View Full Version : Blood on the Blade

02-04-15, 07:51 PM
Sands blasted across the tent at high speed, the footsteps outside drowned by the storm. Flecks of grainy irritant scurried inside when the flap tore open, then splashed on the floor like water when it quickly shut again. "Bury me," the shopkeeper cursed as his ill-timed customer slowly peeled away the cloth that protected his face. "What possessed you to come this far out during a sandstorm?"

Cerulean eyes peered out from beneath the tightly wound garb and the traveler mouthed a reply, but it was muffled by layers. Several unraveled strands of cloth later, Alkor tried again. "A sword," he rasped, voice dried out by thirst. "The town nearby turned me away. One man was kind enough to point me here."

"Not much love for fair skin in Fallien," the merchant nodded in empathy, "but coin is a universal language. No competent salesman turns away good gold. What sort of blade do you seek?"

The assumption that he was foreign bit the swordsman, but he never fought it. In Fallien, men born with his complexion were often ostracized. Women in his position garnered blessings and love, "kissed by moonlight," or "skin like fresh snow." Alkor was just a white-man, like every outlander who visited Irrakam. "Katana," he grunted, "the sort they forge in Akashima."

"Yes, yes, I know the type," the merchant replied hurriedly, and he began to rummage through his goods. "It may be a moment..." the older man called back as he dove into a mountain of unsold goods and trinkets.

Alkor unfastened the tulwar from his waist and placed it deftly on the counter. "When you find one, I'd like to know how much I could get for a trade. I know this blade lacks the quality of such a weapon, but its a good sword. I can pay the difference..."

(I'd like to price a Titanium Katana, sans the cost of the iron Tulwar if applicable?)

Jack Frost
02-06-15, 09:05 PM
After several minutes of sifting through the odds and ends the merchant had been keeping he was on the verge of giving up. “I’m not too sure if we have any more of those Akashima blades…” he frowned for a moment before turning back to the man. Right as he began to walk back towards the stranger a mountain of metal seemed to collapse behind him. Scowling he turned to the mess.

“Bah!” he growled as he glanced at the hours of cleanup he would have to do. It was then he noticed a hilt poking out from the various orbs of protection and gears of gadgetronics some Aleraran had managed to con him into selling. “Could It be…” he muttered as he pulled the sheathed blade from the junk. “AHA!”

The man turned set the Katana down on the counter between the two of them. “One genuine Titanium Katana, straight from the forges of Akashima herself.” He exclaimed. “Normally this beauty of a sword would be…” he paused to count on his fingers “Six hundred and seventy five gold.” He took a moment to eye the iron blade. “I can call that…seventy gold off the top of the price…”

He paused for a moment. “Sound fair?”

02-06-15, 09:44 PM
"Aye," Alkor muttered as his fingers traced the blade that had come from his father's forge. The tradition of blades indigenous to the desert was rooted deeply in his blood, but he had no urge to perpetuate the trend. Alkor had never been fond of the station and status that his birthright sought to dump on him, magical or otherwise. He was a swordsman first, and no blade was quite so fit for cutting as an Akashiman keen edge. "That sounds plenty fair, I think."

He reached back and fumbled absently around his clothes. With a scowl, Alkor tugged the jug from his waist and shook it idly in front of the shopkeeper. "Cheers," he managed to say as he pried the cork loose with his teeth. "Let's drink to your health."

The vagabond poured a stream of amber fluid down his throat. With an obnoxious gulp, he lowered it and offered the ale to the older man.

Cards of Fate
02-10-15, 02:03 PM
The older man took in gently in his hands and took a swig before offering it back to the pale skinned stranger before deciding the chat up the man. Outsiders did not get much love in these parts and he imagined he hadn't had a good conversation in a long while.

"Where are you from?" he asked pulling up a stool to sit down on and gestured to another stool on his side of the counter. "Your accent tells me you hail from nearby but you weapon choice tells me that you have traveled a bit no?" he said gesturing to the blade. "Tell you what..." the man started chewing his lip. "It's been a while since I've heard a good story and chances are you're one of the only people I'll get to sell this sword to in a while...tell me a story and I'll knock some gold off the top on your blade. Deal?"

02-12-15, 08:09 PM
Alkor leaned across the desk toward the older man and slowly placed down a pouch of gold for him to assess. "I'm afraid I don't have quite so many adventures to speak of as I'd like to," he told the proprietor honestly, "but I'll make sure that when I do, I come back and tell them to you. For now, I'll offer you the full amount and take the blade in even trade. If you like, I'll sit and chat with you for a while, though."

He knew loneliness all too well. As a kindness, he sat at the edge of the table and offered the ale to his new friend once more. "I wouldn't mind spending a few hours with a spot of company. Better than sandstorms."

The old man muttered, "yes, better than sandstorms," as he counted the gold piece by piece.

Take 400 gold from Alkor and 205 from Tobias Stalt. (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17202-Tobias-Stalt)

Cards of Fate
02-14-15, 11:48 PM
Transaction complete

400 To be taken from Alkor and 205 from Tobias Stalt

Please link back here as proof of purchase

Max Dirks
03-07-15, 07:11 AM
400 GP removed from Alkor.
205 GP removed from Tobias Stalt.