View Full Version : Round 1 Group 4

Silence Sei
02-15-15, 12:04 AM
Round lasts for 2 weeks! Good Luck!

02-15-15, 03:18 AM
Red. Everything was red. It was more than a shallow coat or the odd spray of blood; the entire forest was drenched with it. It had seeped into the leaves, the bark and even many of the animals. It was impressive the first time you saw it. In fact many words could be used to describe the forest; wondrous, awe-inspiring, breath-taking, but never beautiful. Red was the colour of Podë, the colour of stolen beauty. Any that had visited the forest knew of the dangers that lurked within, because nature stripped of beauty is primal and savage. Creatures has been twisted just as much as the trees, and even the cutest, cuddliest of the lot was deadly.

Talen had visited the forest many times over the years. Most of the time it was idle curiosity the others it was in search of the unique flora or fauna by some request. This time was different, this time Talen was here for himself. The months had not been kind to the child Ixian Knight. Since the war he had stayed away from the Ixian Castle, determined to find meaning in the slaughter that was the war on the icy isles. Instead he had failed even further, and Kyla Orlouge had died. These thoughts were too painful to face, and so the child continued his sojourn away from the Ixian Castle and set his sights on the nefarious Madison Freebird.

The poisonous Madison was known for many things, and unknown for quite a bit more. One thing was clear to the little knight, she was chasing in the footsteps of Podë. That is what brought Talen to the forest. It was the most condensed part of Podë’s curse as it had been the most beautiful it was now the most grotesque. What Talen hadn’t realised was how awkward his timing was. In the last few months the tainted continent had stirred with unusual activity. For the first time in a cruel history forces started to rally to attempt to throw off the curse.

This twist of fate was the both cause that gave Talen the opportunity to find Freedbird, and an obstacle. Antisocial, yes, but stupid, no. When Talen had the opportunity to either enter the forest by himself or take some people with him, the answer was clear. That is what brought the child to his current position, standing on the edge of the red forest with his make shift team.

The youth wasn’t one to change how he dressed for something as simple as a trek through a cursed forest. His black t-shirt and pants were loose fitting and somewhat frayed. His small stature and very young appearance played into his apparent of defencelessness. It was only the sheer force of will behind his blue eyes that presented a different picture. As was his way, he carried with him no other belongings or weapons. Just two small pale arms and his magic.

02-15-15, 12:56 PM
The air around the forest grew heavier and heavier to Harold as he approached the edge of the forest. He had been one of many apparently contacted to try to handle a bad situation, before it could grow worse. He didn’t know what the distinctly uncomfortable feeling to the atmosphere was, but it was setting his teeth on edge as he headed towards the location that he had been given as where he would be meeting the rest of his group. It wouldn’t do for him to be overly late in this new world, he didn’t know people’s standards of decency in regards to things like that.

His thoughts abruptly stilled as he crossed an unseen threshold, one that sent shivers down his spine as he took in the devastation around him. The feeling in the air that had been grinding at his awareness had multiplied to the point where it was all he could do to think clearly at the moment, so taken aback by the potent energies in the area. Then his other senses caught up with the magic sense he was trying to develop, and he shuddered. Unlike the others who lived in this place, he wasn’t accustomed to the taint - which had only been attributed to a name, one he didn’t recognize. Nor was he used to the results of the taint. All around him, or at least in the area before him across the strange threshold that he had passed, the forest was visibly twisted and malformed.

Gone were the gentle shades of brown and green that he had grown accustomed to as he traveled here. No more were the trees in the familiar leafy shapes that were so similar to his homeworld’s. Now branches like thin skeletal hands, reaching out and grasping, were drenched in red leaves that hung like an oozing ichor from the nearly black wood they clung to. The sounds of the forest, which had been falling away as he approached, vanished entirely, leaving a stillness that Harold was all too familiar with. This place was heavily tarnished by something malicious, malignant, something that was quite happy with death and decay filling its vessel to the brim. There was no way he would be trusting any of the animals he might find in this place, he could barely bring himself to trust the very environment.

