View Full Version : Necropol

01-31-15, 08:15 PM
Name: Skova Kleve
AKA: Sabine Kleve
Age: Unknown. 16-21.
Race: Half-Orc
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150
Occupation: Assassin

Personality: Taciturn, stoic, detached, professional. She is a trained and capable liar and emotionally convincing performer, but her default state is one of poised control. When the facade slips, it's usually fury that lies beneath.

Appearance: Tall, lean, and muscular. She can pass for an unusually athletic human woman from a fair distance, but a second glance makes her orcish heritage plain. Her skin is a grayish shade between olive and slate. Her eyes, wide and slanted, are a pale, wolfish yellow - gemlike, reflective, and rimmed in deep shadow. The bones of her face are both high and well-defined, her nose small but broad. Her savage blood most betrays her at her mouth and ears. Her mouth is wide and full-lipped, with small tusks protruding from beneath her lower lip at the corners. Her ears, likewise, are goblinoid: large, leaf-shaped, and pointed - difficult, of course, to hide behind even the thickest black hair.

History: Much of Skova's past is unknown even to her. She has remote memories of a relatively happy childhood in the far south of Salvar, and of her parents. She remembers a plague, and riots, and losing her parents. She knows that something happened in the interim - something big, something traumatic - but the details are lost to her. At some point she fell in with a small but successful Killer's Guild, where she was trained, and that brought her inexorably into the soulless and friendless world of contract murder.

And that's where she lives today.


Stealth: Skova is extensively trained in the art of going unnoticed. She knows how to disappear in a crowd, to render a cloak out of shadows, to keep still, and to act in near-silence.

Anatomy: Skova is up-to-date on any and all scholarship pertaining to the anatomy of every known sentient race in Althanas.

Alchemy (Poisons): Skova is trained in formulating and administering hundreds of varieties of poisons and their antidotes.

Streetwise (Underworld): Skova is trained and experienced in seeking out and fitting in with underworld figures in urban environments.

Free-running: Skova is a lithe acrobat, quick on her feet, and a dexterous climber. She is a skilled escapist in urban environments.

Combat: Skova's approach to battle favors the shortest possible encounter. She fights to distract, disable, and kill, and to escape in the event of failure.


Lichborn: Skova can't stay dead. Should she die, she will return to life sometime within twelve hours, usually not far from her remains. She does not reoccupy her body: indeed, the flesh of her corpse crumbles away to dust, but the bones are always left behind. She has seen her own skull dozens of times. Death is not cheated lightly, however: Skova always returns from death disturbed, weak, exhausted, and unsteady. It takes at least a week for the assassin to fully recover from the ordeal.

Blade of the Ancestors: Skova can summon a phantasmal tomahawk from the ether at will and wield it with great proficiency. The weapon glows with a ghostly blue-green light and seems half-formed from ectoplasm and mist, but it is nonetheless a manifest tool as sure as the oak, stone, and iron it appears to be constructed from. Skova can dismiss the weapon from reality at a whim, but doing so means she cannot summon it again for about five minutes. If Skova summons the weapon when it is already manifest, it will attempt to return to her hand with the same force as if it had been thrown by her.

Skova's body reacts strangely to the tomahawk's presence: wherever on her body the blade comes in close proximity to is rendered ethereal. When she holds it in her hand, for example, her fingers become skeletal claws wreathed in eldritch mists that reach all the way to her forearm. To anyone else (thus far), the tomahawk acts and feels just the same as any other orcish tomahawk, despite appearances.

Wraithstep: Skova's spiritual connection to her ancestors' weapons is so deep that she can use it to temporarily slip into the firmament to reunite with them. This is, effectively, the ability to teleport. However, she can only teleport to a conjured weapon. For example, she could toss her tomahawk through an open window, and then appear wherever the weapon lands on the opposite side. She cannot be detected by the unaided, mundane eye while in transit using this ability, but magically inclined individuals with the ability to detect spirits will be aware of her movement as if she were a wraith. Skova needs to charge this ability over a long period (four posts) before she can use it, and she requires a longer period of time (six posts) afterward to gather her strength to use it again.


Leather Armor: Skova owns a set of light studded leather armor, black, optimized for stealth. It offers minimal protection against cuts and slashes to the vitals and forearms, and favors tight cloth to facilitate silent movement, and a veil to obfuscate her most identifiable features.

black shadow
01-31-15, 08:32 PM
So I'm afraid teleportation at level one is very rare, and always extremely weak ad it gives quite an advantafe in battle. That being said, wraithstep is a bit too powerful.the being said, could you please maybe have a time it takes to teleport be around 5 to ten minutes? I believe that will be all.

01-31-15, 08:49 PM
Do you mean five minutes between casts, or it takes five minutes for her to appear after disappearing?

Would it be acceptable to limit the number of times she can teleport in a combat situation? Say, she can only teleport twice in a fight, maybe?

(No is acceptable, I'm just trying to see where the limits are)

black shadow
01-31-15, 10:11 PM
It would be more of it would take 5 minutes for her to teleport. The actual disappear and reappear would be instantaneous, but say like she throws her tomahawk at a tree. She wants ti teleport there? The tomahawk has to be there 5 Minutes before she can actually do so. as you level you can of coarse up this. As for use limits, probably 2 per battle.

01-31-15, 10:26 PM
Hmm, okay, do I need both limits or just one or the other? Like, would a limit of two per battle be enough for level 1, or does it need the five minute time limit too?

black shadow
01-31-15, 11:35 PM
It would have to be both, though most battles don't last more than 10 minutes ICly, so the use limit would really only effect quests. You could make it a "needs 7 posts to recharge, 4 for initial use" which would help with a battle situation while keeping it good for quests to o. Just to throw in some more suggestions.

02-01-15, 12:17 AM
Edited that in.

black shadow
02-01-15, 01:20 AM
Alright, that will be all. You are officially APPROVED!