View Full Version : A metal of mettle

The Mongrel
02-10-15, 09:23 PM

I'm looking to upgrade a steel shortsword and a pair of iron daggers into mythril. How much would that run me? And how much more for an ever-sharp enchantment on the sword?

Cards of Fate
02-10-15, 11:03 PM
How much sharper are you looking for the sword to be? Or are you simply looking for an enchant to make sure the blade never dulls?

Alydia Ettermire
02-10-15, 11:07 PM
Just that it never dulls. Mythril holds its edge pretty well anyway, so the enchant might be needless.

The Mongrel
02-11-15, 11:23 AM
Actually, forget the enchant.

02-15-15, 01:22 PM
To upgrade each dagger is 340g.

The sword is 645 to upgrade.

Total upgrade cost of 1,325g.

The Mongrel
02-15-15, 01:24 PM
Sword only, please and thank you. Forget the daggers.

02-15-15, 01:28 PM
Done, I will deduct the gold shortly.

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