He shifted his grip on his staff and looked around for the people he was supposed to be meeting. Only a rough time and place had been given, he didn’t know if he’d be the last one to actually arrive, or if he’d need to set up some kind of encampment to wait for the others. Then he saw someone near the ‘safe’ line of trees, a young boy who looked not much older than ten or twelve years old. Harold felt the hairs on the back of his arm rise up as he looked toward the child. Something there was not as it seemed, and given those he had worked with in his home, he knew better than to trust appearances. Still the young figure appeared non-hostile, so he settled for a wait and see approach until he knew more. Besides, the young one didn’t set unease into his bones the way the very forest around them did, so he wasn’t going to cause problems. Harold nodded to the boy as he checked his staff then the few rough writing implements he currently have, then ran through a mnemonic of the runes he currently could use in combat as he and the other waited for the rest of their group to bring themselves out of the forest.

02-16-15, 12:12 PM
“So you’re off then?” Vincent asked as the white winged angel rose from his makeshift seat. Both men were members of the Tarot Hierarchy and as such were drafted into the conflict of the Red Forest. The barren plains surrounding the tainted brush had become quite the tent city as more and more men flock to the cause. Having the luxury of living so close Vincent had arrived on the scene early and made camp before the virtual tent sea set up around him.

“Yeah,” Ioder said as he tilted his flagon back to get the last sip of ale. Licking his lips, Ioder set his drink on the barrel they were using as a table and made for the door. “I have to meet Talen now. You know I haven’t seen him since our citadel match. But I was sure happy to see him earlier.” Ioder stopped just before leaving. “You know I’m glad the people are finally rallying for a cause. It’s nice to see so cumulative good for once.” Ioder hadn’t thought about it much until now but the last few years had been nothing but war and disaster.

“Be safe.” Vincent was quick to the point. They both agreed when they decided to take part on behalf of the Tarot that this was not worth their lives. That they both would come back, and come back alive. Casting aside the sheet covering the entrance to his tent Ioder took off to meet with Talen Shadowwalker. Carefully Ioder glided above the tops of the tent city that glowed as the sun slowly started to set. The sounds of blacksmiths hammering against steel resonated through the sounds of merrymaking.

It only took a few moments before Ioder broke the barrier of the tent city. He had been contacted by the Ixian Knight to be a guide of sorts seeing as Ioder lived in the very heart of the forest. He by now knew the forest like the back of his hands. He has studied how the monsters of the forest hunted, where they hunted, and what to avoid if need be. As the winged angel crested of a large hill the forest came into view. Not often did Ioder look from the outside. Talen along with a few others were happily set up just on the edge of the forest. Riding the wind Ioder landed just outside their little encampment.

It’s been a long time since I saw Talen last, Ioder though back to when he fought against Talen long ago. Before Ioder had developed his powers and joined the Tarot. wonder if he will notice I’ve gotten much stronger. Approaching the group Ioder concealed his wings, his identity, and with a stride he walked into camp. He was going to make himself comfortable until Talen’s squad was all here, it seemed like they were still missing someone. Ioder didn’t mind taking a second to relax at the fire that someone had so graciously made with they waited for everyone to arrive.

Mage Hunter
02-17-15, 05:07 AM
“Come along, I'm to take you to General Shadowwalker. Stop dragging your feet, I want to be home already,” The voice held a harsh tone, as if the sentiment had been repeated for the umpteenth time. A look of exasperation crossed his face as the man turned to his cohort. A sword was on his hip, and chainmail rested upon his chest. These were the only nods to the fact he was a warrior. Were one to look upon his frail frame or the brown greasy hair, one could have said scholar instead.

They probably would have been right.

Behind him was a true warrior, lithe toned muscles taut under purple toned skin. Amethyst eyes glowered at the man as she resolutely walked, her arms before her, shod in manacles. The only protection she was offered was armor of some artic beast, dyed black for more stealthy scenarios. She seemed more keen on the scenery than where she was going blindly trusting her guide, or not caring if they got lost. Her long black hair was in a warriors braid, dutifully trailing down her back.

Red, in many shades and subtly entwined in everything. Red was the only way to describe the forest. When Leiutenant Verranya, now a captain the Drow idly chastised, had told her of the place and only described it as red, the Mage Hunter's reaction had been skeptical. Now that she had seen it with her own eyes, it was not only apt, but she would be hard pressed to describe any better. It was as if the world had forgotten other colors existed in favor of a dizzying cornucopia of red hues.

It was a silent reminder that the Red Witch owned these woods.

Continuing to trudge through the forest the girl finally looked over the man, seeing the sack he carried and longing to just take it from him. The rest of her gear, from her swords to her bow resided in that sack. To not be armed made her feel naked, but given her promise to Sei to gut every Ixian knight she caught while armed, a prudent measure of security.

