for a long time and listened. Long even for a Terran.

This was not an issue the Terran age at the rate of the stone they dwell in and they do not need food or water. Yet it would be untrue to say they do not eat, they consume both Earth and Stone and it in turn becomes them. They in turn are imbued with the properties and appearance of the Earth which they have eaten; as such their skin can become as tough and beautiful as diamonds where they are common enough to be found.

This however was not the case for Grumble the rocks around him had been filled with quartz and feldspar of late and had spoken to him of the sea and creatures once living. He had been intrigued by that but had decided to dig on further before surfacing. He was not sure he was ready as yet and he felt less than he ever had before. He was in fact smaller than when he had started, he had eroded down as he progressed as the rocks had become weaker so too did he. He was probably nearing the hardness of iron now yet that did not matter here where the rocks were cold and tired and the reduced size allowed him to move more freely in the tunnel.

He longed for warmth again and knew he could not easily go back now but the voices he had heard pushed him forwards as did his curiosity. As they were an answer for they had life and language and he knew life came from the Fire in the Darkness, from the Source.

This was a sign he was close to the ‘Eternal Cavern’ to the reason he had ventured so far from what was familiar. This was a sign that the stories were true and his plans had merit.

With the soft voice of stone behind him he dug on towards the surface with curious anticipation …


Shaper of Stone: Grumble is of the race who first shaped and hewed stone and as such understands how to best work and shape stone. He can quickly dig tunnels with his gigantic digging claws.

Talented with Languages: Grumble knew that for him to speak to the creatures above he would need to learn their language. As such he has spent many years listening through the stone to learn Tradespeak. As such his knowledge of the Language is not perfect and is perhaps somewhat dated but sufficient and will improve quickly with time.

Understands and Speaks the Language of Stone: The Terran are a patient race and spent long years in the dark learning the intricate voices of Stone and Shadow as such they now use this to find their way and to shape it in the best way (See Earth-Sight). The stone speaks from its own perspective and so he understands what he senses in the same way. E.g. the weight and feel of a thing is more important than how beautiful or attractive it is.
(That is not to say that Terran do not have a sense of Beauty but it is more in relation to good craftsmanship and the fulfilment of intended function than physical appearance)

Defensive: Grumble is naturally defensive as with his race. They normally avoid all combat where possible and when not they are completely defensive. Tending to curl into a hard ball and waiting patiently until the aggravator moves on. Given than Terran do not need to Eat or Drink this usually works.


Blind: The Terran have no eyes what so ever as such they see only with Earth-Sight (See Earth-Sight). Due to this he is unable to see things that are not touching the ground in any way (flying / jumping) though he can sense the shadows of things passing over the Earth if they are close enough to cast one within his range.

Slow: Grumble is not used to walking on the surface and due to the unfamiliar stone affecting his Earth-Sight and his weight he moves with less confidence than he does underground.

No Combat Ability: (See-Defensive).


Racial Toughness: - Grumble as with all Terran are composed predominantly of the minerals they consume. They are then imbued with the properties of what they have eaten. Currently Grumble has been eating predominantly Quartz / Feldspar / Limestone / Dolerite and as such now has an average hardness of 4.5 on the MOH scale. Roughly equivalent to Iron.
This will change with time as he consumes tougher stone.

Heavy as a Rock: As Grumble has recently been eating a conglomeration of predominantly Quartz / Feldspar / Limestone / Dolerite he would have an average weight of 169 lbs. per cubic feet based as his body takes on the composition. His overall volume is approximately 17.22 sq. feet/ 1.6sq. m given his height and mass. As such his current weight is approximately = 2910lbs /1.31 (metric) tonnes. Due to this he is very difficult to move if he does not want to be moved. This is in keeping with his natural reaction to aggression which is to roll into a defensive ball and wait for the aggravation to leave.

Earth-Sight: Despite being physically blind Terran have complete vision underground. Contact with stone and earth allows them to see in every direction including above and below. This is based on their knowledge of the language of stone. Normally this would allow them to see over great distances however the stone on the surface is weathered from its interaction with the elements and this confuses and muffles the familiar voice of stone. As such Grumbles range of vision is much reduced initially on reaching the surface and he is able to see 100m in all directions.

He can increase his range by waiting still and silent, listening to the Earth the longer he listens the more of the voice of stone he can pick out as he becomes more familiar with the accented language of the surface stone.

• Waiting for 5 min increases the range to 125m
• Waiting for 15 min increases the range to 150m
• Waiting for 30 min increases the range to 200m
• Waiting for 1 Hour + increases the range to a maximum range of 250m.

Grumble however cannot sense that which is not touching the ground so he is blind to everything that is in the air. He can however sense the weight and feel of shadow on stone within a range of 100m (150m if he has been listening to the stone for longer than 15min) and so can sense anything that could feasibly cast a shadow within that range. This however means that he is completely blind to all that is above him during the night unless the moon casts a shadow.

black shadow
01-30-15, 09:10 AM
Grumple, looks goo man. you are APPROVED!