View Full Version : Wardrobe Change

02-11-15, 12:26 PM
I would like to sell the contents of my inventory (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26331-The-Maester-Janelle-(Arden-Level-8)&highlight=), sans The Fang.

02-24-15, 03:21 PM
Apologies for asking, but might I request this be looked at? I appreciate circumstances are difficult presently.

Max Dirks
02-24-15, 04:27 PM
So needy! Seriously though, I apologize for the delay.

Total trade in value for the equipment is 1286 GP. You might be able to find a better deal in the Black Market for your enchanted equipment.

04-03-15, 07:00 AM
Do you want to continue with this transaction Arden?

04-15-15, 04:53 AM
Yes please. I'd then like to purchase items with the new gold (once added).

04-15-15, 08:35 AM
What do you want to buy? We can do both at once.

08-19-15, 08:42 AM

08-19-15, 02:03 PM
I'd like to upgrade The Fang, which is as follows:

The Fang: An unbreakable prevalida blade. It draws blood into the hilt. Wounds caused by the blade bleed excessively.

Highest metal upgrade possible and then I'd like to make it animated - the blade should dance with blood patterns that resemble hounds and it should bark and snarl when swung. (Arden can control the noises).

Much love <3

09-05-15, 08:04 AM
Prevalida is the highest metal you can buy from the bazaar (you can quest for adamantine).

Given the metal is the same, it will cost 450 for the upgrade :D

Which means you're currently up 836 if we take into account the sale and purchase.

09-05-15, 12:31 PM
Boots that make no noise when walking or can mimic the sound of an adult bloodhound's footsteps instead!

09-06-15, 05:26 AM
You're looking:

Magim Beast:
Basic small boots with the enchantment: 150
Thick heavy combat boots: 300

Arctic Beast:
Basic small boots with the enchantment: 300
Thick heavy combat boots: 600

Basic small boots with the enchantment: 450
Thick heavy combat boots: 900

09-06-15, 05:31 AM
Bottom ones please!

09-06-15, 05:41 AM
Transactions made, Arden gains:

Drakescale Heavy Boots: Enchanted so they make no noise when walking or can mimic the sound of an adult bloodhound's footsteps instead.

(Feel free to alter this description to add colour.)

Plus some pocket change!