She had to remind herself, that Sei Orlouge had not been as foolish as she predicted.

Moving through the forest she calmly took in the surroundings. The subtle nausea she felt was already telling her using her ability to visually inspect aura's would be useless here. The aura of magic was subtle, yet omnipresent. There would be no need to detect what she knew, strong magic of the kind that enchants, Pode's calling card if she were to surmise. The Drow was certain that marking her victims a brilliant shade of red was just one more step on making sure of the Forgotten One's, she was not the group's namesake.

“I feel like I am reading one of Zidane Cecil's plays, repetitive and dull, hurry up. I want to get out of here quickly!”

“It's too late,” The words held a cold finality. A proclamation from the otherwise silent Drow. The Knight turned to face her before he huffed and shook his head;

“Threats already? I wish Sei gave me the word so I could just make your mind implode on itself. Be easier to drag you to Talen than listen to you talk and watch you drag your feet anymore. Hurry it up, by the Thayne you're slow!”

“The gods have nothing to do with what's here. If I were to guess, Pode forced them out of these woods,” The drow continued to muse. “I give you four hours after you leave till you're dead. Probably a magically enhanced bear, or possibly squirrel food, given your skill.”

Her captor was not amused.

The remainder of the journey into the woods was blissfully silent as the Drow continued to look, before they happened on a group of people. Two were human looking men, the third a small boy. The knight seemed to see the boy and breathed a sigh of relief before he called out, “General Shadowwalker, so good to see you. I have a present for you from Lord Orlouge. This is the reformation teams newest convict, Drusilia Liadon, former Kyorl and a member of the Dawnbringers, who defeated Xem'Zund.”

The Drow gave a rather hostile glare at the man's back after mentioning the last part. He seemed to not notice the act before he said, “Would you like the key to her shackles and her gear? I was to report back to Castle Ixia after I delivered the prisoner...”

02-18-15, 05:12 AM
Talen winced at the title general. It wasn’t so much the shot of respect that hit him, it was the underlying association. With his face still carrying somewhat of a scowl he looked at Drow. He didn’t hide his eyes moving up and down her, nor the smirk at her apparent dislike of the situation.

“You may go guide, leave her stuff,” said Talen as he turned his attention to Ioder.

“…but she’s dang-“

“If she can kill me she’ll have my thanks,” said Talen, twisting his blue eyes back to the guide.


Talen held up a hand and cut him off again.

“Never mind,” said Talen as he paused to press his thumb into the dip between his eyes and nose, “Stay or go, die or live, I care not.”

It was clear that the little warrior’s patience was being tested, and even under his mattered hair his eyes cracked with blue fire. The Guide swallowed back his fear and dumped the sack before leaving.

“Ho, Ioder,” said Talen, his voice lightening a little bit, but not completely.

Behind the Drow and Angel , another man came forward. The arrival of the others had pushed him to approach, and Talen shot him a glance.

“Alright my pack of misguided fools, I’ll be doing the misguiding today!” said Talen, with glint of smugness as he shot the group a smile at his play on words. There were only silent stares back. Unperturbed, Talen lifted a hand towards the middle of the forest.

“We head straight till midday. Then we make a decision as to come back or continue. If we’ve all died by then, well the decision will be easy.”

Talen waved a hand dismissively as he started to walk. He didn’t care to answer questions, or even know their names. Perhaps if they were alive in half an hour he’d ask. The track, if it could be called one, was about a metre wide. The trees crawled along the sides, with jagged and twisted limbs reach towards them. Talen was mostly untouched by the branches thanks to his smaller size, but it was not so easy going for his rag-tag team.

02-18-15, 04:25 PM
Harold watched quietly, leaning on his staff as he watched two more people approach and join them. Much like the child who he was still feeling unnerved by, the first arrival looked human, but had an air of something else about him, something that was distinctly more, and most certainly not human. But he couldn’t tell if that was something to do with the man himself, or if it might have been an item or weapon that the new arrival carried with him. He seemed to know the boy though, and gravitated towards the younger arrival, barely sparing a notice of Harold’s presence, though he remained silent at the time.

