View Full Version : The Spellpunchers

02-10-15, 02:15 PM

So here's what I'm looking for. I need a set of steel knuckledusters with quarter-inch mythril spikes on the ends of each of the individual "knuckles".

I need both of these babies enchanted so that when they come into direct contact with a projectile spell--say a fireball or an ice bolt or what have you--the spell is reflected back towards its caster at the same velocity and power it made contact with.

What will the price be on these?

02-11-15, 11:01 AM
Price would be 1,032g per duster.

Stipulations being it only works on projectile spells and has a fatigue level. Let's say 3 projectiles (up to a meter in width) with a cooldown of one minute per use. Anything excessively large (2+ meters) would break past the reflective barrier. Spells in between 1-2 meters will use a larger fraction of power and reflect at slower rates of fire. Cannot be used against AOE or DOT spells. May be used to "shatter" illusion and deception spells.

That work for you?

02-11-15, 11:06 AM

02-11-15, 11:12 AM
2,064g to be deducted from BlackandBlueEyes.

Please link this thread where proof of purchase is applicable.

02-11-15, 11:14 AM
Gp deducted.