View Full Version : Pricecheck on the Colossus Aisle

02-04-15, 03:58 PM

I'd like to see how far about 89,000 gold will get me for commissioning a huge statue out of marble. I mean huge. Big, big statue. Marble. We can talk details, but I need to know just how big this statue can get. It's got to be stable, no silly catches or shoddy workmanship.


Jack Frost
02-05-15, 12:08 AM
Ok so you gave me a freakin headache with this one. You could afford 1.6K "Units" of marble or so, and it would be 9k gold for labor costs. At this point im not sure what the exact weight of a "unit" is but we could argue if it was in ponds you'd be bordering on a Ton of Marble, if it was Killograms you'd be close to two tons. That being said your statue is 1/100th the weight of the statue of liberty.

However if you were to opt for bronze ALA the colossus of Rhodes you could afford twice as much, and if you mimicked the construction style I Imagine you could make it a great deal bigger.

02-05-15, 12:20 AM
Fantastic work. I'm not much of a builder myself, so it may very well be easier to cast materials instead of chiseling them. I'd like for the (ample) funding to go as far as possible of course, so a huge bronze-cast colossus would be way better. Less goes to waste, too. Bronze would be far, far easier to repair (should it be necessary) after all. In terms of height, how big are we talking?

This is exciting. I feel like a real philanthropist, y'know? Contributing something significant to the art world. Creating jobs? Everyone benefits. Then we can charge admission! Just think of the splendor!

EDIT: And to save you a bit of time, I'd like to offer a 500gp tip for your trouble for such a big project. So, try to keep it at or under 89,500 tops.

Jack Frost
02-05-15, 02:36 AM
You see the problem with the nature of this project is how little precedent there actually is for this. So with the previous numbers discussed it would provide you with 3.2K units of bronze. Looking at that we get about four tons of bronze. Now the original colossus of Rhodes was destroyed before any actual measurements were done but authorities on the subject say it stood roughly 30 meters tall. However it was constructed out of bronze plates roughly 1 inch thick at the base and it got thinner towards the top where it didn't need to support as much.

The statue of liberty is also only 46 meters tall. Given these factors we're looking at about a building 1/50th of the weight of the statue, which was made out of a less dense copper. Given the proximity in size of these two buildings we can say the weighed roughly the same, the statue of liberty weighing about 1.5 times more. However when we go to looking at the cost of the statue of Liberty it cost 250 grand (With inflation probably something more towards a million?) Now with this in mind I propose your wealth to be able to produce either feat should you so choose. The cost of the labor and the frame for the statue will come out of the 9k Construction cost, whilst the other 80K will be for buying bronze.

Is this ok with you? I'm no engineer but your funds in the grand scheme of the game seem to warrant this. To give this a sense of scale you could buy approximately 66 Preveilda longswords with this money. You could arm almost half the site, I think a statue is no big deal in the grand scheme of things.

Max Dirks
02-05-15, 06:08 PM
Ithermoss, I'll be taking this over. Let's talk about this VIA PM.

02-05-15, 10:05 PM

Max Dirks
03-07-15, 07:06 AM
Archiving pending release of the content submission system.