The Rune-wielder looked around the forest near them quietly as he took in the unsettling hues of the forest around them. The newest arrival had come out of the trees quietly, which spoke of a familiarity with the woods, which he wasn’t sure he was comfortable with - this place was most assuredly cursed by something, and anyone who could feel at home here was either very, very strong, or very, very twisted in some way. Harold hoped to himself that it was the former and not the latter for the sake of his own sanity and the safety of himself and whoever was working with them.

Then the peace of the forest was shattered by a brazen voice calling out a greeting to a general, and Harold’s attention whipped around from his perusal of the forest to rest on the speaker. It was a soldier, and … sadly from looking at him, Harold could almost tell that he was nearly useless, and why he had been assigned to thei- then Harold’s gaze caught a flicker of movement and he saw the person standing to the side of the soldier, and both his eyebrows shot up.

He had seen the dark skinned beings here before, and learned that they were called ‘Drow’ in this world, but this was the first time he had seen one up close. There were some definite physical resemblances to the ones that he knew who bore an approximation of that name, though the race here was far more humanoid than the spider-bred creature he had known. He tilted his head to one side, studying her because much like the others in his group, something was very off about her, though again, he couldn’t tell what it was. There seemed to be something hanging in the air around her, and it was making his hair stand on end. But he was able to tell something just from studying her while the guard and the apparent general - the boy - argued.

Harold was seriously outgunned by everyone here. His grip on his staff tightened as he looked away, shaking his head in disbelief as the young man - General Shadowalker - proclaimed something about misguided fools, then took off. After asking for the key to the woman’s lock, and her equipment, which were dropped on the ground unceremoniously, and left there. When the boy wandered away, Harold shook his head again and knelt down, rummaging through the sack until he found the key to the manacles that the woman was kept in.

“Here, let me help you with that.” He planted his staff into the soil just enough to keep it upright while he caught it in the crook of his arm, then stepped in front of the Drow woman to unlock her manacles. Once she was free he took the manacles and stared at them distastefully before sighing and dropping them into his bag.

“We’d better try to keep up with the short one, I get the feeling losing track of each other in this place wouldn’t be good for our continued survival. Name’s Harold Linsbaine by the way.” He smiled at her before stepping out from between her and the sack that apparently contained her gear, taking a few steps towards where the boy was walking away though he kept his attention on her in case she responded.

02-18-15, 11:56 PM
“Blast it!” Ioder snapped as a large branch tore through the air smacking him in the face. He hunched over in pain with his hand pressed over his right eye. It seemed as if just taking a simple stroll could be dangerous here. General Shadowwalker chuckled slightly as he turned to see his guide in agony. Composing himself Ioder raised his blade and proceeded to cut at the foliage as he and the company moved.

Their trek in the crimson wood seemed to be going smoothly so far, but Ioder knew too well that even daring to set foot in the forest meant death. The General’s company was small; it needed to be. It seemed as that it was Talen wanted to get in and out without making too much of a racket. Ioder moved up towards the front of the party. Stepping over the over grown roots protruding out of the earth Ioder caught up to their leader.

“It’s been a long time hasn’t it.” He said as he started slashing at the limbs clearing their path for easier travel. “If you even remember a lonesome soul like me.” Truth be told Ioder was happy to see that such a capable person chose to come and lend their assistance to this cause. Their effort to restore the forest back to its natural state was a noble cause; however, he was sure that this was only a front for some who have come. He hoped that this wasn’t the case for Talen. He was going to be one of their best hopes.

Talen shot him a glance and as his lips began to form words Ioder saw it, a sliver of movement. It was like a shadow racing along the forest floor disappearing beyond the layered background. “We met once before right?” Talen spoke, though Ioder was too focused on whatever he saw. Talen’s lips continued yet Ioder heard nothing. For what seemed like minuets Ioder stared past Talen, his mind racing with possibilities. “…ighting in the citadel if I’m not mistaken.” Ioder snapped back.

“Yeah, you right.” Ioder timidly as he returned to the conversation. He leaned in close to Talen, “And I’m sure you’ve noticed all the movement around us like I have.” Ioder whispered as not to alert the entire party just yet.

“Are you worried or something?” he snickered and shot Ioder a sarcastic glare.

“Not in the least.” Ioder sarcastically answered back. Ioder picked up his pace a bit passing up Talen. He knew these woods like the back of his hand; they were far from the House of Cards. While this could be a useful rest area it also meant that they were nearing the hunting ground of the Dur’Taigen.

Mage Hunter
02-19-15, 03:22 PM
“Drusilia Liadon,” The huntress replied coldly as she rubbed her wrists. With her new found freedom she picked up the sack of her gear and began plucking things as she moved to follow Talen Shadowwalker. Silence seemed to reign over the Drow as she plucked items and carefully arrayed herself for battle. First came her long sword on her hip, always the one that carried her null stone. Then she shouldered her pack while holding her bow and the second long sword in her hand.

Once this was accomplished she tossed the ruck sack away. Her eyes always watching about them, always waiting for the first trial to begin. The guard that had been her guide was now stubbornly sticking by Talen, probably as a measure of safety and to protect him from his would be killer. She felt the edge of her lips tug up in a small smirk at the thought. If that man tried to get between her and Talen, she had no doubt in her mind he would fall like the sack she had discarded.

Moving along with the others she stayed back, letting Talen take the lead on their foolish sojourn. Had Drusilia her way she would have met up with the Raiarian forces in the area. The hopes of meeting Captain Verranya was weighing on her mind, but first she had to survive whatever the general was undoubtedly going to lead them in to. Her eyes closed briefly as she shook her head in frustration. While she could just leave, she would be hard pressed to make such an exit and live. For now she needed to know that nothing was watching her.

Moving along the road she considered the human that was polite, unlocking her shackles. Part of her felt a little guilty at the prospect of leaving that man to die, another part of her said that was the rules of the game. Still, she didn't feel to untoward to speak a few tips to her partner in crime, if only to prolong his life; “Be careful what you say.”

She waited a moment to let it sink in before she continued, “This is the Red Witch's domain, you would have to be an idiot to think she doesn't know what we're doing. Even a bigger fool to know she isn't already out there, making deals, corrupting and subverting the adventurers who are coming for her throat. Be mindful of what you say, and even more mindful of what you admit. If it's in your head it will be safe, until she turns her gaze to you. If you are lucky, it won't happen until its too late to take advantage of it.”

Warning sent she continued in silence through the forest. The guard had given Pode some interesting information, but she doubted the Red Witch would be watching her closely, yet. It was possible she had not heard that bit about her being a Dawnbringer. It was also possible that Pode believed herself unassailable by those that had bested her cohort Xem'zund. It was also possible that she had already made contingencies if a Dawnbringer came after her.

Not that Godhand wasn't around to mess with the Red Witch.

She missed Godhand Striker, the man who's opinion she actually valued. He was the consummate soldier, everything she aspired to be as a mercenary. Cool when he had to be, witty when it was allowed. Strong when it was needed, he was what she wanted with her now. Not Talen Shadowwalker, not Ioder, whatever the hell he was, nor was it Harold Linsbane that she required. She wanted Godhand, between the two of them there was no obstacle they could not overcome.

Instead she walked in silence, a quiet moment for the Mercenary that saved Raiarea.

02-20-15, 10:32 PM
The talk was small, simply pleasantries shared among the group. Talen nearly laughed as Ioder mentioned the movement around them. The drow woman's comment was somewhat subdued given their situation, things were not so easy to hide in the Red Forest.

“Drusilia is correct Ioder,” Talen waved a hand vaguely towards the forest, “If you don't know your being watched, then it is likely you're already dead.”

The rest of the conversation was somewhat dampened by Talen's casual reference to their possible deaths. The forest didn't change much as they walked, the track grew a bit wider, the trees somewhat larger. The sound of running water came a few minutes before they could see it. It appeared suddenly, the trees parted and the river appeared before them.

The water was normal, for the most part. The floating red leaves and twigs were off putting, looking somewhat like discarded limbs. The trees spread out along the banks casting shadows across the water, adding to the difficulty in judging depth. In the river it'd be even harder, with littered branches hiding deeper sections and filling the water with tripping hazards.

Talen stopped in his tracks and looked out over the water. The tract offered a ford of sorts, where a shallow crossing could probably be possible.

“Well then,” said Talen as he shot a smile towards the group, “anyone like to take bets on what attacks us when we cross? I'm going to say a crocodile.”

Talen let the smile slide off his face as his demeanour shifted into a more serious stare.

“Ioder, can carry Mr. Staff over? I'll carry the demure Drow,” he said.

Silence Sei
02-21-15, 09:49 PM
((Hysteria has been disqualified for not making the 24 hour deadline. He may still continue to post to advance the story but will not be counted amongst the groups to advance, should this one do so.))

02-23-15, 11:29 AM
“With pleasure General,” Ioder said with a hint of distain. He wasn’t sure if they were trying to make him feel a fool but between the Drow and Talen they did the job. With a brilliant flash of radiant light a beautiful pair of white feathered wings erupted from his back. His bright wings contrasted the red hues of the brush. The mismatched group of comrades didn’t seem to be very impressed by his flashy show, either they didn’t car or had seen things far cooler than him before. Ioder launched himself up into the air with his powerful wings and grabbed hold of Harold’s staff. “Hold on!” he yelled as with a powerful flap of his wings they two took off.

After setting Harold down on the other side of the little river the seraphim did not decent back to the ground. Instead he continued to hover for a moment waiting for Talen to cross over with the Drow woman. As they did Ioder signaled to them, “Im going on. I need to take care of some business ahead.” With those being his last words to the group Ioder took flight once more breaking up through the canopy of trees. The sun was warm on his face as he rose higher and higher up into the clouds above.

Ive been Dqed. My most sincere apologies to you Mage Hunter.

Mage Hunter
02-23-15, 10:09 PM
Sorry team, I'm writing you all out. I was willing to let you guys be a part of this until Ioder got the big DQ. I'm intending to finish this solo and rapidly, so I can't be waiting on posts that may or may not come in a timely manner, especially since Sei said I have to be held to MY time-stamps and not anyone else. If you have suggestions to fix my bunnying you have until twenty four hours from this post to hand them off to me, so I might rectify the situation.

Talen had taken lead again, pushing ever on wards in the forest. No care of subtlety to the effort was given. He had said he was devoted to making them lost souls to this abominable forest, and by the Thayne he was dedicated to that task. When he looked to the Drow expectantly she gave him a level stare for a moment. She waited just long enough for the silence to be awkward before she leaned in and hissed, “Touch anywhere remotely sexual, and you will wish you could remember how to breed.”

The boy laughed a carelessly, almost inviting her to try. The man who was guiding her seemed taken aback that no plan included him. Drusilia looked to her would be watcher before he snorted, “Try not t become squirrel food. I'd hate to lose a bet so quickly.”

Talen let his arms morph, taking on the forms of tendrils, it wasn't until that moment that Drusilia realized what she was dealing with. Talen wasn't a human, not even close he was entirely something else, closer to pure shadow than anything. A mockery of life. It was no wonder he had been so cavalier about the deaths of his comrades, it was hard for things that weren't mortal to care about insignificant things like death.

He lifted Drusilia off her feet and she was glad he had not decided to make his tentacles slick with anything. Part of her tried not to think about where those tendrils were grabbing before more erupted from his back, and he took to the air. A leap that seemed almost like flight resulted in the two of them landing. She quickly extracted herself from the Shadowling and dusted off her clothing, ignoring any smarmy comment the boy would have about her. Moving back into the forest from the exposed banks of the river, Drusilia made sure her gear had not shifted and fell during the brief trip across the water and sighed looking back upon the others. The forest had not seemed overly hostile towards the group of wayward adventurers and she was thankful it had been calm up to this moment.

Of course the moment she had thought of this, she had tempted fate.

Soon one of the trees erupted a rumble echoing across the clearing, "Arrogant creatures! Your deaths will be instantaneous, while we shall suffer the progress of infinitude!"

“I don't think he likes us,” Dru mused dryly. A branch whipped out slapping into Hysteria across his chest. The boy had little to no mass against such a shot and was flung back across the river, while Drusilia drew her blade. The next branch came down and swatted Harold. The human never had the reflexes of a warrior and it showed when he dropped like a sack of bricks. That left Drusilia alone, facing down a tree that seemed to stare at her.

“Pity, I actually liked him,” The Drow said to no one in particular. The tree rose to it's full height before it boomed;

“This is not your grave, but you are welcome in it!”

Mage Hunter
02-24-15, 07:38 PM
The tree was tall and now that Drusilia could actually see it she felt the bottom of her stomach drop to about her boots. Willow, the damn thing was a willow tree. It would be like fighting a cat o nine-tails with reach. Further for the myriad of smaller branches there was a large thick one that would most surely break any bone it touched when swung. The Mage Hunter had her work cut out for her, especially since she knew beyond a doubt she was being watched. "Vith..."

Priorities, she had to focus herself on the priorities. First was that she survive the encounter with the tree, whatever had awoken it. Second, she had to do so using up as few resources as possible, it would do her no good to get to Pode and be dry on the anti-magic she would surely need for fighting a tap infused being. If Xem'zund taught her anything, it was that she needed every edge she could get. Finally there was the prospect of Pode watching the fight and finding out more about Drusilia than she was willing to give away at once.

That was a tall list in and of itself. Even as she came up with it the tree swung bringing it's supple branches in an arc for her chest. Dropping low she scrambled under the grasp of the Treant, and moved closer, hoping to gain some slim advantage. Her sword came down harshly on the wood, and she was rewarded with a cry of alarm, and a few of the branches being shorn. She couldn't count on many more swings being so fruitful, truth was, she would have fared better with an ax than a sword. All she would do is dull her blade in the end, if she didn't stop swinging it at the tree.

It was then that she realized all those priorities focused on one, simple fact.

She never had to kill the treant, technically all she needed was to get past it. With that focus lodged firmly in her mind, she set about her plan to escape the tree and head deeper into the forest. She would have to be light on her resources, and she was determined to only fight to a stalemate with the tree if at all possible. Going all out and killing the tree would give Pode a perfect view of what fighting Drusilia was like, and she was loathe to give her target that much information this early in the game.

Coming up from the dive to the dirt the treant roared and slammed it's branches down, causing the Mage Hunter to roll across the ground, heading closer even as the branches cracked against the ground. A furrow of dirt was all that remained of the solid soil that had once held aloft the Drow. Upon her feet she brought the sword down once again, aiming instead towards the roots of the tree. Cutting into the thicker wood she heard another squeal of agony from the beast before it shuffled away from her.

“I am a timeless chorus. Join your voice with mine, and we shall sing victory everlasting!”

She stopped upon hearing the words. The tree seemed to shuffle further back, out of range of the sword as the drow narrowed her eyes, “Speak your offer.”

“The Red Witch,” It rumbled as if that was all the explanation necessary.

“Let me pass and she's done for,” Drusilia countered.

Branched snapped out, and the drow was forced to jump aside as the wood crashed into the ground next to her, "Of course, you came for her. We exist together now, two corpses in one grave."

“You really are slow if you haven't got this figured out. Why else would anyone come here?”

He seemed to mull over the fact tilting his head pensively and spoke, "Resignation is my virtue; like water I ebb, and flow. Defeat is simply the addition of time to a sentence I never deserved...”

“So you're saying no matter what you're forced to fight for Pode?”

"Do not shoot, but listen! Let me lead you safely... to our foe. Only you can halt... what she has set in motion."

“You have to be an idiot if you think I'm going to take you at face value.”

"Then you will be food; nothing more..."

Drusilia had been using the brief respite from the fight to think things through. It was one thing to parlay with the tree, another to focus solely on that. She had paid enough attention to look like she was actually invested in the conversation, that was when he Kyorl training had kicked in, and she solved the problem, right before the Treant decided to attack. The branches came crashing about and Drusilia only shook her head before she pirouetted, easily dodging the crash of branches. Smaller branches connected to the willow were scraping her, but she was still able to act, the pain being only a minor nuisance compared to the shattering of bone, a true strike would have caused.

Moved into position she sprinted, not even stopping as the tree began a pirouette of its own, to bring a branch across her chest. Another tuck and roll saw her clear the branch, with little room to spare. Next to the trunk of the treant, she waited for the next step of her plan. The treant, realizing that she was too close and that he couldn't swat her when she was that close to him rumbled, “"Submit! End your torment and my own!"

“I have important work to do, if you insist on trying to kill me, we'll be at it for days.”

The tree almost visibly sighed at the comment before the branches returned to a more natural position, "Time... has taught me patience!”

“Yeah I was banking on that,” The Drow replied before she sprinted deeper into the woods. The tree had visibly rested itself, waiting for her to make her move, and she had decided then to rush out. Being free of the reach of the branches the beast roared one final time, its frustration at defeat echoing behind the Drow. Moving through the forest she heard noises, other people where moving through the forest. That meant one thing, either a forward camp had been made, or she had found another group of adventurers.

Either way her journey through the woods was finished.

Moving out into the clearing she covered her eyes, looking at the most glrious sight, armored men moving about setting up tents. The crest of Anebrilith upon their chest gave her hope before one of the men shouted for the captain. Cheers erupted before Drusilia's eyes recovered from the darkened atmosphere in the woods and showed that the Mage hunter had found her allies in the fight against Pode.

Cries were carried upon the wind, giving the Drow a sense of satisfaction.

Mage Hunter
02-25-15, 03:12 AM
Then, then darkness enveloped the area above her head. The land was shifting, changing, and as quickly as hope had been established, it was crushed. The illusion faded as white light sprayed out from Drusilia and she saw not a campsite, but just a small copse in the trees. Laughter filtered through her head before she heard the words of the Red Witch in her mind;

Did you honestly think it would be that easily little hunter?

“A girl can dream can't she?” Drusilia said aloud.

That she can, but of what do you dream Hunter? Is it the largest game in these woods? Is it violating my body with the titanium in your blades? Forged upon Elvish anvils in an attempt to outfit a hero of the Corpse war.

“I have nothing to say you don't already know,” Drusilia continued moving forward, past the copse without even entering it.

I already took three from you, though they may not have the same impact that Godhand Striker's death had upon you. I promise you, by the end of this little game of ours, you will wish you had only lost Godhand. I will make you suffer little Dawnbringer, for poor foolish Zundalon.

“You mean to tell me Blue Raven was actually right about something? Must be a record for him, considering all the idiocy he involved himself in during the Corpse War.”

The wizard Caden Law may have indeed been more arrogant than was necessary, but he was right when he surmised Xem'zund's true nature. That was why he was a Dawnbringer, he brought the light of truth. Even Xem'zund could not deny such a light. Do you know what light you bore into the darkness when you freed this land from my friend's grip?

“Enlighten me,” The words held a dry tone that seemed to suck moisture from the air itself.

You are the light of hope. Wherever you went, you brought hope to the people. Godhand may have begun the fight against the Necrosition, but you allowed him to get every last liche, even felling the Dominion Rapier in your hardest battle yet. You shined a light in the darkness that let people know it existed and that it would one day pierce the night they had found themselves in.

Drusilia didn't even dignify that with a response.

Godhand was the light of fervor. It was the passion that unlife could never have, and how fitting that Hope had fallen for Passion. Did it hurt, to see Godhand die in front of your very eyes?

The Drow continued to walk in silence, refusing to give Pode any more ammunition.


Max Dirks
03-01-15, 12:47 PM
Commentary is limited, but if you have any concerns with the score, I'm happy to provide any of you with my notes.

This was a somewhat boring quest (a trek into the woods) that didn't really pick up until Mage Hunter took over solo. This isn't to say it was horrible, just that the other players were disqualified too early to properly develop the story. Pacing was slow, but steady. Dialouge seemed forced at times, particularly when you were bunnying each others words. Action, as noted above, didn't develop until late. I enjoyed Mage Hunter's conclusion, as it gave both depth to his character and finality to the thread, but when given the choice I opted to give persona a boost for this rather than story or action.

Writing wise, core mechanics were fine. With the exception of some omitted letters or words, your grammar and spelling was mostly intact. However, I have some advanced writing flow concerns. Raytak, in your two posts I noticed you repeated words too often. Indeed, your opening line was "The air around the forest grew heavier and heavier to Harold as he approached the edge of the Forest." We know you're writing in third person personal here. Drop the repeated words to get a solid line. "The air grew increasingly heavy as Harold approached the edge of the forest." Ioder, stop ending your sentences with prepositions! Clarity in this quest was poor. I'll focus on Mage Hunter here because he finished the thread. At one point he mentioned the guard who brought Dru to the encampment was closely following Talen deeper into the woods, though in an earlier post Talen sent the guard off. Perhaps he meant Ioder, who indicated earlier he was participating as a guide. Mage Hunter also referred to Talen in prose once as his screenname, Hysteria. I don't think I've ever seen Hysteria refer to Talen as Hysteria when he's in the youth or any other form. Multiple minor errors like these build up, making the quest difficult to follow. In the future, be sure to read your partners' posts carefully.

The strength in this quest was setting. I really felt the forest come alive, particularly the fighting willow tree with the Ayn Rand persona.

Judgment Group 4

Story - 4
Setting - 7
Pacing - 5
Communication - 4
Action - 5
Persona - 6
Mechanics - 5
Technique - 4
Clarity - 4
Wildcard - 6

Total 50/100

Mage Hunter earns 467 EXP and 50 GP.

03-06-15, 03:08 PM
EXP & GP Added!